
Showing posts from January, 2025

diabetes all done

All diabetes cured by March 2023 In 2001 the then Dr. Z suggested the application of high intensity ultrasound in cancer cells did nuclear fusion.  Without any doubt the most brilliant piece or cellar and so I had ever heard!  It device by his uncle at Columbia University, and familiar to every American professor is science is ever since. Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers By Dr. Jon Thomason Published Sep 16, 2019 Ebook 5.00 GBP University science education is dependent on the money there he sees to research or nuclear fusion.  But since the 1880s medics had using ultrasound scans to detect cancer cells. Cancer cells must have a foreign pressurise cell structure, just like viral and bacterial infections, to induce infective structure replication. 1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray US= 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound today. In the laboratory application of 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasound to a flask of room temperature water, causes to boil intense seconds, the...

But the natural world was not warming

things are cold,  CO 2 so static The very idea is paid science fiction from the stooges T uranium nuclear power.  The most toxic industry mankind as ever invented.  Propagated by and believed by the scientifically stupid here.  The custobians of life on earth. More thphotosynthesis on land and sea has limited free carbon dioxide in the air to just two parts per million for last the 11.2 thousand years.  If you want to see the affect off and double the carbon dioxide, go to the north and self pole in winter. There is four parts per million carbon dioxide in the air during the dark months.  And the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C in the arctic winters. Polar bears actually do better in a warmer conditions.  As the arctic carers take on a branch aides in the summer months.  When they are more effective hunters!  And the have are prey species to hunt. A static trace gas affects nothing!  The carbon ...

Sizewell never insured

Nuclear not insured According to Greenpeace the required insurance today for are pressurised water reactor, A 100 MW reactor needs cover of 100 billion a year.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million. The applicable nuclear insurance before windscale reactor tragedy of 1978.  Sizewell was Margaret Thatcher's big contribution to death on earth. The nuclear reactors built the complete nuclear power station Sizewell B as an illegal all extension to Sizewll A.  That was then demolished and decommissioned.  Contrary to the basic planning law. The nuclear consortia are headed use the planning consent for an extension to Sizewell A, so avoiding a while Commission on Sizewell B.  B legal requirement for any new nuclear power plant. King Charles E mailed me to say he is very much against nuclear power.  This have the capability to extinguish life on a continental scale. He to the 422 nuclear power plants around the world since Fukushima has need...

Non nuclear carbon zero heat and power

Plants eat CO 2 , excrete CO 2 waste A 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of heat.  We can convert into ½ MW of carbon zero mains AC current.  For production with no carbon dioxide! ========================= Globally uranium nuclear power paid its stooges to fabricate Manmade Global warming after the Chernobyl incident in 1986.  The Chernobyl incident caused a nuclear winter in the Ukraine.  So the obvious answer was to propose that commercial power cause warming. The natural climate has 28 year cycles or warming cooling, so global warming was the obvious affection!  Then all the planets in inner solar system static cooling 1995.  Including mass with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  But the earth there before photosynthesis got busy in the cretaceous. It transpires that natural photosynthesis on land and sea, is actually a weak form of biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Turning water molecules into the trace of helium and oxy...

Nature does carbon zero heat on earth for free

plasmas are strips of neutron stars Heavy rain or snow storms have molecular hydrogen, water molecules in turbulent flow and the above 1 W.  By definition the strong atomic force, which stops hydrogen atoms fusing. No stronger storms have water molecules in turbulent flow.  Where the hydrogen nuclei of free E to fuse. Firstly we breaks the water molecules apart into positive atomic nuclei and free electrons.  Thanks to physics four publishing the physical equations. 1 H₂O+P+TU→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ For last we see the positive hydrogen nuclei fusing with the negatively charged free electrons.  A non nuclear source of neutrons.  Such low power they could not penetrate a paperback. 2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ And a graduate university physics students are taught this on the first year of a physics degree.  Tragically have a master's degree in engineering, albeit specializing in radioactivity. So I had to use the Internet to get at the interesting equations, we get the po...

Free winter heat and power

Electric that pays I am assuming houses can be heated and powered by just 8 kW of heat and power in winter.  We utilised an 18x1.5 cm steam plasma that would generate 30 kW of heat.  All day!  Utilising no fossil fuel burn or unreliable environmental heat source. It is a captive strike of lightning in a glass cylinder.  My American contact verified that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 65 kW of heat.  Started at user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.  Once started the plasma runs on, while we had just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of heat to the plasma every year. Waterfal fusion By Jonathan M Thomason Published Feb 13, 2013 Paperback 5.86 GBP Which is below the motion capabilities even at Sheffield University where this work was started.  They start off with a little spring loaded 5 cc water tank, and don't worry about it. We pass air across the cylinder, where it should be heated to 800° C.  And allying the my friend had...