'Clean' air kills plants

I defer to my old metallurgy professor from Sheffield University - Bernard Argent.  He told me the universal truth 'what is wasteful one organism, is so far another.

So green plants around the earth have evolved during the day.  To suck in carbon dioxide air to the air.  Down to the static level since before 1880 he it is two parts per million.

1 mCO₂+P+(n+r)H₂O+chlorophyll+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)n-E+O₂)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)

So during the daylight plant's on land and sea converts that day is carbon dioxide to the carbohydrates of life - Cₘ(H₂O)n.  A process that takes in energy!  And excrete oxygen molecules.

At the same time the plant photo blast is busy doing biological molecular nuclear fusion - r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray).  The emission of visible light and X rays, and production of helium gas is a the cells side of nuclear processes, who nuclear fusion from hydrogen molecules- regular water.

Which is why in growing green plants this with the carbon isotope.

2 ⁱ²C+"X-ray→ⁱ⁴C with so producing carbon 14 ousted eternal full rate.  So setting the carbon date at zero!  And the carbon 14 decay so carbon 12 after a determined rate.  So can tell when the plant was last alive.

That burning carbohydrates does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

3 Cₘ(H₂O)n+mO₂+flame→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)

And now we find that the X rays cause the carbon 14 to break down into carbon 12.  So we can date the time of the full year, albeit very inaccurately!

This is why growing organisms have an effect on the carbon isotope of the body structure.  Even the oxidation of carbohydrates does biological molecular nuclear fusion.

So all life on earth is busy doing nuclear fusion.  At night plants convert to oxidising carbohydrates, the animal half of the carbon cycle, due to the nuclear fusion energy.

Biology is so full of nuclear fusion!  A working steam engine and also does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

4 (1+r)H₂Os+rO₂+TU-P→E+H₂Os+r(He+O₃+L+E²+X-ray) so a steam cycle causes the exit of mad hot steam, with the emission of light and X rays!  + Helium gas and ozone.

So the industrial revolution was heralded as the star to using expansive steam cycle and the first discovered how to do nuclear fusion on earth.  There are steam cycle was first developed by the Greeks - who insisted on using the less efficient contracted steam cycle.

And relied on external radiating air condensing the steam.  Which does not do nuclear fusion!

Even internal combustion engines today, are actually chemically driven steam engines.  And they can double the heat output by nickel plating the terrace earth as if the engine and cylinder head.

5 CₘHₙ+P+spark+FCC→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+2r(He+O₃+L+E²+X-ray)

So introducing a face centre cubic metal like Nickle will double the heat output for burn it a unit of fuels.  Like super charging and Indian without introducing.  More fuel burn.

Which will obviously half the fossil fuel burn of the world!  For a little 200 UK pounds electro plate of a car engine.  Or a central heating boiler!  So we half the fossil fuel burn within two months.

Which is RE enter slash the cost of diesel and petrol!  Which are very price sensitive to the motor fuel the world wants.

To my mind wish you'd use use physical molecular nuclear fusion.  And hear my American contact give me the practical experiments.

6 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so we turn just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water into a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  We use this to heat as the boiler chamber.  Which runs at 800° C!

And the passive reduce steam through a thermoelectric generator, and get out 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  For convenience we rectify into mains linked AC - the generator is sold with the electronics to turn the DC current into the AC for us.  We can even generate three phase AC current!

So the national grid will happily pay us to 180,000 UK pounds annually, for all that lovely excess current.  Each house only needs 8 kW of electrical power on Christmas day.

An we utilised too little water ever to measure in 1,000 lifetimes!  And we every is absolutely no toxic radioactive waste.  Not even any life enhancing carbon dioxide gas.

We leave the carbon cycle to biology!  We utilised and produce no hyper toxic radioactive materials.  An EC is published 1930s science.

Totally within the capabilities of the garage scientist.  An absolute no man made carbon dioxide.  The climate change was only ever the latest science fiction from the paid phones to nuclear power.

Ironically enough nuclear power releasing the two years our power plant construction, the equivalent of operating a commercial power plant for 25 years.  All down to the fossil fuel burn on limestone, to free use all that cement.  For their reinforced concrete!

Every year operation since Fukushima in 2010, there require annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  The most hyper toxic and uninsurable industry ever.

Motion or shame to my degree are sponsored by Inco alloy products, who it contracts for the military and nuclear power.  Neither massive red industries!  So radiation I joined a bank in London.

A 1m x2cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should release a plant 6 MW of carbon zero heat.  24 will happily run 100 megawatt power station.  Without any fossil fuel burn!  And certainly no radioactive materials involved all produced.

Safe and clean, free carbon zero electricity.  Every thing nuclear power is not!

So we get back to the London Mayor.  Who he is so stupid healing is carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant.  It enhances plant growth rates!  Without it they will be no life on earth.

Sadiq Khan


Sadiq Khan of the Labour Party was voted in as the current Mayor of London on 5 May 2016. London's Mayor works to promote economic and social development, and environmental improvement in the city.

HIUS never grasped that one organized waste is another once food.  Animals only multiplied in number after the cretaceous, to turn oxygen gas back into carbon dioxide.  The oxygen being the most serious pollutant in earth history.

Carbon dioxide is limited to the present trace level of just two parts per million.  In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less evolved, the there are four PPM in the temperate air.  There was 85% more life on earth, resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower in a warm period.

In the present arctic winters carbon dioxide increases to four PPM.  As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth: down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.  Carbon is a climate follower!  And deftly has no climatic effect.

The Jurassic had three natural ice ages, made carbon dioxide would have risen to eight PPM - 4 times the present trace limit around the temperate earth.  In the arctic spring and summer carbon dioxide for sue the terrestrial two PPM.  Just as the shorts growing season commences!

Sadiq Khan would do well to remember that oxygen is the greatest pollutant in earth history.  And carbon dioxide is plant food.  Limited to just two PPM in the afternoon air.

Declare a one substance or another is a dangerous pollutant, this totally contrary to biology!  Plant's eat carbon dioxide.  My kinda driving a car actually increases plant growth rates a locally.

Our weather is made in the stratosphere, where there is just 2.5 PPM/m³ carbon dioxide in the stratospheric air.  Ejected there in prehistory by explosive volcanic eruptions.  Man carriers carbon dioxide never leaves the earth's lower atmosphere.

Where it increases plant growth rates!  And more plant results inevitably in more animal life.  They could argument man's chemically engine's burning fossil fuels, anti actors are to visual super animals.

Sadiq Khan was to introduce pollution taxes.  And is under the woefully biologically stupid idea the carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant.  That supports all plant life on earth!  That excrete the oxygen and builds the carbohydrates, animals need to breathe in and eight respectively.

Sadiq Khan published in a taxi is the result in the automatic D selection of him as labour Mayor.  Pollutants increase plant growth!  He was foolish as to animals is food to plant's.

An we really need to stop this need two nuclear power about carbon dioxide!  As an active nuclear plant building programme is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.

Maybe it has allowed an int nuclear policy!  Yet mindlessly repeating what ever the biological rubbish and science fiction nuclear power in variants.  Nuclear power should be more concerned about getting the required 100 billion of annual insurance cover.

There is no available insurance above one billion!  So all 422 nuclear plants around the world are running without adequate insurance cover.  The most toxic industry ever invented!

That holds out the promise of extinguishing all life on earth.  And family that is what Sadiq Khan wishes.  London voters take note.  That is a council are waiting to C what develops!

They are not interested in biological science.  They are interested in taxes!  And the congestion charge was voted down massively, a pollution tax will be voted out even more disastrously..


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