Geography proves nuclear fusion

Nature does nuclear fusion on Earth

Around the world has geothermal or steam this case the free atmosphere and we get a burst of X ray emission, as the turbulent steam is doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.
Nuclear Fusion By Waterfall

Nuclear Fusion By Waterfall

ByJonathan M Thomason

Published Mar 1, 2013


3.00 GBP

And global geography professors were ready with a Geiger counter around the steam vent to verify the emission of X rays.  Tragically physics do not bother telling them, I had discovered nature doing physical molecular nuclear fusion around the earth.

The turbulent flow of high pressure steam turning the regular water molecules into massive heat, with a little light and even X ray radiation.  Powering all volcanic eruptions and earth quakes around the earth.  As nature does nuclear fusion on earth.

1 (1+r)H₂O+P+TU→H₂O+r(He+O+E+X-ray TU= turbulence

Which causes the is getting water to boil off into superheated steam!  Driving the major earth events - one of volcanic eruption or earthquakes.

The way to stop the next big born in California, is to use ground sonar, to locate the driving steam filled magma chambers and the deep earth.

We drill down, and vent the steam through a engineering installed vent in the bore hole.  So he can gradually in controlably vent the steam.

Locally geography has already published the maps of geothermal rivers running along the San Andreas fault.  The kinetic the range to vent the steam through a little Sterling pump.  And generate carbon zero electricity.  We convert into high voltage AC current, and transported to the nearest collaboration through a high voltage almost more science electricity line.

But the biggest economic benefit the stopping the war cannot eruption.  Making the world in more stable and less fatal life experience.

Geography has also noted that every lightening strike around the world is a warm 0.5km x 2cm partial steam plasma.  The set up by heavy rain or snow storms already doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.

2 (1+r)H₂O+P+TU→H₂O+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L+X-ray)

So the term and interaction of rain or snow particles, does a warm the air.  Also giving of light flashes and X rays.  Again physics has probably already done a lot of study into heavy precipitation doing nuclear fusion.

Even down to -50° C above the north pole.  And and touched down the lightening bolt produces five tonnes of helium ions.  Every lightening involved in my personal experience, they've rates a massive blinding white light.

There being no physical source of visible light and X rays and here there is no source of radioactive decay.  It goes off from regular light water ⁱH₂O.

So we are doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Turning a miniscule volume of the precipitation into helium and oxygen ions plus free electrons.  Which is why storms feel electric!

The air is filled with positive atomic nuclei, and negatively charged free electrons.  So storms are doing some really interesting physics.

A quick relativistic conversion teaches is a lightening releases 1.2 MW/m.  The energy release from turning hydrogen ions into five tonnes of helium ions.

In the free air!  Not requiring any nuclear isotopes.  And the plasma burns the matter burn - converting the water molecules into heat light and lower power X rays.

I wrote up about this science 2018.  And the next week my American contact got in touch.  Telling me that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder give off a constant non nuclear carbon zero 1 MW of heat.

My local MP Rebecca long Bailey, so she's interested in carbon zero science.  Well he is nature doing massive heat generation, without a fossil fuel burn or any radioactive materials required all produced.

Brett acemi the best way to turn that 1 MW of carbon zero heat into electrical power.  I was actually taught the science 1983, during my master's degree in to engineering and metallurgy at Sheffield University.

Where I was back 2000 doing a PH D into chemical and process engineering, and highlighted the turbulent flow of water doing nuclear fusion: the original idea of Dr. Z.  Who lost all interest in clean and safe nuclear fusion from water, as uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of chemical and process engineering.

To make and professor Z.  Like all education uranium nuclear power has bought off all interest in clean and safe molecular nuclear fusion.

We pass our 1 MW of carbon zero heat (should be between 800 and 2,000° C) 3003 phase thermoelectric generator.  Which for under 1300 UK pounds, will give us three phase mains linked AC electricity.

We can sell our excess carbon zero electricity to the national grid at two P per kilowatt hour.  Generating an annual payment of 180,000 UK pounds every year.

Week in use the exit steam to drive a boiler room, and pump the hot water around the local area.  Giving carbon zero space heating for the locality.  Which will probably generate a higher income than 180 thousand UK pounds from the fire generation.

To reiterate totally carbon zero!  65 kW of three phase mains linked AC current.  Tony clear this means that we synchronise the generated power AC waves with the national grid.

