climate sun controlled
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the sun controls the natural global climate |
In 1986 Ukrainian nuclear experienced the Chernobyl incident. And desperately tried to use its academic stooges to invent a reason for nuclear power to still exist.
It utilises enriched uranium and produces a hyper toxic plutonium and strontium. Plutonium and is just a massively radioactive. And toxic to life! Enriched uranium himself is very undesirable.
Or time the turnover interaction of snow or rain particles does molecular nuclear fusion. The idea of professor Z's uncle at Columbia, who published the work on cold fusion 1986.
Around the world every 3 minutes there is a lightening strike. Where nature does nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E+X-ray
So the TU is turbulence. So heavy rain or snow storms around the world are constantly doing nuclear fusion. Releasing X rays and heat. There being no chemical source of X rays.
And a grey imports your Dr. Z for suggesting how nature continuously dollars nuclear fusion around the world, waterfalls over one metre high constantly releasing X rays and helium plus free radical oxygen gases. As they do physical molecular nuclear fusion.
Your beating hearts releases X rays as it also does nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+P+TU+dP/dT→He+O+E+X-ray
So water levels over one metre high, and everything hearts do nuclear fusion. They invented by the late Professor Bernard argent: the cleverest man I ever met. He thought I was interesting.
I wrote my first paper on molecular nuclear fusion 2001, and my PH D was yanked from under my feet as Dr. Z, received money from uranium nuclear power to kill professor Z. And he lost all interest in clean and safe and nontoxic nuclear fusion.
But the natural world is continuously doing nuclear fusion. By heavy rain or snow storms. Again producing helium gas and X rays. Of which there is no chemical source!
Personal cells do nuclear fusion at below 0° C. This is so interesting!
3 H₂O+TU+P→He+O+E+X-ray
So all funded by the independent trust fund, so three to think about life changing science, we know as game pressure to conform to nuclear orthodoxy. So he every rain or snow storms do nuclear fusion continuously around the planet,
There being a lightening strike every 3 minutes around the world. My thanks here go to Brett in America he confirmed that a 1mx1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
4 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)
So continuously around the world the 1.5x2cm partial steam plasma this is a lightening bolt, releases light, heat and X rays. As nature is busy doing A plasma burn from regular water. The carbon zero heat system of nature.
We utilise perhaps 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma should release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. A thermoelectric generator will turn into a constant 65 kW of mains linked AC current. As the Greeks would say 'Eureka'.
Getting the carbon zero electricity for eight houses from a 30 cm steam plasma. Which burns regular water into just massive energy, a little light and lower power X rays. And not even sure about the X rays!
I am sure there carbon zero electricity for between eight and 40 houses, depending on daily demand. With any oil or gas burn!
Which is why am I have logs on this subject has seen the our price crash of $120 a barrel, to 65. As the world is going carbon zero! Using a little steam plasmas. Heat with no carbon fuel burn.
And he utilises just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year. But to little ever to measure. Even at Sheffield University. As has a global reputation for gas or liquid and measurement.
We had to calculate it! Using EinStein's E=mc². The most famous scientific equation out there! The thorium salt in the thermoelectric generator air is so 13% efficiency. He was standing 1 MW of carbon zero heat into 65 kW our carbon zero mains linked AC electricity.
Linking the phase and voltage of the AC current. Luckily he do not have to understand this! Tragically as taught it on my master's degree in to engineering 1982.
So every house owner can fire up a 30cm steam plasma. Again the AC electricity for 8 to 40 houses. Without any carbon fuel burn. No temptation to either hyper toxic uranium nuclear fusion.
Since Fukushima in 2010, every 100 MW nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion. There being no commercially available insurance above one billion.
All 255 surviving uranium nuclear power plants operating criminally under insured and hyper toxic. You sea massive money into education, which is more than a future since 2010 and Fukushima.
When he uranium nuclear power became totally an insurable and criminal engineering. Our steam plasma, is non nuclear non toxic heat. And so electrical power. My master's degree so obviously Kamela's power generation and or radioactive processes.
So every operating uranium nuclear power plant in the world has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion a year, says 2010.
They nuclear regulator under the legal imperative to shut down every power plant operating minute insufficient insurance. I met the representative of the nuclear regulator 1984.
The year of George Orwell's dystopia SciFi novel. Professor argent died 2015. I told him that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound earth, I applied externally will clear all cancers.
He preferred to rely on the Sheffield medics, so was dead within two years! He thought I was smart, but not to use for intentional medical suicide.
I have been telling the world there a carbon zero heat foundation of our steam plasma. The world can't believe it is that simple!
Preferring to believe the nuclear science fiction, of carbon dioxide affecting the climate. Ignoring the fact that building a nuclear power plant is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
The steam plasma emission free. Nuclear power being on to theS 10 million years carbon dioxide science fiction since 1986. Failing to take account that the every arctic and Antarctic winter, carbon dioxide levels double from the temperate two parts per million, to the arctic winter four PPM.
As year expenses the coldest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C over the Antarctic ice pack. So twice the carbon dioxide, to ice the carbon dioxide level to the temperate earth.
There every day photosynthesis on land and sea six carbon dioxide to just two PPM. Man carriers carbon emissions accounting for just 0.0002% are the carbon dioxide freed out by animals. Taken in by plants. To drive photosynthesis,
5 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)
So plants on land and C during the daylight continuously emitting a faint blue light and X rays, plus helium and oxygen gases, as they do nuclear fusion. My thanks to Dr Z, for making the correct my chemical equations - as I have Mr. the emission of the waste oxygen molecules.
He then chose not to comment on plants doing nuclear fusion. As he is only a professor of chemical and process engineering, but a working steam engine also does nuclear fusion.
6 H₂O+TU+P→He+O+L+X-ray+E
Or there is icl's tell me he was off to lecture undergraduates in the steam cycle. My betting years those who did not mention the steam cycle as he does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
So nature is four of nuclear fusion. Every green plants on land and C busy Tony water into helium and oxygen gases, they carbohydrates men to the emission of heat light and X rays. So biology are the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.
Which use also are important to know. And we can utilised steam plasma is to reduce our 1 MW of carbon zero heat. And they killing 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.
We were on the climate people are still wittering on about carbon dioxide. Each and every one having done high school biology. As teaches plants take in carbon dioxide, does the two PPM talk to us in the universe C biology.
A static trace gas affects nothing! Manmade climate change is just nuclear power tried to buy a future. And remember the natural climate had turned into a warming phase 1993. That to natural global warming. Weather static trace of carbon dioxide in the temperate air.
There was a follower arctic sea we had twice the carbon dioxide- four PPM. And the coldest natural temperatures on earth. Any santis writing spurious academic papers on manmade global warming or climate change, A serious biological idiot.
Who should never have been employed in education of of a primary school milk round. So side not allowed to ride academic papers on anything!
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