medicine tries to edit the truth

Cancers cured 2002

Is has been known medically since before 1980s, they cancers had a foreign inflated cell structure.  Medicine always reckon it could buy off any science which contributed its paid cash cow.  That cancers were supposedly incurable.

Then 2002 three medical professors at the world renown Moffitt cancer centre, applied wallet termed high intensity ultrasound externally to where it hurt, and found that the inflated cancer cells boil had and ruptured.

They are four and against biological molecular nuclear fusion.  The area of my PH D studies 2000.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+X-ray in response to e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound for $10,000 unit purchased from the Moffitt.

Are utilising equally effective 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from a massage device bought over the Internet for under five UK pounds.

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3 in 1 EMS Ultrasonic Body Slimming Massager Lipo Fat Burner Infrared Ultrasound Cavitation Machine Weight Loss Tool

So we were doing nuclear fusion at body temperature and only moderate cell pressure.  From my undergraduate medical act years somewhere region 3 to 4 atmospheres.

Tumor interstitial pressure is a fundamental feature of cancer biology. Elevation in tumor pressure affects the efficacy of cancer treatment and results in the heterogenous intratumoral distribution of drugs and macromolecules.13 Jun 2019

The cancer cell must be pressurised, as cancers are confirm the cellar bar or fragments, and divide in a viral fashion.  Curing six enzymes with infectious disease.

2010 I confirmed that ½ minute of 8 W one atmospheres ultrasound each side the chest, was totally benign and harmless.  But resulted in the total cure of all viral and bacterial infections within 2 hours.  Without any Dr. Intervention or drugs.

People have bought their own 8 W one MHZ unit over the Internet, and happily cures all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute.  So void 2020 doctors part on rich and record that all cancers have ceased forming globally.

The drug companies rushed aroun and got those documents deleted from the Internet.  They could not shared the medical textbooks which documented inflated nature of cancer cells.

Not contradict that applying my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to surgically removed cancer biopsies, caused just the cancer cells to boil and rupture.  There regime my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen gases.

There being no chemical source of helium.  And there is no source of radioactive decay within living biological bodies - just too toxic!  And must rming of all, medics far-red a Geiger counter of physics and measured the xray production from the exploding cancer cells.

Within the body 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, a commercially sourced version of the doctors High Intensity UltraSound, totally cleared all cancers in 1 minute.  So all doctors are legally compelled to use HIUS 2002.

When they had to personally confirm the Moffitt cancer centre paper.  Or they were automatically struck off and toes remove from legal medicine for ever.  The drug company is also constrained by the Hippocratic oath had to advocate the use of HIUS and cease to manufacture and sale or cancer drugs.

The 200 major biochemical concerns carried on with the manufacture of the defective cancer drugs immaterially.  So they were struck off the biochemical drug register.

All other biochemical drug patents void and worthless.  There drugs could then be freely Covid by the compatible drug manufacturers: there who in their right mind would wish to copy defective an intentionally fatal medicine killing the cancer patient predictably within two years.

HIUS cured for ever.  The drug companies have sought to and at the truth.  Delete any documents which recorded the cancer biochemical drugs are defective an intentionally fatal medicine.

That they could not sure I had the biological textbooks there medical office is around the world.  They manage to delete a lot of intent documents.  But not by four their fantastic 100% cure rate having discussed at length in the medical journals.

The medical press is a huge industry!  And void 2005 year my personal experience, every registered nurse on earth knew all about HIUS, and was energy and legally constrained from cancer drug delivery by their nightingale pledge.

Doctors are hellishly persuasive.  So much to persuade elium rights lawyers they cancer drugs were not defective and fatal - which in actual fact they were.

I wrote 2020 the medical document detailing there all cancers have ceased forming around the world.  The inevitable consequence of all viral infections been totally cured using HIUS.

Wrote in New York used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side use chest to clear his AIDs.  The most pernicious and previously incurable infection on earth totally cured by 1 minute of HIUS.

The drug company is better that there have been a sudden magical biochemical and fans.  What utter tosh!  HI be cured by the same HIUS which cures all cancers.  Also clearing all bacterial infections.

Clearing bacterial infections stop the development of all heart disease, hence coronary heart disease vanished from the world 2013.  And the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing all heart a river near 2023.

