Columbia fixes climate change

Columbia sorted nuclear fusion 1895

1986 and Ukrainian nuclear power experienced the Chernobyl incident.  Spraying radioactive waste across Europe.  We could only eat Scottish lamb again five years ago.  As grass concentrates the radioactivity in its biomass.  Eaten by sheep,

1895 and Columbia University published the use of ultrasound to cause the emission of X rays by regular water.

1 H₂O+US→He+O+E+X-ray

This science was pointed out to me 2001 five professor Z.  He got a double first from Columbia University in New York.  So the answer is to do nuclear fusion on earth was in the Columbia library.

I do some work over the Internet, and used 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound to clear breast, per colon and lung cancers there were at salford quays, where I was busy writing songs and sing on stage.

Having recovered from a serious car accident in 1988, I had had to learn to talk again.  An eight us by the singing was averse exercise for my voice.  So I did a week on stage at the Lowry theatre - he says he's stayed in Manchester.

Professor Z plasma to consumer interests into nuclear fusion.  The name of molecular nuclear fusion was devised by professor Argent for the use of turbulence to turn regular water into helium and oxygen gases, the of X rays and heat.

The most brilliant scientific idea I had ever heard!  It transpired the was published by a Columbia University 1895.

The no professor Z agreed me that carbon dioxide was not the climate.  As photosynthesis on land and C around the temperate, stepped in any extra carbon dioxide released during the night, and converted into plant biomass.  Excrete NG the surplus oxygen, and supporting extra animal life.

2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+ chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂)+r(E²+Lb+X-ray)

Professor Z went off into the academic stulk 2015.  And went off to try and find out another reason for manmade climate change.  Never did find any other reason!

It should be realized year that building a nuclear power plant is such a massive carbon source, using a fossil fuel burn on limestone to make all the cement for its reinforced concrete.  Releasing in two years the Covent carbon emissions from a conventional power plant for 25 years.

After 25 years we should demolish the nuclear plant, or we get of Fukushima!  The annual operating insurance cover required for uranium nuclear power plant rays to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010.

My American friend was so interested in molecular nuclear fusion, he fired up a steam plasma in a glass centre: as I read papers on the emission of X rays an production of 5 tonnes of helium gas from every lightening strike, every 3 minutes around the earth.

He fired me up a30x1.5 CM steam plasma and got a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  As the plasma smashed the water molecules into heat, light and X rays.  The carbon zero heat system of nature in lightening strikes.

3 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray so of 500 kW of carbon zero heat for 30 cm steam plasma.  Which produces and utilises no radioactive compounds.  Totally carbon zero and nontoxic.

Require a non of the 100 billion required for the 422 surviving uranium nuclear power plant so around the world.  For used uranium fission rods.

And since the closure of windscale there has been no global reprocessing capability for radioactive waste.  Nuclear power is now looking a bearing the radioactive waste for all time in deep under sea mines.

Have we never heard about the frequent underwater earthquakes?  That would release of radioactive waste to pollute the seawater.  Killing off all fish stocks.  Then beyond legal human consumption.

So the killing of all the local fishing industry for a 20 mile stretch of coast.  Deep underwater uranium waste storage is to is so illegal!  And totally prohibited by the United Nations.

D minor stories across the land also leads to the same problem.  When underwater earthquake would lead to contamination of the local water Supply System.  Making the water radioactive an undrinkable.

Who ever dreamt up deep C nuclear storage is a total science idiot.  Corona Storage of the radioactive waste in town centres is a better option!  In other words chest a total non starter.

Light 1982 and a engineering essay on systems failure, Documenta the failure of nuclear power either to carry the legally required operating insurance.  Or have available storage space around the world for the used radioactive waste.

This is 2025.  And nuclear power still hasn't learned.  Storage or radioactive waste in DP alliance is just such a non starter of an idea.

Nuclear power has resulted to utilising the short term storage space around disused nuclear reactors, to still hyper toxic used fission rods.

Such storage areas are only ever licensed for short term fuel rots storage.  Never licensed for long term storage of use fusion rods.  And when the nuclear plant shut down its insurance cover ceased anyway.

Nuclear power must retrieve all used fission rods illegally stored in the short term storage space around disused nuclear plant's.

The 30cm steam plasma release a constant 58 kilowatts of carbon zero heat.  From a non pressurise steam plasma.  Started at user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.

Will start he will self sustains while we had just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  A nontoxic, non nuclear heat system.

Week in utilised a commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator to free a 65 kW of three phase mains electrical power.  The electrical power for eight houses!

Though there national electricity grid switches phase every eight houses, but we are turning the DC electricity into three phase mains AC power.

Without any fossil fuel burn - so totally carbon zero.  My local MP E. Rebecca long Bailey says she's interested in carbon zero science.  She she had 5 minutes on the at salford university who was he interested enough to produce a carbon zero electricity.

Academics usually being interested in the power for researching the weather on behalf of hyper toxic under insured uranium nuclear power.  Not remotely interested in it giving the world carbon zero electricity.

My 30cm steam plasma will freeze an annual income from the National Power grid of 180,000 UK pounds.  For the plasma power plant in and out building or the attic.  The X rays decide the lower power, and of penetrating the glass cylinder.  So we produce carbon zero non nuclear electricity that pays a fortune.

It transpires that nature has been producing carbon zero heat for 3.8 1,000,000,000 years in lightening strikes around the world.  The subject of the 1895 Colombia Paper all ultrasound NG of nuclear fusion in regular water.

As the ultrasound induces Devon interactions of the water molecules.  As the plasma in a lightening strike already does throughout nature.  The subject of a term as engineering lectures at Sheffield University.

If academics would eat at her noses from the feeding trough of research funding from nuclear power.  As professor Argent policy essays 2005 under insured corporations are not allowed to fund the academic research.

And uranium nuclear power has been totally under insured since Chernobyl in 1986.  So all the papers on manmade global warming climate change, must be shredded and deleted from digital archived.

And all the research money returned to funding bodies like the Science and Engineering Research Council - SERC.  And the paper all flu is set and remove from academic work backdated to 1986.  All subsequent papers deleted.

Manmade climate change was devised by the self serving academics, as he earth entered a natural 28 year period of climatic cooling 1995.  All the planets in inner solar system or cooling according to predictable solar emission cycles.  Which cause intimate and ice ages!

The short term cycle live back to natural global warming 1995.  When the climate change people morphed there climate change studies, back into the more familiar manmade global warming.

Was so obviously fatuous and wrong for 1995.


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