Make carbon zero petrol

Engineers make carbon 0 petrol

Using science there was awarded the 1918 noble prize in chemistry, to Ms Sebatier.  An early 20th century scientist.

Who published the culmination of carbon dioxide with steam at 400° C, to form methane, that or gas and oxygen.  And high pressure carbon dioxide and steam unburn.

1 2H₂O+CO₂+T→CH₄+3O₂ T>400⁰C.

We are familiar that room temperature pressurise methane and oxygen burn to form carbon dioxide and steam.  The magic of thermodynamics is as a elevated temperature, the reaction reverses!

First of all we need a source of carbon zero electricity: as the world there is alcester of carbon dioxide!  The leaving the nuclear science fiction, air carbon dioxide could affect the weather.

Green plants' are sucking carbon dioxide during the day to the present temperate limit of two parts per million.  Man carriers additional carbon dioxide, being converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes.  The fossil fuels were active biology in prehistory.

Burning the fossil fuels ensures sell the active biology again within 5 minutes.  Carbon dioxide being left at a static trace level of just two parts per million around the temperate earth.

A static trace gas affects nothing!  Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  Which converts some of the rain or snow particles into helium and oxygen gases, with massive heat.

In a confined glass cylinder the plasma burns the water molecules into hydrogen or oxygen positive ions, and free electrons.

2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ which is why physics gets very excited about plasmas!  They break molecules apart into positive ions and free electrons.  They unbind the matter.

My American friend confirmed that the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light would dissociate water molecules.  As in 2.

According to the plasma pressure the high June ions and electrons bond together to form the non nuclear neutrons.

3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

Neutrons are basically a proton and electron bonded together.  And they crashed around being attracted to the mass of the atomic nuclei.  Making the atom radioactive, which undergo nuclear fission repeatedly and till we are left with hydrogen ions.  We of light atomic nuclei this process takes in energy.

4 O⁺+4n⁰→8H⁺+7e⁻

Here as all the really looking for in part from the world's physics lecturers and professors.  But there two busy with their noses immersed in the feeding trough of nuclear funding.

To write spurious academic papers about global warming.  Or since the war had entered a natural 28 year period of climatic cooling 1995, manmade climate change.  Which is really natural global cooling.

All the planets in inner cellar system have been cooling naturally since 1995.  Including Mars with 98% carbon dioxide in the Martian Air.  Obviously not a warming gas!

Every year in the arctic and Antarctic winter photosynthesis shuts down and the arctic land masses.  Carbon dioxide levels double to four parts per million, from the temperate two parts per 1,000,000 in the afternoon air around the temperate earth.

Mankind's extra carbon emissions from burning the life that died of a prehistoric mass extinctions, converted back into plant biomass within 5 minutes.  A static trace gas affects nothing!

And fortunately are paid stooges to nuclear power were apparently asleep during high school biology.  Green plants' fix the temperate carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth at just two PPM.  With

According to recent research, the oldest evidence of photosynthesis, as indicated by fossilized photosynthetic structures within cyanobacteria, dates back to around 1.75 billion years ago. These fossils, identified as "Navifusa majensis," were found in Australia and contain recognizable thylakoids, the membrane structures where photosynthesis occurs within plant cells. 

With in the Jurassic photosynthesis was less evolved.  And in the warm periods left four PPM carbon dioxide in the Jurassic Air.  There were three natural ice ages.  One lasting a record 1000 years.

C laws in the Jurassic were 60 metres lower in the warm periods.  As there was 85% more life on earth.  The twice the carbon dioxide in the free temperate air.  In the ice ages there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air - four times today is present trace level of just two PPM.

My American friend fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma using the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light.  Which then self sustains while we had just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water into the plasma every year.

Giving her a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  The cheapest and simplest way to turn this heat into mains linked AC current, is with a commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator.  A thorium salt.  The Viking Guard off under an lightening 

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Each house only needs 8 kW of electrical power on Christmas day.  We sell our excess current to the national grid: as we have linked the voltage and AC waves to the mains Power Supply.

To get really clever, the generator will actually produce three phase mains linked AC current.  Giving us an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  From the plasma burning two little water ever to measure in a lifetime.

The power grid can adopt 1mx2cm steam plasmas.  They take a comedy show that get 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat.  18 the running 100 MW power station.

Without any fossil fuel burn.  And no utilisation of production of radioactive isotopes.  Require a non other hundred billion of annual insurance cover required for all 422 surviving uranium nuclear power plants.

No insurance is available above one billion a year.  Not even for late queen of England, that she took her gems over to the U.S..

So on the annual shutdown, conventional power stations convert over from fossil fuel burning, to utilising the far more energetic steam plasma centres.  Ancer power station restarts, has gone totally carbon zero!

Which is not been to an thing for the price of oil and gas.  The plasma burning regular water into just massive heat, they have a little light and maybe lower power X rays.  As be used five beating animal heart!

5 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+dP/dT→CH₄+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

So every piece of your heart, the heart utilises the pressure waves in the blood stream, to do biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Which to why you breathe out methane and helium.

