Melt the Greenland ice sheet
In the time the Vikings, there was no a constant ice sheet across green land. 2024 and we would rather the ice sheet melted, caring all that cold to the equator. When the world is perversely interested in the climate. Which is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles. So the earth warmed naturally until 1995. Including in 1986 when the Chernobyl incident led the paid stooges to nuclear power to concocted manmade global warming. Waterfal fusion By Jonathan M Thomason Published Feb 13, 2013 Paperback 5.86 GBP The climate has 28 year periods or warming and cooling, cause five predictable solar emission variations. Which is loads through history to intermittent ice ages at one periods. In the 18th century Europe experience the little ice age. Where snow covers the land, causing local carbon dioxide levels to four parts per million. For fast in a warm 0.2 thousand years, the temperate carbon dioxide level has usually...