Nature does carbon zero heat on earth for free

plasmas are strips of neutron stars

Heavy rain or snow storms have molecular hydrogen, water molecules in turbulent flow and the above 1 W.  By definition the strong atomic force, which stops hydrogen atoms fusing.

No stronger storms have water molecules in turbulent flow.  Where the hydrogen nuclei of free E to fuse.

Firstly we breaks the water molecules apart into positive atomic nuclei and free electrons.  Thanks to physics four publishing the physical equations.

1 H₂O+P+TU→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

For last we see the positive hydrogen nuclei fusing with the negatively charged free electrons.  A non nuclear source of neutrons.  Such low power they could not penetrate a paperback.

2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

And a graduate university physics students are taught this on the first year of a physics degree.  Tragically have a master's degree in engineering, albeit specializing in radioactivity.

So I had to use the Internet to get at the interesting equations, we get the positively charged oxygen ions, fusing we have four free electrons.  The protons and electrons do not annihilate.

3 O⁺+4e⁻→8H⁺+4n⁰-E

So we transform is the steam plasma into a damp down hydrogen plasma.  You can do the physical equations using neutrons rather than electrons.  I will leave you to do this yirself!

So the steam plasma is converted into a hydrogen plasma.  Which forms the reading Corona around every radiant sun.  Now we're interested in a practical Engineering System.

And after two years' work I realise that are steam plasma in a glass cylinder, acting like a strand of neutron star.  We do the above equations, gradually convert into hydrogen ions and electrons into neutrons.

So we get the constituents of a young radiant sun.

4 H⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+L+X-ray)

A non pressurise steam plasma just Prix uses a massive heat and X rays.  Not energetic enough to produce X rays.  Time for some practical confirmation work!

My American friend 2018 fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  And paddy produced a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat.  I have kept the world up to date on my research work, an ensure that my local MP E, Rebecca long Bailey has been kept up to date on this carbon zero science.

We are basically free using heat without a fossil fuel burn so no carbon dioxide generation.  The plasma is burning the steam into just massive heat and light.  No 1 MW of heat he is a nice number!

If we use a steam plasma to drive a steam turbine, we were agheis ½ MW of three phase mains AC current.  Technically AC current is a sinusoidal wave.

Sine Wave: Definition, What It's Used for, and Causes

Sinusoidal Waveforms or Sine Wave in an AC Circuit

Characteristics of Sinusoidal Signals (Sine Waves)

Sine Wave – Mathematical Mysteries

The sine wave explained (AC Waveform analysis)

Sinusoidal Wave - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

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A sine wave, sinusoidal wave, or sinusoid (symbol: ∿) is a periodic wave whose waveform (shape) is the trigonometric sine function. In mechanics, as a linear motion over time, this is simple harmonic motion; as rotation, it corresponds to uniform circular motion.

Tesla found that you could usually transfer DC current into AC.  Annie could muster the increase their voltage, and so decrease the current.

Which allowed you to transmit AC current almost without loss.  At the other end you transform the high voltage AC current, back into mains AC.  DC current was trouble to V transmitted over 500 metres.

AC current is almost more science after attaining kilometres!  They are used DC electricity, Tesla promoted the modern AC current.  But was not such a good businessman and went bankrupt.

Today all the National Power grid is use AC power transmission.  The can pass air over our lightening cylinder, and heat up air to 800° C

We pass the ER 3 W physicist delight in calling thermoelectric generator.  Usually a thorium salts which transforms the heat into electrical current, with a 13% efficiency.  The steam turbine has a 50% efficiency.  But the half megawatts steam turbine will cost 12,000 UK pounds.

We can rented for under 1300 UK pounds a month.  And get a monthly payment all our excess carbon zero electricity, of 50,000 UK pounds a month.

Buying a 65 kW thermoelectric electric generator will generate three phase mains AC current, or the electronics are sold within the generator.

Which alone an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  A millionaire's income!  Using the plasma to burn or volume of water to miniscule to measure in a lifetime.

