'Clean' air kills plants
I defer to my old metallurgy professor from Sheffield University - Bernard Argent. He told me the universal truth 'what is wasteful one organism, is so far another. So green plants around the earth have evolved during the day. To suck in carbon dioxide air to the air. Down to the static level since before 1880 he it is two parts per million. 1 mCO₂+P+(n+r)H₂O+chlorophyll+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)n-E+O₂)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray) So during the daylight plant's on land and sea converts that day is carbon dioxide to the carbohydrates of life - Cₘ(H₂O)n. A process that takes in energy! And excrete oxygen molecules. At the same time the plant photo blast is busy doing biological molecular nuclear fusion - r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray). The emission of visible light and X rays, and production of helium gas is a the cells side of nuclear processes, who nuclear fusion from hydrogen molecules- regular water. Which is why in growing green plants this with the carbon isotope. ...