But the natural world was not warming

things are cold,  CO2 so static

The very idea is paid science fiction from the stooges T uranium nuclear power.  The most toxic industry mankind as ever invented.  Propagated by and believed by the scientifically stupid here.  The custobians of life on earth.

More thphotosynthesis on land and sea has limited free carbon dioxide in the air to just two parts per million for last the 11.2 thousand years.  If you want to see the affect off and double the carbon dioxide, go to the north and self pole in winter.

There is four parts per million carbon dioxide in the air during the dark months.  And the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C in the arctic winters.

Polar bears actually do better in a warmer conditions.  As the arctic carers take on a branch aides in the summer months.  When they are more effective hunters!  And the have are prey species to hunt.

A static trace gas affects nothing!  The carbon dioxide has been limited to just two PPM around the equator for the last 11.2 thousand years.

The whole concept of global warming was concocted by the paid stooges two uranium nuclear power after the Chernobyl incident of 1986: trying to invent a reason for a nuclear power still to exist.

They forgot to factor in their enormous carbon emissions.  In the two years I have a nuclear power plant construction they utilised a a fossil fuel burn on limestone to make the cement for their reinforced concrete.

Releasing in two years the carbon equivalent of operating a commercially fired power station for 25 years.  After 25 years we should demolish the nuclear plant, or we get the inevitable Fukushima.

As engineers design the nuclear plant to wear out after 25 years.  A little earthquake around the Pacific ring of fire didn't help.  But Fukushima should have been shut down after 25 years.  And my job in the 1980s and was making metal forgings for military and nuclear use.

Yet every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  As heavy rain or even snow storms do nuclear fusion in the free air.  The turbulence (TU) setting off nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray

Who university geography departments have happily noted that heavy rain or snow storms give out X rays.  And use helium - of which is no chemical source.  The only compound of helium being HeF, which is rare even a university laboratory is.  Non existent in nature.

The answers to all the global warming rubbish is a steam plasma.  That produces loads of carbon zero heat.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray the no professor Z, my PH D supervisor as doctors Z Boselli off if I did not include pressure, by being the essential elements of the molecular nuclear fusion.

Where nature terms compounds of hydrogen under pressure, on application of fluid turbulence into helium and oxygen.  He every rain or snow storms produce helium and X rays.  As they do nuclear fusion from regular light water.

My American friend fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  He had no strong links to the energy or nuclear industry.  Then vent the plasma cylinder release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

Nuclear fusion on earth is that simple!  Which is why geography university departments have noted that heavy storms give out X rays and heat.

Firing up a steam plasma in a glass centre, gives us access to a lightening strike in a glass cylinder.  Utilising the high voltage systems of a fluorescent light to start off the plasma.  This year and self sustains!

Resulting in a 30 cm steam plasma produce a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  They tell 1000 pound steam turbine will generate ½ MW of three phase AC current.  Totally carbon zero!

The plasma burning the water, with out oxygen, into just heat light and X rays.  Time for another physical equation.

3 H₂+P+de/dT→E²+L+(X-ray) the production of X rays very pressure dependent.

So we get loads of lovely carbon zero heat.  Week in use our 1, xz 2cm steam plasma centres to release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  Which will melt the ice Over off and self pole.

Where the core water will flow back at 3° C to the equator.  Cooling down the hot Lands.  Stimulating photosynthesis.  Which limits free carbon dioxide to the temperate average around the temperate earth are just two parts per million.

So the carbon dioxide is plant food.  The stabilize around the temperate earth by green plants on land and sea within 5 minutes.  Though biology is doing nuclear fusion.

4 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ-E)+r(He+O+Kb+E²+X-ray)

Nurse green plants' he is a non native electro magnetic radiation at 8Onm, which is the so the infrared, he does biological molecular nuclear fusion.  This year faint blue light - which makes photosynthetic organisms nox so vibrant.

They are actually doing nuclear fusion!  The formation of carbohydrates, plant biomass actually it takes in energy.  I would not happen in nature if not linked inevitably to the nuclear fusion done by the and the plant photo blast.

With which is why plant photo blasts has such powerfull DNA repair mechanisms.  As a cancer living blown apart by the nuclear fusion done within photosynthesis.  Which is air to form of biological molecular nuclear fusion.

Don't lie stinking the carbon dioxide from the air.  Down to the present limit for the last 11.2 thousand years by green plants.  A static trace gas I carbon dioxide obviously affects nothing.

The natural world on earth cooled from 1995 to 2023.  Just like all the planets in inner cellar system including Mars, with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  The carbon dioxide or not a warming gas.

Over the earth it's global travels across the arctic ice In winter.  Rising to four parts per million.  Twice the terrestrial limit.  As they experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth, down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.

There are so many people earning their living by requiring the earth is warming.  Totally negating the cooling.  We experience from 1995 until 2023.  The earth is back into the 28 year period of natural global warming.

Cause five predictable short term so the emission variations.  Give a short term climatic cycles 28 years.  We have longer term cycles are 10,000 years and no 1,000,000 years.  Giving us predictable ice ages.

Carbon dioxide rising in glaciation.  The C 18th century the little ice age across Europe had carbon dioxide levels of a Jurassic four parts per million.  The level during the Jurassic one periods.

Photosynthesis was less efficient then, the eight parts per million in the three natural Jurassic ice ages.  One lasting a record breaking 1000 years.  With eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

Carbon dioxide levels in the free air rises as photosynthesis shuts down.  Light during an ice age.  In a warm period photosynthesis converts the free carbon dioxide into the photo synthetic carbon biomasses.

Nuclear power is such an enormous carbon source.  However do they have filled our city to promote the idea of carbon dioxide cause global warming.  During uranium nuclear power plant construction, they utilised a a fossil fuel burn on limestone to free use all the cement.

Uranium nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  Carbon dioxide tracks global cooling.  And there is no possible warming effect.

That is nuclear inspired summer's fiction for the scientifically stupid.  Which will be confirmed by Dr.Z, if his professorship into chemical and process engineering had not been funded by uranium nuclear power.

So he is desperate to just about the hyper toxic and an insurable nuclear power.  Every nuclear power plant requires annual insurance of an impossible 100 billion.  There being no source of insurance above one billion.

Carbon dioxide stimulates plant growth.  So that uranium nuclear power promotes global toxic death. 


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