Free winter heat and power
I am assuming houses can be heated and powered by just 8 kW of heat and power in winter. We utilised an 18x1.5 cm steam plasma that would generate 30 kW of heat. All day! Utilising no fossil fuel burn or unreliable environmental heat source.
It is a captive strike of lightning in a glass cylinder. My American contact verified that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 65 kW of heat. Started at user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light. Once started the plasma runs on, while we had just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of heat to the plasma every year.
Which is below the motion capabilities even at Sheffield University where this work was started. They start off with a little spring loaded 5 cc water tank, and don't worry about it.
We pass air across the cylinder, where it should be heated to 800° C. And allying the my friend had never did the confirmation work. He so the is E away being a multimillionaire.
The passage over the 18 CM thermoelectric generator. That turns heat directly into electrical power. As both are characterised by the vibration or bulk movement of electrons. In the UK every eight houses is one electrical phase.
The electricity for their own stooges to the next of three phase AC electricity, and power as the next eight houses! So we generate their three phase mains national water into electricity. Which in the UK is 250 V.
So we are supplying all the electrical power and heat to a house without any remote fossil fuel burn at the power station. An eight involves no hyper toxic radioactive isotopes.
Nuclear power plants require the nuclear materials handling licence, that he is the province of nuclear power and Oak Ridge.
The steam plasma is basically O level physics. Combined we have some information I learned a on my master's degree in to engineering at Sheffield University, in the 1980s.
You will have certainly seen lightening strikes in a lifetime. You are probably unaware that the lightening bolt is a partial steam plasma. Which breaks the water molecules down into positively charged atomic nuclei and free electrons.
1 H₂O+P+de/dT→2He²⁺+O⁺+X-ray
B electrical field, de/dT is a result of the term and interaction of rain or snow particles in a storm, do physical molecular nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+P+TU→2He²⁺+O⁺+L+X-ray so a heavy storms do nuclear fusion in the free air. As the chaotic interaction of pressurise water molecules turn the water into helium and oxygen ions.
And geography has noted that we get out X rays from a storm. They also noted that lightning spits out neutrons. Though physics has not followed tell him why.
3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ so storms are a non nuclear source of neutrons. Geography is also noted that every lightening strikes as he touches down this the creation of 5 tonnes of helium ions.
Of which there is no chemical source! The positive ions from a lightening strike, in try out the water molecules on the ground from the rainfall, to do physical molecular nuclear fusion.
4 H⁺+H₂O+TU→He²+OH⁻+e⁻ where as everTU= turbulence above 1 W
All these electrical particles making heavy storms feel electric! And gives us a light flash illumination -very spooky!
So continuously all around the world rain or snow storms are doing nuclear fusion in the free air. Which is sort of important to know. But not a useful Energy System.
My friend utilised the fluorescent light starter and a all fluorescent light, to fire me up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma. And so the there is also 1 MW of carbon zero heat generation.
So we utilised an 18 cm steam plasma, and get out a constant 30 kW of heat. Which will be converted into the 8 kW of carbon zero electricity. And after the generator the heart steam will still drive a local area central heating system.
Where our carbon zero electricity will pump the hot water around the local area air. So giving us three heat and electricity.
And doing times a lower energy demand, this are the three phase AC current to the national grid. Which should yield us a monthly check of 20 thousand UK pounds. Which are a bank manager will really love!
Compare and contrast with the UK annual pension of just eight thousand pounds. That's always a monthly income years considerable. We are talking about 24,000 UK pounds annually.
For unused surpluses electricity. And so we sell our excess carbon zero power to the national grid. And far between eight and 40 houses the carbon zero electricity.
I have yet to receive just one year more from the climate change idiots. For finance by nuclear power to talk scientific rubbish about carbon dioxide. Failing to notice of the construction of a uranium nuclear power plant is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
It is the fossil fuel burn on limestone to make the cement for all its' reinforced concrete. Making uranium nuclear power surgery horrendous carbon source.
Every year of operation a 100 megawatt uranium driven power station, knees annual insurance of 100 billion UK pounds I annual insurance cover. So so Fukushima disaster in Japan 2010.
Every nuclear power plant in the world has required annual insurance cover of 40 billion since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. There being no source of insurance above one billion, it is cheaper than though horrendously less legal, to bribed the national regulation regulator into inactivity.
The biggest on going corporate crime in economic and world history. He to the surviving 422 uranium nuclear power plant on earth, each needs but lacks or hundred billion of insurance cover.
Carrying just 50 million - the church legal insurance required before the win skill disaster of 1978. Since when every uranium nuclear power plant on earth has been operating criminally under insured.
As such, strained from the funding university research into any matter. So all the global warming climate change summer's fiction rubbish generated by financially motivated scientists, funded by horrendously under insured nuclear power.
As professor Argent reminded me 2005, financially compromised organisations are not allowed to fund university research. No nuclear funded science fiction funded by uranium nuclear power, remotely legal.
Every universe C phase two deleting all the spurious global warming climate change papers, and deleted them from academic research around the world.
World newspapers should not have paid fiction inspired by illegally under insured nuclear power. The biggest academic travesty in history.
Costing the world 10 billion a year since Fukushima in 2010 and. The most expensive science fiction in history.
The steam plasma utilises regular water, and spits out heat light and X rays. Are the same power is free used by a beating animal hearts! That's right, the pressure waves in your beating hearts does biological molecular nuclear fusion. Equation already published.
So we turn regular water into massive heat, we of light and maybe a little lower power X ray radiation. They to engineers can convert directly into three phase AC electricity.
The dream of all santis on earth. Safe, non nuclear and carbon zero heat and electricity. Involving no over priced oil and gas burn.
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