Nuclear fusion books
Waterfall Fusion By Jonathan M Thomason Published Feb 14, 2013 Paperback 5.84 GBP -Due to my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000, I realise that a steam plasma was a carbon zero heat source. As he smashed use the water molecules into massive heat the motor light and lower power X ray radiation. The academic world was horrified. As manmade global warming have been no big external source of research funding since 1986, the year in the Chernobyl incident. After a few years uranium nuclear power has paid its academic stooges to develop their summer's fiction of manmade global warming. The carbon dioxide would accumulate in the air, and have the results on the global climate. That is physics rubbish! They should have taught with biology. Who wore are well acquainted with the carbon cycle so pausing the bulk of life on earth. When cretaceous developed in the cretaceous temperate carbon dioxide levels crashed from affairs and parts per milli...