carbon zero heat and power

Carbon 0 pays a fortune
Thank you professor Z

Every 3 minutes around the world heavy rain or snow storms set up a lightening strike, as the precipitation turbulence does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+X-ray+E

Which is why heavy storms feel electric!  They are setting up positively charged atomic nuclei and free electrons.  Geography is also noted heavy storms give out X rays an energy.  There being no chemical source of X rays!  The storms are doing nuclear fusion.

The idea first suggested to me 2001 power professor Z at Sheffield University.  That the turbulent interaction of high pressure water or steam particles did nuclear fusion.  The concept invented by his father at Columbia University in 1976.

As free engineers published the work on cold fusion.  So they were all universities on the quiet ever since.

I wrote my first paper on nuclear fusion 2001, and he was sincere issue of yet Cambridge University studying cancer.  But Cambridge never offered!

They carried on my research work, which suggested an enclosed steam plasma in a glass cylinder acted as a static strike of lightning.  Where the plasma converts to the water molecules into a chaotic missed of positive ions and free electrons.

2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

We can fire up the plasma user high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light, it will then run on an powered while we had just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a decade.  And get out a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat.

The cheapest and simplest way to turn their heat into electrical current is to use a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator.  Which will give us 65 kW of three phase AC electricity for or via a 15x1.5 cm steam plasma.

A flame of oil or gas only gives us 45 kW of heat.  While producing five tonnes of carbon dioxide a year.  So we have A carbon zero heat system, will produce 65 of kilowatts of electrical power.

And the exit steam after the generator is still hot enough to provide local area space heating, by pumping hot water around a local area.  Uses for that lovely free electricity!

The national grid will happily pay us 180 thousand UK pounds annually for that lovely carbon zero electricity.  The UK only needs 44 GW of electrical power every year, like from an 80,000 steam plasma power plants.

And the national grid is committed to buying all that lovely carbon zero electricity.  Producing without a fossil fuel burn.  So no carbon dioxide generated!

The plasma converting regular water into our lovely 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  Why any body burns or oil or gas I do not know!

A little 15 cm steam plasma in a house house or cellar, will freeze a constant 6 to 5 kW of carbon zero AC electricity.  The generator costing 1500 UK pounds to purges.  Then we have no electricity or fuel costs.

We could cite little steam plasma is in concrete holding units in the arctic seas.  Where calculated that a 1m x1cm should precede constant 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat.  Starting up using the high voltage electronics on the boat.

When jean down the plasma, we have a little spring loaded water reservoir or to maintain the plasma pressure.  Really not needed!  And he melt the arctic ice.  Keep the north west passage ice free and open to shipping all year.

And the C plant's will grow like crazy!  Converting the extra light and heat into the carbohydrates of life.  Sucking carbon dioxide from the air.

3 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+PL→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

So the plasma will shine like a static strike of lightning.  Releasing heat light and X rays - just like a miniature sun. Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ are carbohydrates - plant biomass.

There fission and the sea animals that eat the extra plant biomass, enjoy the heat and light and multiply like crazy.  Will get a massive surge in arctic and Antarctic Life.

So water by sucking in carbon dioxide from the air.  Carbon dioxide levels double in the arctic winter, to four parts per million today.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice sheet.

Plant life on land and sea limits temperate carbon dioxide in the afternoon air just two parts per million.  Man carriers carbon emissions granted only 0.0002% to the carbon dioxide freed out by animals naturally around the earth.

A local volcanic eruption or forest fire is 10,000 times bigger carbon source that all mankind's chemically engine's.  Which does go along to boost local plant growth.

Hence the growth surgery C as the forest fire has been extinguished.  Totally naturally.  Life he is the ultimate free E carbon sink all around the earth.  The biologically preposterous manmade climate change, was invented by the paid phones to uranium nuclear power.

Building a nuclear power plant releases in two years the carbon equivalent of operating a commercially fired power plant for 25 years.  After 25 years we demolish the nuclear plant.  Or we get another Fukushima!

Every year of its operation every nuclear power plant around the world, all 422 of them, needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  The required insurance cover as the Windscale disaster of 1978.

So every uranium nuclear power plant on earth A massive carbon source so as the plant is built.  Then needing the annual insurance cover of 100 billion every year of its operation.

The nuclear regulator it goes round nuclear power plants continuously.  Without a valid insurance certificate for insurance cover of 100 billion, forced to issue a 'stopped and he ceased operation for ever' order instantly.

Should have been in should to every nuclear power plant 1986.  The year of Chernobyl.  The whirl can go over to plasma power plants, and get a that lovely 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

They 1/2 MW steam turbine will convert that heat into ½ MW of mains and voltage AC current.  An annual income from the national grid of 15,000 UK pounds.  Forward to a void only costing 12,000 UK pounds to buy.

1300 UK pounds a month to hire.  We pay off the turbine month one!  And were then on to ½ MW of carbon zero AC current for ever.  Without any fossil fuel burn involved.


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