
Showing posts from February, 2025

Nuclear fusion books

Waterfall Fusion By Jonathan M Thomason Published Feb 14, 2013 Paperback 5.84 GBP -Due to my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000, I realise that a steam plasma was a carbon zero heat source.  As he smashed use the water molecules into massive heat the motor light and lower power X ray radiation. The academic world was horrified.  As manmade global warming have been no big external source of research funding since 1986, the year in the Chernobyl incident. After a few years uranium nuclear power has paid its academic stooges to develop their summer's fiction of manmade global warming.  The carbon dioxide would accumulate in the air, and have the results on the global climate. That is physics rubbish!  They should have taught with biology.  Who wore are well acquainted with the carbon cycle so pausing the bulk of life on earth. When cretaceous developed in the cretaceous temperate carbon dioxide levels crashed from affairs and parts per milli...

Turbulent steam does nuclear fusion

Like loves CO2 The idea of Dr. Z 2001.  Actually devise by his uncle at Columbia University.  And familiar to every academic on the planet. Before we have a lightning strike, we have a heavy rain or snow storm.  Which geography has noted gives out X ray radiation, heat and they used to the creation of helium ions.  Of issues no chemical source! The turbulence of the precipitation does physical molecular nuclear fusion: when TU, the turnover interaction of precipitation molecules is greater than 1 Whatt. 1 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray When we get a potential builder of 5000 volts, a partial steam plasma links up the cloud tops the ground with a 1.5x2cm a partial steam plasma.  And he locally geography departments have done the experimental measurements for me. The air the creation of 5 tonnes of helium ions as a lightening bolt touches down.  Formed by the fusing of hydrogen molecules to form a helium. My American friend had do the experiments f...

Geography proves nuclear fusion

Nature does nuclear fusion on Earth Around the world has geothermal or steam this case the free atmosphere and we get a burst of X ray emission, as the turbulent steam is doing physical molecular nuclear fusion. Nuclear Fusion By Waterfall By Jonathan M Thomason Published Mar 1, 2013 Ebook 3.00 GBP And global geography professors were ready with a Geiger counter around the steam vent to verify the emission of X rays.  Tragically physics do not bother telling them, I had discovered nature doing physical molecular nuclear fusion around the earth. The turbulent flow of high pressure steam turning the regular water molecules into massive heat, with a little light and even X ray radiation.  Powering all volcanic eruptions and earth quakes around the earth.  As nature does nuclear fusion on earth. 1 (1+r)H₂O+P+TU→H₂O+r(He+O+E+X-ray TU= turbulence Which causes the is getting water to boil off into superheated steam!  Driving the major earth events - on...

Giving the world carbon zero heat and power

CO2 rises in the cold My American contact firm that a non pressurise 30x1.5cm the steam plasma give out a constant carbon 0 1 megawatt of heat.  a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator will freeze a carbon zero, non nuclear 65 kW of three phase mains electricity and. Making into the national grid to sell our excess carbon zero power, will give us an annual income of incredibly enough for 180,000 UK pounds. I will now explain the science!  You can purchase the required generator over the Internet for under 1300 UK pounds.  So the 2000 pound get at them is non nuclear heat and power for ever.  Which pays an absolute fortune! ======================== Before I came to salford quays.  Where my engineer professor them was the strong liberal supporter!  Which is why I stood for election for the liberal democrats as I came to the quays. I was taught the idea of using the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam to do nuclear fusion on earth,...

Make carbon zero petrol

Engineers make carbon 0 petrol Using science there was awarded the 1918 noble prize in chemistry, to Ms Sebatier.  An early 20th century scientist. Who published the culmination of carbon dioxide with steam at 400° C, to form methane, that or gas and oxygen.  And high pressure carbon dioxide and steam unburn. 1 2H₂O+CO₂+T→CH₄+3O₂ T>400⁰C. We are familiar that room temperature pressurise methane and oxygen burn to form carbon dioxide and steam.  The magic of thermodynamics is as a elevated temperature, the reaction reverses! First of all we need a source of carbon zero electricity: as the world there is alcester of carbon dioxide!  The leaving the nuclear science fiction, air carbon dioxide could affect the weather. Green plants' are sucking carbon dioxide during the day to the present temperate limit of two parts per million.  Man carriers additional carbon dioxide, being converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes.  The fossil fuels were...

carbon zero heat and power

Carbon 0 pays a fortune Thank you professor Z Every 3 minutes around the world heavy rain or snow storms set up a lightening strike, as the precipitation turbulence does physical molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+X-ray+E Which is why heavy storms feel electric!  They are setting up positively charged atomic nuclei and free electrons.  Geography is also noted heavy storms give out X rays an energy.  There being no chemical source of X rays!  The storms are doing nuclear fusion. The idea first suggested to me 2001 power professor Z at Sheffield University.  That the turbulent interaction of high pressure water or steam particles did nuclear fusion.  The concept invented by his father at Columbia University in 1976. As free engineers published the work on cold fusion.  So they were all universities on the quiet ever since. I wrote my first paper on nuclear fusion 2001, and he was sincere issue of yet Cambridge University studyin...

Columbia fixes climate change

Columbia sorted nuclear fusion 1895 1986 and Ukrainian nuclear power experienced the Chernobyl incident.  Spraying radioactive waste across Europe.  We could only eat Scottish lamb again five years ago.  As grass concentrates the radioactivity in its biomass.  Eaten by sheep, 1895 and Columbia University published the use of ultrasound to cause the emission of X rays by regular water. 1 H₂O+US→He+O+E+X-ray This science was pointed out to me 2001 five professor Z.  He got a double first from Columbia University in New York.  So the answer is to do nuclear fusion on earth was in the Columbia library. I do some work over the Internet, and used 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound to clear breast, per colon and lung cancers there were at salford quays, where I was busy writing songs and sing on stage. Having recovered from a serious car accident in 1988, I had had to learn to talk again.  An eight us by the singing was averse exercise for my voice.  So...