Non nuclear carbon zero heat and power

Plants eat CO2, excrete CO2 waste

A 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of heat.  We can convert into ½ MW of carbon zero mains AC current.  For production with no carbon dioxide!


Globally uranium nuclear power paid its stooges to fabricate Manmade Global warming after the Chernobyl incident in 1986.  The Chernobyl incident caused a nuclear winter in the Ukraine.  So the obvious answer was to propose that commercial power cause warming.

The natural climate has 28 year cycles or warming cooling, so global warming was the obvious affection!  Then all the planets in inner solar system static cooling 1995.  Including mass with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  But the earth there before photosynthesis got busy in the cretaceous.

It transpires that natural photosynthesis on land and sea, is actually a weak form of biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Turning water molecules into the trace of helium and oxygen gas, with massive heat and even low power X rays.

1 H₂O+ chlorophyll+P→He+O+E+Lb+X-ray

Blue light emission is important for photosynthesis because it drives the photosynthetic reaction and regulates the opening of stomata. 

The size to go for a walk in the field of green crops during the day you I's detect the blue light emitted by green plants.  And is sensitive Geiger counter will measure the xray production.

Which is very important, as there is no biochemical source of X rays.  X rays other province solely of nuclear fusion and fusion.  Photosynthesis during the day in its X rays, which transform the carbon atoms into heavy carbon.  The basis for carbon dating of organic materials.

2 ⁱ²Cₙ(H₂O)ₙ+2X-ray→ⁱ⁴Cₙ(H₂O)ₙ ⁱ²Cₙ(H₂O)ₙ being the carbohydrates of plant biomass.

Which makes biology the world's experts into nuclear fusion on earth.  Doing what the late Professor Bernard Argent termed (biological) molecular nuclear fusion.

He was an emeritus professor of metallurgy, specializing in radioactivity.

Nature is actually the fourth of nuclear fusion.  However the sea currents, or waterfalls over one metre in height, ice physical molecular nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

YU= turbulence > 1m of liquid water flow and.

So the deep C4 walls are helium and free radical oxygen gases.  The oxygen bar near auction molecules to form ozone.  That we have all smelt over the countryside or body as the water like the sea or had he wakes.

Heavy rain or snow storms also do physical molecular nuclear fusion, using 3.  Hence geography has noted the emission of X rays from rain or snow storms.  So quite happily goes on at -50° C above the north pole.

Now we have storms we had to get the production of helium and oxygen positive ions, we have three negatively charged electrons, the positive ions collected above the clouds layer.  Which acts as a great Laden charge collector.

The electrons fall the negative charge to the ground and at 5000 volts A partial steam plasma snakes its way down from the cloud tops to the ground.

On touchdown we discharge 100 amps of electrical charge bills up by converting the water into positive helium and oxygen ions, and free electrons.

The lightening down strike, is preceded by the much more vigorous lightening up strike.  As nature does the nuclear fission of hydrogen ions in the free air.

4 H₂O+P+TU→2(He+O+E²+X-ray) which should make a fascinating lecture series at Sheffield University, where I started this research 2001!  The no professor Z is deeply embarrassed that nuclear fusion on earth is so simple.  The that manmade climate change is just a lot of nuclear power inspired fiction.

Designed to terrify the science naive, as the inner cellar system planets or cooled from 1995 until 2023.  Since when the climate change brigade have kept very very quiet.

As the air climate was cooling naturally from 1995 till 2023.

By green plants on land and sea metabolise the carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of plant biomass, excreting the oxygen first evolved and multiplied to take in.

Carbon dioxide being plant food.  And the oxygen gas excreted by photosynthesis plant waste.  Which forms with oxygen molecules in the air to form ozone, producing a ozone layer that protects multi cellular life on earth the from the sterilising effect of naked solar radiation.

5 O+O₂→O₃ rising to form the natural protective ozone layer.  Which is regenerating constantly all around the earth.

So within 5 minutes any extra carbon dioxide produce five burning the fossil fuels, which use to be biology in prehistory, is converted back into plant biomass on earth today.

Mankind's industrial revolution has had no effect on the weather.  Which is made in the stratosphere, where man carriers carbon dioxide emissions never reach.

They are taken in a new civil carbohydrates by the plants and trees all around the earth.  Though eting temperate carbon dioxide during the day to a Prix industrial two parts per million.

At night animals take in some the oxygen gas, and use it to oxidise fats.  To the animal half of the carbon cycle.

6 CₘHₙ+pO₂+ biological action→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

Biochemistry, Fatty Acid Oxidation - StatPearls

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) › books › NBK556002

by JT Talley · 2023 · Cited by 84 — Thus, fatty acid oxidation provides an alternative mode of high-efficiency energy production while simultaneously sparing muscles from catabolic ...

It is nice to C or the NI H is on the case again.  So at night carbon dioxide levels rise even above the temperate earth, as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures locally.

Of some below 0° C in the air over Saudi Arabia.  A country which is massively hearts during daylight hours.  Below freezing at night.

Above the polar ice In the winter months, photosynthesis shuts down.  The carbon dioxide levels double to four PPM.  As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth, down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.

In ice ages the local carbon dioxide level doubles.  Most recently in the little ice age across Europe in the 18th century.  Carbon dioxide levels rising to four PPM.  The level in the warm Jurassic periods.

