diabetes all done

All diabetes cured by March 2023

In 2001 the then Dr. Z suggested the application of high intensity ultrasound in cancer cells did nuclear fusion.  Without any doubt the most brilliant piece or cellar and so I had ever heard!  It device by his uncle at Columbia University, and familiar to every American professor is science is ever since.

Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers

University science education is dependent on the money there he sees to research or nuclear fusion.  But since the 1880s medics had using ultrasound scans to detect cancer cells.

Cancer cells must have a foreign pressurise cell structure, just like viral and bacterial infections, to induce infective structure replication.

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray US= 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound today.

In the laboratory application of 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasound to a flask of room temperature water, causes to boil intense seconds, the walls there familiar with microscopic bubbles of helium and free radical oxygen.  There being no chemical source of helium!

Other than as the decomposition of HeF - not presently in tapwater.

I was in touch with Dr. MatZinger from the national institute of health.  Who have reversed 1998 that though the immune system sore the foreign cancer cells, he did nothing as the foreign cell was doing no cell damage.

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published use of one application of 1 minute of 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound, to cause some of the cancer primary cells to boil and rupture.

Massively in excess of the cancer tumour is ability to absorb cell fragments.  Usually a cancer will hide cell damage from the clustering dendrites around the cancer,

I have verified this work using 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.  Totally clearing breast, lung and colon cancers in a solitary 1 minute ultrasound application.  From my trusty 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device purchased over the Internet.

Ultrasound Therapy Machine 1MHz Portable Massage Device for Muscle and Joint Pain Relief, 3-Level Adjustment Gears, Ultrasonic Physiotherapy Massager Device ...

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Which facilitated a total cancer cure without any Dr. or drugs interaction.  The ultrasound coals the inflated cancer cells to boil and rupture.  Which the clustering dendrites saw as significant cell damage.

They it secreted in actioned the human antibody to the novel genome found in the cell fragments.  This specific cancer genome.  Ignoring the surrounding cure and tolerated genome.

So the T cells are macrophages no clear that distinct cancer cell type totally from the body.  Published 53 medical professors in 100 patient double blind medical trial 2002.

At which stage every registered Dr. On earth was required to purges the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit from the Moffitt for $10,000.  And use it for 1 minute to clear all patient cancers.

Academic medics verify the Moffitt Paper 2002, and there were globally banned from researching cancer Bio chemistry.  In the same whether all registered doctors acting as GPs', legally prevented from the prescription of the now defective an intentionally fatal within two years, biochemical drug treatments.

And as the European Court of human rights as personally inform me, there is no legal challenge to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Which is absolute law.

80% of Dr. and drug income came from biochemical cancer drugs.  All biochemical drug company is plus higher up nurses voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

Automatically is formed by all global doctors today, before they can comments legal medical practice.  Even the American doctors who signed the weekend lasagne pledge from 2002 for two years, banned from prescribing biochemical cancer drugs ever.

Which were intentionally defective and fatal medicine within two years.  The lasagne pledge prohibited by the Dr. applying defective medicine.  The cancer biochemistry intentionally defective and fatal medicine since 2002.

Since when any medicated cancer patient death invokes a fine of 10 million UK pounds.  And the prescribing doctors each receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison.  Totally struck off from all medical practice ever!

There subsequent prescriptions all invalid and illegal.  The drug orders should never have been filled by any registered pharmacist, or a fire by any registered nurse around the world.

The high up nurses inform the lower down nurses, that HIUS was the only legal cancer medicine since 2002.

The cancer biochemical drugs were so a financially lucrative.  No biochemical drug company summit is to manufacture and sell biochemical cancer drugs since the Moffitt Paper 2002.

All the drug company struck off and structural all biochemical drug patents it once possessed.  Then no longer be our to borrow from the banks against its nonexistent share price, totally bankrupt from 2002.

Yet psychopathic individuals who once were doctors, continued with the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer drugs until 2020.  Just one prescription of cancer biochemical drugs since 2002 struck off the Dr., Drug company and nurse without legal challenge.

If your GP prescribed just one set of biochemical cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off that afternoon!  All subsequent prescriptions illegal and invalid.  There medical practice criminal and uninsured.

Overseen by doubly registered Dr. Lawyers who work for the National Medical regulator.  Who them cells intentionally prescribed the defective cancer biochemical drugs.  And so totally struck off from all legal medicine and cells.

Ineligible to serve for the medical regulator ever again.  Or cold actions which led to the doctors discharge, must be retried of legal Dr. lawyers, at the regulators expense.

I repeat no cancer Bio chemistry was legal from 2002.  So no academic medic could research cancer Bio chemistry since the firstly validated the Moffitt work 2002.