And crucially generating no carbon dioxide: which plant's will be very unhappy about!  As the take in carbon dioxide to grow.  Since the industrial revolution the burning the fossil fuels has released the organic carbon tied up in the fossil fuels in the prehistoric mass extinctions,

Fancy over the temperate land and air from sea as I keep pointing out during the and as the daylight do biological molecular nuclear fusion.  So watering all life on earth.

5 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+TU+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

On earth m=6, n=8 and r use to store to measure.  The TU is the turbulence of water as it flows around the plant photo blast - their photosynthesis goes on.  Which is really a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion.

Hence you can go for a walk in the green cells during the day he with a Geiger counter, and measure always of the X rays the growing plants emit.  Animals and the increased in number June the cretaceous mass extinction.

To gobble up the oxygen excreted by plants.  And breathe out the carbon dioxide was plant food.  90% of biological life on earth had died as carbon dioxide fell to one part per million.

In the Jurassic one periods carbon dioxide was at four parts per million.  As green plants' Walesa adept at dumping is the free radical oxygen.  The natural limit to photosynthesis, when there is sufficient carbon dioxide.

The animals breathe in the waste gas of plants - the oxygen.  The free radical oxygen bonding with oxygen molecules to form the protective ozone layer circling the earth.  Excluding all he for naked cellar radiation to the sun produces.

The Jurassic and three natural ice ages, there free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth rose to eight parts per million.  Sea levels were 60 metres lower in the warm periods - as was 85% more active life on earth.  Tying up the rainfall in the local lash ecosphere.

Every year today in the arctic winters over north and south poles, we are back to a Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

Down to -80° C over the Antarctic ice cap in the dark winter months.  So carbon dioxide levels rise naturally in the dark!  Every night plants take out the animal half of the carbon cycle, the house of in the oxygen to oxidise the facts, to get at the residual nuclear fusion energy.

I was so interested in my friends confirmation that a 50x1.5 CM release a constant 1 MW of heat.  Which are the thermoelectric generator will convert into 65 kW of three phase mains electricity.

Synchronising with a electorate grid voltage and phase.  By now or every climate scientists on the planet has reqd my frequent papers on a plasma burn of water, Yielding a massive carbon zero heat and thus power.

Not one has got in touch!  As is basically no answer.  To non nuclear, safe and all polluting carbon zero power.  That pays the annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.

This system can be cobbled together by any decent garage scientist, or high school physics department.  It really years that basic!  I am an incredulous that apparently rational scientists, unfortunately in the pay of hyper toxic uranium nuclear power, went on about manmade climate change until 1995.

When the natural climate was due to move into a 28 year cooling..  We are back to natural climatic warming 2023.  Exactly on the natural cycle!  Which probably explains why the climate change idiots and had not celebrated the climate is back to natural warming.

As is a climate all the planets in inner solar system.  Including mass with 95% carbon dioxide in the air - as there is no natural photosynthesis, we can send a little inflatables.

To float in the Martian Air, being home to a little green house, to which we hours a little water, the first grass seeds are small amount of soil.  Which will grow like mad.

In time releasing plants over the Martian equator, to grow on the Martian soil, which contains loads of water, so can send down a grid of steam plasmas which release light and heat.

Which will stimulate the local plant growth, melting water out of the frozen Martian soil.  And we Terra form.  Though there is probably surviving Martian Life, in the deep marsh and rocks,

Illuminating by the light flash illumination we get from the turbulent flow of water in the deep around Mars.

For god's sake, Saul a science out on the north pole.  Over the land masses.  Sucking in that lovely four PPM carbon dioxide, grow like marred and building plant biomass.  To feed the constantly exploding human population on earth.

Which getting into Yarris it geopolitics and biology.  Of which I am not an expert!  We could make what are they are the dark pounds in the Canadian north more fertile than Texas, as he get light 247 and all year around.  There being no night from a steam plasma.


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