The Jurassic and three natural ice ages, one lasting four shares in years - the long this glaciation on record.  Here we use radioactive phosphorus dating, as carbon dates only good for last five years and years.

Embarrassingly his stroke men record teaches is the carbon dioxide levels rise in cold periods, like we see every year above the arctic ice packs.

Spring sees the return of the light during the day, photosynthesis resumes on the arctic land masses, and carbon dioxide levels four nearer the temperate two PPM.  Held by the photosynthesis which resumes in the seas.

Absolutely no evidence of carbon dioxide levels are increasing in one periods, the Jurassic one periods had photosynthesis which is less adept at dumping free radical oxygen.  Hence the left twice the level of carbon dioxide in the air.

The level halved as you entered a natural ice age.  Four PPM was C terrestrial carbon dioxide level around the earth in the warm periods.  Carbon dioxide level rises and falls with a four year time delay over natural glaciation events.

Who ever concocted manmade global warming by nuclear power, was a serious idiot.  Ignorant on the natural climate changes experienced all around the earth continuously.

Their family ignorant that plants constantly are doing nuclear fusion from water molecules, in the plant photo blast during daylight hours.

So a heavy rain or snow storms already do physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Going on continuously around the earth today.

B resulting charge build up between the cloud tops and the ground, fires off a lightening bolt.  And geography has noted that every lightening of all touchdown is accompanied by the release of 5 tonnes of helium ions.  Geography already having noted that heavy storms give off X rays.

And the reaching the war grammar Geiger counters, as there is so much X ray emission from nature doing molecular nuclear fusion.  Like to waterfalls over one metre high!

And biology has noted the emission of X rays from green plants doing photosynthesis.  And I so detected the emission of blue light from photosynthetic organisms on land and sea, during daylight hours.

My American contact got so excited he fired me up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  They got a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat.  Totally unrelated to the environment, and the massively expensive and unreliable environmental power generation.

We can use A12 1000 UK pound little steam turbine.  We can hire for 1300 UK pounds a month.

Which will generate a constant ½ MW of carbon 0 3 phase mains electricity.  That the national grid in the UK will happily pay 2p per kilowatt hour.  An annual income a warm 0.5 million UK pounds.

My local MP is Rebecca long Bailey.  Who told me personally as a council election vote that she was fascinated by carbon zero electricity.  So she should raise the issue of R30 CM steam plasma in the next energy questions to Ed Miliband, the UK climate change and energy Secretary.

She should start by asking him, as plants' cap temperate carbon dioxide level of just two PPM during the day, carbon dioxide years strictly limited to a preindustrial two PPM.

A static trace gas affects nothing.  Professor Z from Sheffield University went away to find another cause of climate change, as carbon dioxide was so obviously static at a Preindustrial two PPM.

He happily took 5000 UK pounds for my PH D work back at Sheffield University 2000-, but then ended my PH D study is without A PH D award or explanation.

He was embarrassed that nature global carbon dioxide at a preindustrial two PPM.  And all the moves of people around the world owning a damn good living from climate change, not able to help him with another possible cause of mankind affecting the weather.

We live with the weather, God makes it.  And carbon dioxide stimulates plant growth around the world.  Animals are involved in the cretaceous, and modified in number to in the cretaceous mass extinction.

Win 90% of life on earth died.  Only recovering as the animals increased in numbers, to breathe in the oxygen gas excreted by plants.  An ET and the plant biomass plants produce by metabolising the carbon dioxide.

Why he did uranium nuclear power tried to stigmatise carbon dioxide after the Chernobyl triple core meltdown 1986.  Ignorant of biology, or meteorology.  Apparently unaware that building a uranium nuclear power plant, is mankind's fourth largest emitter of carbon.

As they utilised a a fossil fuel burn on limestone to make the cement, for their reinforced concrete.  In operation as Rebecca long Bailey will affirm, uranium nuclear power knees annual insurance cover today of 100 billion after the Fukushima incident 2010 in Japan.

It was set at 40 billion after Chernobyl in 1986.  Being that uranium nuclear power is a huge carbon source.  And releasing in two years the equivalent carbon emissions from a similarly sized commercially fired power station, for 25 years,

And after 25 year you should demolish the nuclear facility.  Or we get the inevitable Fukushima Star incident.  Which sprayed radioactive waste over Asia.

Which will see the rarest of all cancers and heart disease for next 20 years.  The each death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and the plant managers or all receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison, for every radiation linked death.

There will be no Sizewell C.  The science or be have operated for all his life without adequate insurance cover.  Since Sizewell A was demolished 1976.  With all the its criminally insufficient insurance cover and planning consent.

Thus Sizewell B never had its own legally required planning meetings.  Costing 10 billion UK pounds.  Which would have produced a resounding 'No **** of' to the RE idea of a nuclear power plant.

King Charles has e-mailed me previously, saying he is very much against nuclear power.  The most toxic technology ever invented by mankind.  Thus Sizewell B was billed as an illegal extension to Sizewell A.  Then demolished.

Removing any pretence of the nuclear facility has been planning consent.  Used a of its operations required that insurance cover of 40 billion annually after Chernobyl 1986.  Rising to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010.  When I was unfortunately in Brazil!

To close for comfort.  So every day of Sizewell B's operation is just plain illegal.  Which really should be stamped on by my contact to the European Court of human rights.


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