Attempting to research cancer Bio chemistry struck off the academic medic.  Totally ejected from medicine for the rest of recorded history.

An registered doctors could no longer years there spurious and illegal research work, to try and justify the intentionally defective and fatal cancer biochemical drugs prescription.

Although medical schools who have permitted cancer biochemical research work, however biochemistry department fossil the shutdown and the staff sacked from 2002.  Structural all subsequent education wage and pension.

The psychopathic former academic medics, totally unqualified and train for any other academic work.  They were struck off as registered doctors, their first day of cancer biochemical research.

Then for ever totally excluded from all legal medical work.  Hence all medical schools around the world must shut down all the cancer biochemical research facilities.  Backdated for 23 years!

And no GP allowed to prescribe the intentionally defective and fatal biochemical cancer treatments, since 2002.

Yet doctors are arrogant people!  Who C being struck off because of cancer Bio chemistry, a trivial problem!  So happily transferred to other research areas.  Even a totally struck off as registered doctors.

2010 I firstly validated by the church friend that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas, clear the inflated viral structure causing type two diabetes.

Freely published on the Internet.  Since the firstly validated by every registered Dr. Using the 8 W three MHZ unit bought to validate the cancer cure, are not allowed to prescribe metformin since 2002.

Returning all diabetic medication expenses to the individual or their family.  With an additional 10 million for every medicated diabetic patient deaths.

As usual the party logical individual struck off and totally excluded from legal medicine for ever.  The involved drug company also struck off without legal challenge.

Emil Werner and James Bell, chemists from Dublin, first described metformin in 1922. However, it wasn't until the 1950s that French physician Jean Sterne began studying metformin in humans. 

My stepgrandfather and step grandmother, the first my stepfather is father or die from diabetes in the 1980s umtil the 1990s.  Ironically were so keen ultrasound for a metals forging company.

So so my practical confirmation 2010, every registered Dr. On earth with an interest had to verify the 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, the standard cancer cure, I applied to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas also cleared type two diabetes instantly.

Since when no metformin prescription legal.  Intentionally killing the diabetic patient within the decade.  When the cure was already freely published on the Internet.

2016 I medicine a traveller who contract ID diabetes in America.  And verify the prince of my American diabetic contacts.  The 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the rib cage over the pancreas, instantly clear type one diabetes.

Since then no insane prescription around the world has been legal.  All the diabetic drug prescription charges returned to the patient.  With an additional 10 million UK pounds for the death of any diabetic.

The prescribing Dr. Receiving the usual 25 years in high security prison for each diabetic death.  The fine and jail time for psychopathic individuals who have medicated a diabetic, without face result is a matter for the lawyers.

Was the diabetic death usually occurs within 10 years us as a diabetic medication.  And were more 15 years after my published cure to type two diabetes.  That cure type one diabetes in three days.  As immune system got busy clearing B exploding cell type from the body.

Since 2020 he the drug companies have been frantically repeatably testing the world population for surviving cancers.  Failing to fully comprehend that high intensity ultrasound clears all cancers so ever or could ever exist.

Hence GP's still prescribing the intentionally defective and fatal biochemical cancer drugs, until 2020.  Has been firstly validated the 100% cancer cure effective I1 minute external 8 W three MHZ ultrasound.

The medically confirmed cancer cure from 2002, subsequently filed by the registered doctors around the world to clear all 200 types of human cancer.

½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side the chest, will clear the inflated foreign cell structure common to all cancer and viral infections, as well as cancers.

So using their 8 W ultrasound unit to clear all viral infections, stopped the possibility of any cancer strains involving after 2002.  So as the 2020 and a every registered Dr. On earth was aware there all cancers have ceased globally.

Then legally and medically prohibited from applying the spurious cancer tests on behalf of the self seeking murderous drug companies.  All the chest carry out predictably negative.

Striking off the cancer testing doctors and their drug company.  So void 2016 the world was fully aware that 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest, totally clears all diabetes in the world.

Much 2023 doctors put on written record, all diabetes has ceased around the world.  No insulin or metformin prescription was any more legal.  The diabetic drugs inducing the diabetic death internal 1000 compromised years.

The full diabetic cure was published by myself 2016.  Making the inflated diabetic causing viral cell type in the pancreas, look dangerous the immune system.

Once again inducing a full immune action to clear that dangerous cell type totally from the body, according to Dr. MatZinger is danger model.

Just one GP prescription of cancer or diabetic medication since the disease cures were internationally medically recognized, resulting the Dr. being struck a off.  And prosecuted for mortal counts of medical malpractice.

Each patient death warranting a 25 year jail term in high security prison.  With the company and 10 million pound fine paid to the surviving patients, or more likely family members. 


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