Giving the world carbon zero heat and power
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CO2 rises in the cold |
My American contact firm that a non pressurise 30x1.5cm the steam plasma give out a constant carbon 0 1 megawatt of heat. a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator will freeze a carbon zero, non nuclear 65 kW of three phase mains electricity and.
Making into the national grid to sell our excess carbon zero power, will give us an annual income of incredibly enough for 180,000 UK pounds.
I will now explain the science! You can purchase the required generator over the Internet for under 1300 UK pounds. So the 2000 pound get at them is non nuclear heat and power for ever. Which pays an absolute fortune!
Before I came to salford quays. Where my engineer professor them was the strong liberal supporter! Which is why I stood for election for the liberal democrats as I came to the quays.
I was taught the idea of using the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam to do nuclear fusion on earth, the idea to my the professors uncle from Columbia University. Who published the work on cold fusion 1976.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He⁺+O²⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray
This is really really interesting. But had to terminus molecular nuclear fusion into a useful Home Energy System? Luckily nature has done the experiments for us.
Geography has noted that heavy rain or snow storms produce heat, light flashes and even X rays. Which I had dismissed 1984. As I did not understand the science.
Then more usefully heavy rain or snow and pills of A potential difference between the cloud tops and the ground. The positive charge carriage to above the clouds layer, the negative charge four into the ground with the electrons.
At 5000 volts, 100 amps a 1.5kmx2cm steam plasma links up the charge arrears and discharges all nervous electrons cause for their heavy precipitation.
At this juncture one and my American contacts got very interested. And user high voltage electronics from a all fluorescent light, to fire up a 30x1.5cm in a glass cylinder. And the for non pressurise 1 MW of carbon zero heat. Even sending me back the equation I have sent him!
2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) BX rays are low power and the same intensity as from a beating animal all human heart.
3 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+dP/dT→CH₄+O₂+r(He+O+E+L+X-ray)
At this juncture Ed Davey the there are 40 member should get very interested! As we are talking about a non nuclear carbon negative system. That turns the circulating carbon dioxide into methane gas.
Those that a flame we get back our carbon dioxide! By green plants on land and C around the temperate earth greedily gobble up the available carbon dioxide to convert into carbohydrates - plant biomass.
The energy of free carbon dioxide in the temperate air just two parts per million. In the arctic winter photosynthesis shuts down on land and in the seas. Carbon dioxide rises to four PPM. Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth naturally. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.
Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas! By your beating heart is the ultimate carbon negative system. The sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide. To generate heat and even lower power X rays.
Education became aware in 19 eighty's the plant's proceed every day to take in carbon dioxide around the temperate earth, and bonding into the carbohydrates of plant biomass.
The ultimate free carbon sink around the earth! As man has burnt carbohydrates are hydrocarbons from the 18th century, he has not increased the trace level of carbon dioxide in the air.
Still fixed at miniscule level of just two parts per million. All these organic carbon has been taken in by plants, to increase plant growth and then animal growth. The ultimate life stimulating idea.
4 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)
So plant's long the carbon to water molecules, to produce the carbohydrates as the plant biomass. A process that takes in energy and they use to the excretion of surplus oxygen.
The free radical oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules, to produce ozone and rises to the high atmosphere to volts the ozone layer. Continuously being augmented by nature. The action of the error source breaking down the ozone is of no consequence.
5 O+O₂→O₃↑
The liberals are non nuclear. And here I had devised the ultimate carbon zero non nuclear energy source. The steam plasma!
6 H₂O+PL→He+O+E²+X-ray
So my American friend validated that our 20x1.5cm steam plasma freeze a constant 1 MW of non nuclear carbon zero heat, from just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year. We fire up the plasma the top of a 5 cc spring loaded water reservoir. Which will not need topping up for 1000 years! A problem to Methuselah. Not to us mortals!
We feed air across the heat is what is basically a lightening strike in a glass cylinder, an EC is heated to over 800° C. We pass a hot air through a commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator. Costing under 1300 UK pounds.
We get out the carbon zero electricity for between eight and 40 houses, depending on daily power demand. We pump the hot air through an underfloor central heating system, and get at free E space heating.
Also to move in heat the boiler, and for the hot water around the local area giving turn houses carbon zero heating. Free hot air in the mids of winter.
All this work started and are professor Z at Sheffield University. Who freely omitted he did not understand the science! And he ended my PH D work. Which is why I moved to salford quays.
So or whole lightening strike goes off from regular water. The plasma converting some the hydrogen ions and electrons into neutrons, which makes the steam plasma tour sir energetic!
Emitting even visible light and as lower power X rays. But most crucial out 1 MW of carbon zero heat. If the liberal leader rays use these issues in energy questions in the house of commons, he can fight the world to was carbon zero non nuclear heat.
Leaving the carbon cycle to biology and nature. Tony such a mine you to volume of regular water into such a massive heat. And lower power X rays - as harmless as X rays produced by your beating heart.
There is so free electrons the liberal party was her non nuclear stance. Always decades later I have found nature doing free carbon zero nuclear fusion in every lightening strike, every 3 minutes around the world.
And if we fire up the steam plasma in a glass cylinder, where we had such a miniscule volume of regular water to the plasma every year, the Gaza self sustaining lightening strike in a glass cylinder.
There releases a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. The total answer to the fictitious science fiction from the paid stooges to nuclear power - the totally an incurable manmade global warming.
From 1986 to 1995. When the inner cellar system is moved into a natural cooling phase, caused by a reduction in the natural cellar emissions. Which gets to 28 year periods of warming and cooling.
Totally our way from mankind! So natural climate started cooling again 2023 totally naturally. Hence the pseudo science of man made climate change will morph into another 28 year period of global warming.
A totally natural climatic system. Talk to any move from woodchester around the world. Then taught to biology departments of their home fans taking carbon dioxide, down to two PPM, to form the carbohydrates of life around the temperate earth.
Above the arctic ice Every winter photosynthesis shuts down and carbon dioxide levels double to four PPM. As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.
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