Nuclear fusion books
-Due to my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000, I realise that a steam plasma was a carbon zero heat source. As he smashed use the water molecules into massive heat the motor light and lower power X ray radiation.
The academic world was horrified. As manmade global warming have been no big external source of research funding since 1986, the year in the Chernobyl incident.
After a few years uranium nuclear power has paid its academic stooges to develop their summer's fiction of manmade global warming. The carbon dioxide would accumulate in the air, and have the results on the global climate.
That is physics rubbish! They should have taught with biology. Who wore are well acquainted with the carbon cycle so pausing the bulk of life on earth.
When cretaceous developed in the cretaceous temperate carbon dioxide levels crashed from affairs and parts per million, two just one part per million.
Global photosynthesis gobbling up all the.carbon dioxide can get. Too far the major life support system on earth - green plants doing photosynthesis.
1 6CO₂+6H₂O+L→C₆(H₂O)̀₆+6O₂ Lir= infrared light.
This compares with modern photosynthesis, which is better at dumping free radical oxygen.
2 mCO₂+(n+r)(H₂O)+Lir+rO₂+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
So photosynthesis at just uses the infrared light spectrum. And he utilises the power for catalysts are chlorophyll. And will form the carbohydrates of life. Which he use the carbon six. So m=6, m=8.
But the production of carbohydrates is linked to the emission of oxygen and takes in energy. So nature it would not normally happen. If not linked inevitably to biological molecular nuclear fusion going on. r(...). Which results in the emission of a faint blue light winter there is massive energy, and xray production.
There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays. So photosynthesis learned how to do nuclear fusion, bringing on the cretaceous mass extinction and the death of 90% of life on earth.
As carbon dioxide levels fell to just one part per million. In the Jurassic the temperate carbon dioxide level was four PPM. There was 85% more biological life on earth in the warm periods. So he had 85% more biological life.
Except during the three natural ice ages. Cause five predictable solar emission cycles. And within the ice age carbon dioxide levels double to eight PPM. Four times the present carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth in the light.
Above the arctic ice In winter carbon dioxide levels double back to the four PPM we start the Jurassic one periods. As experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth. -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.
So carbon dioxide is a climate follower. Falling into the lower limit in the light summer months. Which today is two parts per million. There is no 400 PPM carbon dioxide globally.
Plants on land and sea gobble up A to carbon dioxide within 5 minutes. Using during the day time to build plant biomass and excrete oxygen. Animals did exist in the cretaceous.
Breathing in the oxygen waste excreted by plants. And combine Eva eton plant biomass. With even fungy breakdown plant and animal biomass, and get at the residual nuclear fusion energy.
Excrete NG the surplus carbon dioxide. Taken in by local plans to increase plant growth during the day.
The fossil fuels were carbohydrates in prehistory. In the mass extinctions of Prix history the plant and animal biology abducted down to the deep. And under the influence of deep earth high temperatures and pressures, broke down the carbohydrates to form carbon dioxide and water. The free radical oxygen falling carbohydrates in the deep. Which he characterised by light and X ray flashes.
3 C₆(H₂O)̀₆+T+P+TU→6CH₄+L+X-ray+(6-r)H₂O+r(He+O+L+X-ray) TU= turbulence, not a rare earth metals.
CH₄ being methane - natural gas. Which is why the deep earth cavities tend to be filled with natural gas. If there is exposed titanium or platinum metals, the methane pollen rises in two fuel oil.
4 16CH₄+Ti/Pt+T+P+TU→C₁₆H₃₄ C₁₆ is petrol. C₁₂ use diesel oil. The use a refinery to confirm that cleared all into purified petrol and diesel.
Which in the end came from life which died in the mass extinctions are prehistory. The air out of of on earth is directly linked to the quantity of organic carbon circling the atmosphere.
So burning fossil fuels since the 18th century, has seen a massive increase of active biological life. The late 20 a century still sall the Jurassic had 85% more active life.
In the warm Jurassic seals were 60 metres lower - as all the natural rain fall was tied up in active biological life. Not running back into the seas after sea evaporation caused by cellar radiation.
Which means that before mankind's industrial revolution of the 18th century global carbon dioxide levels were capped at just two parts per million, by photosynthesis on land and in the seas.
There was extraction and burning of a fossil fuels, has just released C organic carbon that use to V a biological life in prehistory. Within 5 minutes on the temperate land and sea is converted by green plants back into active biological life on earth. No possible climatic effect!
Plant so daytime temperate carbon dioxide levels are at just two parts per million, for last 11.2 thousand years. Burning the fossil fuels just increases life on earth.
Only physicists could be crazy enough killing the man carriers release of carbon dioxide by burning fossilised life, could ever a climatic effect.
Biology has been trying to inform other santis lower photosynthesis Come dioxide into temperate level are just two parts per million, for all recorded history! The carbon cycle means.
Which interestingly enough is how nature does nuclear fusion on earth. The green plants on land and sea emit a faint blue light. And emit X rays. There the UK noble source of neither.
One of the Jurassic ice ages lasted a record 1000 years! Life clinging on the chest around the equator. The ice Baron and lifeless. As the mineral records tells us.
We use radioactive phosphorus dating, which is good for you have 1000 years. Carbon 14 radioactive dating is only good for 5000 years.
And how interesting the plant life releases the X rays, drug raid the carbon isotope within the form the carbohydrates.
So santis have quite happily use carbon dating to date technological engineering done using ward and five is produce five photosynthesis. So photosynthesis is so of radioactive process!
And will return to the fact carbon dioxide has been fixed at just two PPM for all recorded history. Any santis is not and so on the mental health medication, would attest that a static trace gas affects nothing.