Does I discovered in the 19th century, the AC current is a simple to transform into high voltage electricity.  Which has a very low current!

Alive for nearly lost her us AC current transmission which and the power plant and the nearest town or city.  Cancer had financial backing for is AC electricity.

For Graham bell was a better publicist, and his DC current wiped the floor with Tesla's AC current.  And tears are went bankrupt.  There now the world uses AC current.  And only transforms into DC current, within the electronic device.

The local power distribution via mains voltage AC current.  Long descent C electricity transmission using the high voltage electricity I keep referring to.  Which transmits very low current electricity.

Which generates little heat, and very very and lower transmission losses.

Now or house owners can generate the a 65 kW of DC electricity.  The thermoelectric generator converts into mains linked AC current and voltage.

Giving that lovely of the income of 15,000 UK pounds, from a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in the attic or out house.

We pass air across this static lightening strike, Ezra commercially sourced thermoelectric generator.  Years our lovely 65 kW of mains electricity.

And the annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  Without any fossil fuel burn and we utilised regular water and produce so just massive heat, a little light and potentially lower power X rays.

Like generated by a beating animal hearts.  So your hearts and arteries give off X ray radiation in time with your pulse.  It may come as a shock to you, that your beating hearts and arteries give out X ray radiation, as your beating heart does biological molecular nuclear fusion.  You are a nuclear device!  Busy doing nuclear fusion.

3 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+dP/dT→CH₄+r(He+O+E+L+X-ray)

In the 1980s I saw some video of a beating animal hearts giving of red yellow light.  So your own hearts were also release light, and you can measure the xray production using a sensitive Geiger counter.

The world so biology, engineering and physics, collide.  I am not-hyper bright!  Though I am far from stupid.  And university lecturers and professors have told me interesting facts throughout the years, fax which did not make any sense until you realise that own beating animal hearts does biological molecular nuclear fusion.

Green plants in the temperate earth all give off X rays during the dat, as they do their own type of biological molecular nuclear fusion.

4 mCO₂+L+chlorophyll+P→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E+L+X-ray)

Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ are the carbohydrates of plant biomass.  Men to the emission of oxygen, and I was using oxidation of carbohydrates it also do biological molecular nuclear fusion.

So in the day around the temperate earth plant's the using the turbulent flow of light water the when the plant photo blast, in the presence of chlorophyll - the biological nuclear fusion catalyst to find the carbon dioxide as all from the air, to form the carbohydrates of plant biomass.

This is so much power is most life on land and within the seas.  In the arctic winters snow covers the land and sea ice covers the seas.  Photosynthesis shuts down.

Carbon dioxide rises to four parts per million, twice the temperate capped limit around the earth's temperate region.  Green plants' not permit steam or two parts per million carbon dioxide in the afternoon air.

In the winter there shorter days can lead to the precipitation of snow particles on to the land.  Carbon dioxide levels rise to four PPM.  As be experienced the coldest natural temperatures on earth.  Usually at just below freezing, occasionally to down to -20° C.

We've had twice the carbon dioxide levels compared to the spring through autmn months.  Photosynthesis continuing in the seas down to -22° C in the arctic winter.  In the north and south poles.

So we turn to protest demonstration that our 30 CM steam plasma, releases a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Surely the most important news story in recent history.

House owners can generate around 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Using the exit steam after the power generation, to -3 local area space heating.

Plant around using very very little of our free a 65 kW of electricity generation.  Utilising no fossil fuel burn and absolutely no radioactive materials required all produced.

Present uranium nuclear power knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  Since Fukushima in 2010.  When I was on holiday in Brazil.  To close for comfort!

Ever since Fukushima all 422 surviving uranium nuclear power plants require the insurance cover of 100 billion to operate legally.

There is no commercial source of insurance above one billion.  There so every nuclear power plant on earth is continuing to operate totally illegally.  Baker and 40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.

Not commercially available!  So every nuclear power plant has been operating illegally every day since 1986.  The total legal fine is a a excess of the economic worth of the planet.

Or continuing uranium nuclear power one of the biggest corporate illegality in history.  Every day of operation every uranium nuclear power plant in the world just totally illegal.

Now or house owners can utilised our 30cm steam plasma, and get an annual payment of 180,000 UK pounds.  Generating free EE electricity and heat for ever.

Without any fossil fuel burn and obviously no radioactive compounds required all produced.


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