The free radical oxygen bar near auction molecules to form ozone.  Which also breathe out!  The newly you can take your poles with a fast Geiger counter.  And you give out X ray radiation as your heart beats.  Totally naturally!

The steam plasma converts water molecules into ions and free electrons, then massive heat, the little light and maybe lower power X rays.

So you are a nuclear device!  Likely the X rays of low power and no great consequence.  You can measure them by the sensitive regular Geiger counter.  Making biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.

Going off to photosynthesis, and in the animal blood system and mitochondria energy production systems.

The plasma turns regular water into massive heat the little light and X rays.  Burning oil and gas only releases 45 kW of heat.  We are getting off a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

A small steam turbine will convert into ½ MW of mains linked AC current.  A monthly income of 50,000 pounds.  From an intriguing device purchased for just 12,000 UK pounds.

Or hire for a month for 1300 UK pounds.  And we pay off the course of the turbine month one.  Then he we're on to free carbon zero electricity for life.

Involving no fossil fuel burn and as the no radioactive compounds required all produced.  Nuclear power requires the annual insurance cover of 100 billion by uranium nuclear power plant around the earth every year.

This includes the fast breeder reactors, he illegal outside France.  A country of great natural beauty.  With a huge tourism industry.

And all French nuclear plants running criminally under insured.  Which the European courts of human rights has the legal imperative to shut down.

As without that impossible 100 billion of insurance, or nuclear power running criminally under insured and hyper toxic.

We take off some of carbon zero electricity and run A standard car no refrigeration cycle.  An condense the carbon dioxide out of paticularly the city air at -28° C.  Where it forms dry ice - frozen carbon dioxide.

We combine it with a steam heated to over  400° C.  At which point it unburns to form methane and oxygen.

6 CO2+2H₂O+T→CH₄+3O₂

We separate out the methane and oxygen using a semi permeable membrane.  And call the oxygen to form liquid oxygen.  Which has a high value!

And we've got carbon zero methane.  Formed by sucking carbon dioxide air to the air.  Masterly cheaper than a fossil fuel natural gas - which is what methane basically is.

7 CH₄+P+spark+(3+r)O₂→CO₂+(2-r)H₂O+r(He+O₃+L+E+X-ray) the natural gas flame we also are familiar with.  Which gives out heat light and even X rays!

A flame of fossil fuels also produces a ozone!  But the production of visible light and X rays can only be achieved with nuclear reactions.

Here we are doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.  In every fossil fuel burning engine in the world.  Source of important to know!

Was a steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  The most carbon zero Energy System on earth.  A 15x1.5cm steam plasma linked to a commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator will clears out a constant 65 kW of mains linked AC power.  Annual income of 180 thousand UK pounds.

Carbon zero heat and electricity pays big time!  And the steam plasma years three of radioactive compounds required all produced.  So no impossible hundred billion of annual insurance required.

And house or flat owners can set up a plasma power plant, in the garden shed or even hanging out of the winter and get a that lovely income from the national grid of 180 thousand a year.

As a time when the UK pension is just 8000 a year.  We get a millionaire's income, without any fossil fuel burn or utilisation of hyper toxic radioactive compounds.

How Thermoelectric Generators Work - Applied Thermoelectric ...

The thermoelectric generator (RTG) was invented in 1954 by John Birden and Kenneth Jordan. 

So we generate carbon zero mains electricity.  Getting an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  Without any fossil fuel burn and absolutely no radioactive compounds required  or produced.

So using the 1918 noble prize in chemistry awarded to the French scientist Sebatier we produce carbon negative methane.  Sucking carbon dioxide out of the air.

Then use in my metallurgy from 1982, the pass over a honeycomb multi layer face centre a cancer list - aluminium is an FCC metal the methane pollen rises to form carbon 12 - diesel oil, and carbon 16 - petrol.

So we are producing carbon negative fuel oil.  When burnt only returning the carbon dioxide to the air taken in two weeks previously to make the methane and fuel or oil.  There all day he plans around the world suck in all the carbon dioxide they can get, down to the present temperate limit of just two parts per million.

The static trace gas affects nothing.  Certainly not the weather, the most dynamic system on the planet so the inner cellar system.  Mars has 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  Composer the earth temperate limit of just 0.000002%.

So we make fuel oil, totally cutting fossil fuels and opaque are better the energy business.  We form the petrol by sucking carbon dioxide air to the air, only released two weeks later as we burn the petrol.

No possible weather effect!  I was nuclear funded science fiction from the paid pens of 'scientists' with large nuclear funded research budgets.

Ironically building a uranium nuclear power plant uses a fossil fuel burn to turn minus turn into cement for its reinforced concrete.  So releasing the two years our power plant construction the carbon equivalent from running a commercially fired power plant for 25 years.

But now all power plants convert over to a steam plasma cylinder is.  18 1mx2cm steam plasma is running 100 MW power plant.  The plasma are four and using a plasma high voltage electricity.

Then self sustain for the rest are history with no external current, which means that the world has had the published science to go carbon neutral since 1954.


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