So the static trace of carbon dioxide could have no possible effect on the inner cellar system planets. All the inner cellar system rocky planets, that he through to miles just experienced climatic cooling from 1995 until 2023.
Them predictable solar emission cycles dictates that the planets will enter the 828 year warming. Including Mars which does 98% carbon dioxide in the Martian Air. An experienced the usual 28 year period of climatic cooling cause five predictable solar emission cycles.
Physics was scientifically audacious. Daring to talk about biology is carbon cycle. There is a gentle once academic year agreement, that university departments do not talk about scientific areas the province of other scientific disciplines.
Thus physics was not allowed to talk about the carbon cycle! Which it was stupendously ignorant of. Also being totally uninformed about the climate and weather systems of the earth.
The province of meteorology and climatology. The gentleman's agreement exists, to stop apparently rational scientists talking scientific rubbish so area they had no knowledge or interest in.
Carbon is the province of biology. Physics and engineering just about knowing that burning fossil fuels does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
5 CₘHₙ+pO₂+spark→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+L+X-ray)
Eight in there being no chemical source of helium gas, there's a light or X rays. So burning fossil fuels does nuclear fusion. The General Chemical formulafor fossil fuel oil use CₘHₙ.
So man started burning carbon fuels in the 18th century. And the industrial revolution happened as mankind was using nuclear fusion energy. That was biological life on earth utilises, turning infrared light, carbon dioxide and water in the presence of a biological catalysts are chlorophyll, into carbohydrates, excrete NG the surplus oxygen. Releasing light flashes and X rays.
Week and go for a walk in the countryside with a Geiger counter, and measure the position of X rays during daylight hours. At night as plant's take back in some oxygen excreted during the day, and use it to oxidise fats - as usual doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.
Your beating heart also does biological molecular nuclear fusion. So you can take your poles with a fast Geiger counter.
6 CO₂+dP/dT+(2+r)H₂O→CH₄+2O₂+r(He+O+E²+X-ray dP/dT is a chemical notation for the pressure waves caused by a beating animal heart.
As cell mitochondria oxidise the fact struck eating plant biomass, they are also do biological molecular nuclear fusion in a every cell in your body. Stalls are quite important to know.
I sent to appear starting this up in my book 'waterfall nuclear fusion' available on Along with my science faction on my experiences study nuclear fusion at Sheffield University 2000-.
Nature does so much nuclear fusion on earth. Are stone in utilised by the infrared light from cellar radiation. Release by nuclear fusion on the sun's Corona.
He every rain or snow storms also doing physical molecular nuclear fusion. Again using TU, precipitation turbulence to set off the nuclear fusion in her us free atmosphere.
Utilising and producing no radioactive waste.
7 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+Lf+X-ray
Lf being the flashes of visible light caused by heavy rain or even snow showers. Explaining why heavy storms warm the air! Even snow storms.
This explains why heavy storms feel electric. We are producing the positively charged atomic nuclei, the rise to above the clouds layer. The electrons carry the negative charge to the ground.
At 5000 volts nature fires up a lightening bolt, a 1.5km x 2cm steam plasma. At geographers have noted Prix uses five tonnes of helium ions, weather lightening bolt touches down.
Lightening volts also spitting out neutrons. As a hydrogen ions cause five quarter fragmenting in the plasma, bond with a free electrons also are produced, to form neutrons.
8 H₂O+PL+O₂+P→2H⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻
Neutron Bursts in Lab Lightning - Physical Review Link Manager
American Physical Society › doi › Physics.6.s120
12 Sept 2013 — The first lab-based observation of neutron emission from a voltage discharge provides new insight into neutron bursts that accompany lightning storms.
Geography has noted that natural lightening also are releasing or X rays, neutrons and spits out helium ions. Thus also ozone from showers.
My American friend got so interested in my work on lightening, as he fired up a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma, using the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light starter.
Also are steam plasma is established it will continue for the rest are history, this case while we add just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water to the plasma every year. No more external current required!
His own immune of carbon 0 1 MW. of heat creation. Which I PH D supervisor in Sheffield should be fascinated about. He yet all interest in carbon dioxide I think 2018. As I repeated professor Argent's comments on plant's eating carbon dioxide from the air.
Biology being just an internal phone call away from engineering he within Sheffield University. The now professor Z went away trying to find another reason for climate change. Never getting back to me!
My abortive PH D work 2000 at Sheffield ended up costing 5000 UK pounds. As I suddenly had to move hair us for Sheffield to rectified in salford quays. I then bought a large are probably at salford quays.
Professor Z has never done the academic thing are publishing an academic paper on the impossibility of carbon dioxide affecting the climate. Remember carbon dioxide doubles every year in the arctic winters. As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.
Nuclear power device is time to see P preposterous and impossible if possible climate change, as her the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl 1986. Never bothering to pay to get new fiction invented after Fukushima in Japan 2010.
After Chernobyl the required insurance cover play uranium nuclear power plant being raised to 40 billion From the paltry 50 million before the win skill disaster of 1978 after Fukushima the required nuclear plasma neutrons rays to an impossible 100 billion.
When I met the nuclear regulator 1984 (my degree included the study of radioactivity) you firstly confirmed me that any nuclear power plant without adequate insurance cover had to perform an immediate stop. And never restart. Hit the big red button.
Since 1986 no nuclear plant is carried adequate insurance. All operating totally criminally. The 30cm steam plasma within a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
A12 1000 UK pound steam turbine would generate ½ MW of carbon zero mains linked AC current. Annual income of 1.5 million UK pounds.
The plasma power plant generating a carbon zero electricity for eight houses. An annual income from the UK National grid of 180,000 UK pounds. Carbon zero heat and electricity is that easy!
Totally non nuclear, involving no fossil fuel burn or creation of the plant life through steam carbon dioxide.
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