No Dr. or drugs involved!  2010 and as a confirmed that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas totally cleared type two diabetes.  Curing for my church friend, my mother and stepfather.

My mother and stepfather a matter of each of the cure to the Christie cancer hospital.  Which to stop doing all cancer medicine!  My stepfather also had coronary heart disease.  Totally cures using the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys.

The application of ½ minute of HIUS person years 2010 to clear 30 different viral and bacterial infections for my friends.  The idea spread over the inter around the world, and suddenly all infectious diseases were being cures.

Which are left medicine with a problem.  Cancers were no longer forming globally.  As medics part on record 2020.  The drug company is rash aroun and got those documents delete them and digital archived.

Burning doctors' surgeries there were now no infection, heart disease, diabetic and cancer patients.  Type one diabetes to all full minute of HIUS to clear, as reported by my American diabetics.

The standard ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will coals parasites were then the lungs to boil and rupture.  As they require the same inflated structure to induce parasitic replication.

Your body cells are or more flaccid and bud off DNA intact stem cells.  Which themselves off flaccid!  All because ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in inflated cell types.

As initially suggested by a be the uncle of Dr. Z, who published the work on cold fusion at Columbia University.  A truly amazing piece of scientific thinking.

The now a professor Z got very unhappy when I wrote my first paper about ultrasound curing cancers.  The drug company is have not managed to hide the fact the cancer rates fell to zero.

2024 and the published about the at 112 Americans had developed cancer is that year.  As if it in some magical way the new cancers would not respond to HIUS.  The genetic have Asian history end of the DNA RNA, Anderson also cancers need to divide in a single cell, viral fashion.

So stand application 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound externally to where it hurt, will clear all cancers that ever exist in the future.  But curing all viral infections stops the formation and evolution of cancers.

Hence the desperation of the drug company is to delete the papers on the sudden cessation of the formation of cancers globally.  They can not A to the truth!  Cancer rates fell.  Those existing cancer patients were intentionally in callously medicated to death, to zero.  No cancers on earth.

2024 and the UK he cancer rate fell to zero according to registered doctors.  Again the drug companies rasher and Guinness papers deleted.  They could not edit the truth.  They cancer hospitals or wards have fallen empty.

In private medicine and nose hospitals shut down and reopen as mental health units.  2010 I validated that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  Medicines still fundamentally reluctant to concede our Alzheimer's has ceased.

Even though mental our problems are caused by pressurised viral type structure left behind from a fall infection.  And expenses the usual biological molecular nuclear fusion, as you apply ultrasound each side ahead.

The regular brain cells of flacid an unaffected by HIUS.  So medicine has no real problem here!  Molecular nuclear fusion was proposed as an idea 2008.  Incontrovertible physical science.

Which the drug company is have tried desperately to buy off.  They had not tried to buy me off.  Presumably as they found out my advice is are organized by is legally independent trust fund, supervised by the house of lords.  The highest law in the world!

Within public Health Services, the managers' survey infection rates.  The only employ a insufficient doctors and nurses to cope with the patient demand.

If there are no cancers in existence, although cancer doctors and nurses are sacked without legal argument.  Backdated to 2002 as a total physical cure to all cancers was freely published by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America are.

Our 1 minute of external e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.  There was no reason for cancer testing ever since 2002.  As every registered Dr. Already owned an 8 W three MHZ unit, firstly validated to clear all cancers in 1 minute.

The cancer cure actually basic high school physics!  Cancers can not involve around it.  As without cell growth cancers are not to cancer.  I don't the drug company is and there but doctors are like the multi headed hydra or Greek myth.

You chop off one head anal of after saying 'But...', they carry is a most psychopathic murder of patients.  The doctors all have been sworn their Hippocratic oath, to validate and use best medical science.

The first day they applied defective science is there last day as a registered legal Dr..  Required to strike themselves off.  Higher up nurses and drug companies are voluntary signatures to the Hippocratic oath.

Having to cease manufacture and sale, and then application of defective medicines.  And all cancer drugs became intentionally defective and fatal medicine after the Moffitt Paper 2002.  100 patient medical trial supervised by three or cancer medical professors,

The gold standard for medical validation.


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