
Showing posts from October, 2024

carbon zero power free

180,000 every year In actual fact it pays a small fortune!  An involves no radioactive materials.  Around the world there are heavy rain or snow storms.  Which releases heat and radioactivity, and converts some other water molecules in the rain or snow, into helium and oxygen gases the massive heat and even maybe low power X rays. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+(X-ray)+Lir Who is university geography departments have written terse academic papers, about the release of helium and oxygen ions, plus free electrons with heat and lower power X rays from regular rain or snow storms. Nature is constantly doing molecular nuclear fusion all around the earth.  Which is why there is so much helium in the global air, lost to space within 24 hours.  And replaced the next day. I knew about these 1984.  Of of the that was busy putting my master's degree in engineering, so that it had to are the engineers to sort out.  The production of helium and X rays is only possible from radioactive proce