burning natural gas does nuclear fusion
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Green plants give off X-rays as they do nuclear fusion |
Dr. Z gave me the idea from his uncle at Columbia University, 2000 that the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did physical molecular nuclear fusion. Name devised by emeritus professor Bernard Argent. So we need a flame of natural gas getting over one what of turbulence.
Which means that we have to pressurise the gas air mixture.
1 CH₄+(3O₂+r)+flame→CO₂+(2-r)H₂O+r(He+O₃+L+X-ray)
This explains why the gas flame must be pressurised - something or trouble me in the 1980s. It also explains why the flame of methane results in the formation of helium and ozone gases.
The ozone standard chemistry, helium can only be produced by nuclear fusion or nuclear fusion, and here there is no enriched carbon.
After the flame the carbon dioxide bonds with the xray potentially, to enrich the carbon 12 so carbon 13 and 14. Though source of carbon dates! Which give out of date tell you when the fire was last lit,
As plants do photosynthesis, the plant photo blast does biological molecular nuclear fusion.
2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+TU+chlorophyll→(Cā(H₂O)ā+O₂-E)+r(He+O₃+Lb+X-ray)
So green plants during the day use infrared light and lower biological catalysts are chlorophyll, to turn carbon dioxide and water into the carbohydrates of life. Which excrete oxygen and takes in energy.
That you are probably noticed the also do biological molecular nuclear fusion. Which turns out to the most important Energy System on earth. Releasing again and helium, A faint blue light and X rays.
So burning natural gas does nuclear fusion and as it releases 45 kW/m of heat from a car by fuel flame. The same as burning oil.
Weekend double the heat output by electro plating the boil plate an Asian with a face centred cubic metal. Aluminium melts at two lower temperature, but berileum use a great.
Beryllium's melting point is 1287°C:
The fossil fuel temperature of being about 1000° C. And there is a is for commercial demand for berileum. The that the metal is cheap.
Electro plate NG the boilerplate and engine half the required fossil fuel burn. We half the gas or oil required.
And the first of carbon fuels is very strongly linked to demand. Half a a fossil fuel demands will decrease the oil and gas price by 2/3.
But I got intrigued that a flame of fossil fuels only releases heat and light, plus there's trouble some X rays, as we fired up a steam plasma.
Kitchen or stand therelectric by a sodium plasma light. Your standards sodium struck off. We borrow the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light and fire up A steam plasma.
With which is a static strand of lightning in a glass cylinder, geography has noted that a 1.5km x2cm steam plasma, that is a lightening bolt gives out light and X rays. And produces five tonnes of helium ions.
As we are doing physical nuclear fusion.
3 H₂O+de/dT→H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)
So e.g. 5000 volts 0.01 amps electric field fires up a plasma. And the plasma burns regular water into just massive heat, they have a little light and X rays.
These X rays there is far fourth as from a beating human heart.
4 H₂O+dP/dT→He+O+E+X-ray
So a beating animal heart gives out heat and X rays. Of which there is no biochemical source of the latter! So you are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion 70 times a minute. Olympic athletes more! It is intrinsic to life on earth.
Going on in all animals and plants. The expansive steam cycle of the 18th century, allowed to man kind to tap into massive energy release from nuclear fusion. For ileum coaching the boilerplate or a steam engine, doubles the energy output.
But we do not need to burn fossil fuels. We use a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma, to release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. All the physicists who concocted manmade global warming and climate change, who bought to factor Ian biological life on earth.
Photosynthesis around the temperate earth Afternoon carbon dioxide levels are just two parts per million. Extra carbon dioxide being converted within 5 minutes into additional plant, then animal biomass.
Leaving a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the air.
Year for the would argue that there is no photosynthesis above the arctic poles in winter. As snow covers the land and sea ice covers the seas. Quite right! Carbon dioxide rises to four PPM. Twice the biologically capped at two PPM in the afternoon temperate air. Don't you just love biology!
The arctic winters are the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack. With a four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. The things climate change is a load of nuclear power funded science fiction rubbish designed to scare people who did not do high school biology.
Biology teaches that the carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth is controlled by the efficiency of photosynthesis. In the Jurassic down to four PPM. A generally warm period of prehistory, with 85% more biology. Less evolved - the twice the carbon dioxide in the temperate air.
The last time I drove over to Sheffield University, I told my old PH D supervisor Dr. Z, MS home biology capped players and a carbon dioxide at just two PPM around the temperate earth,
The no professor Z explained in a panic that he is neither of biology is not a medic. Though he was off to lecture undergraduates students in the steam cycle.
So was from the duty bound to are falling and a graduate students of our physical molecular nuclear fusion. Making steam engine so energetic, and giving out X rays.
We fire up a steam plasma to free use a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. A12 1000 UK pound steam turbine will generate ½ MW of three phase mains linked AC current.
A monthly income of 50,000 UK pounds. Without any sign of a fossil fuel burn or carbon dioxide production. No utilisation or or production of radioactive isotopes.
Which is caerphilly natural lightening. That gives off X rays by every lightening strike! Releasing heat, light and of course our low power X rays.
In the laboratory we use a fluorescent light starter, to fire up a steam plasma. In Kosovo constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. Heat without a fossil fuel burn!
The total solution to manmade climate change. All the pseudo santis who have made a absolute fortune from writing spurious academic papers about manmade global warming or climate change, remove from education.
They are adept or writing nuclear funded science fiction. For which he is probably no market! They sure as hell should not be anywhere near education.
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