carbon emissions boost life
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Plants eat CO2, excrete O2 |
In the Jurassic age photosynthesis was less efficient and left twice the carbon dioxide in the temperate air. The present limit is just two parts per million in the afternoon air.
In the Jurassic he was four PPM! There was 85% more life on earth, resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower in the one periods. But there were three natural ice ages, and carbon dioxide levels around the temperate earth increase to eight PPM. As photosynthesis shut down during the ice age.
Carbon dioxide levels double to 4 PPM every winter. As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.
A lot of human activity increases carbon emissions. Which is taken in a metabolised within 5 minutes by local plants on the temperate land and seas. Form the carbohydrates of life.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cā(H₂O)ā+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray+Lb)
And she even a carbohydrate takes in energy! An excrete so the surplus oxygen. The big energy is from biological molecular nuclear fusion: the oxygen gas is the worst pollutant in earth history.
The nuclear fusion turns regular water into helium and oxygen gases, never at a faint blue light massive heat and X rays. There being no chemical source of helium, there's a light or X rays.
So oxygen is so was pollutant in earth history! We get the bonding of the free radical oxygen with the oxygen molecules, to form the ozone gas we have all smiles in the countryside!!
If we go down to the woods today with a Geiger counter, will find the green plants in light give out X rays. Of which there is no chemical source! So biology is true and by green plants as he doing nuclear fusion on earth. Which is very interesting and unstuddied.
Professor Z ended my PH D 2001, as there relay the ideas again from biology, that green plants eat carbon dioxide during daylight hours.
So carbon emissions act to boost biological life! And they physics could be so stupid as assume carbon dioxide had any climatic effect.
Come dioxide is metabolised within 5 minutes over the temperate land and earth, for the carbohydrates of life. No rising to the stratosphere, where our natural climate is made.
There being a static 2.5 parts per million/m³ - ejected there by explosive volcanoes in prehistory. The temperate carbon dioxide circulates around plants and animals. The other half of the carbon cycle, is so plants and breathe in the waste oxygen, and combine it with eton plant biomass.
2 Cā(H₂O)ā+TU/mitochondria+mO₂→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) TU= turbulence
All day animal cells give out X rays, as the mitochondria transform the carbohydrates within the cells, where they are oxidised. Resulting in the production of carbon dioxide, but also helium and free radical oxygen gases.
Plus is ever had trouble some X rays! When the stomach TU= turbulence, the carbohydrates are broken apart into carbon dioxide, and free radical oxygen.
By the same time the summit does biological molecular nuclear fusion. Producing a helium and X rays! And he is a source of the free radical oxygen that he said dangerous.
After a heavy meal A. Geiger counter will demonstrate the your stomach is doing all sorts of nuclear fusion. Which crosses between biology and physics! So has never been studdied.
So the carbon dioxide goes around again! Being converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes. All life on earth is supported by biological molecular nuclear fusion.
The carbon emissions are produce five burning the hydrocarbons, produced as the heat and pressure of the earth's interior strip carbohydrates into hydrocarbons.
And burning the hydrocarbons does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
3 CāHā+(m+n/2)O₂+flame+P→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(E²+L+X-ray) n=m+2
So burning fuel while actually does nuclear fusion. I was taught about the emission of X rays from further fossil fuels in 1982, on my master's degree in to engineering. Never explained!
Burning fuel are actually does nuclear fusion on earth. And only slightly elevated pressure. Down to 0° C or less. I was also taught that the presence of a face centred cubic metal, doubles hydrogen reactions.
So if we Nicol plate the engine interior of boilerplate, we double the energy production from burning fossil fuels. So harming our fuel use.
It and so the energetic structure is the steam plasma. Which use the r(...) Term in 3. So burning fuel oil get Ed out light and X rays! Quite how obvious to we need to make it. The X rays actually increase the carbon isotope number, so you see the formation of carbon 14, warme we have learnt to is carbon 12. Fixing the date the material was last exposed to fire.
So carbon years in 10 for all to life. The entire life on earth is limited by the available carbon dioxide. Which to why the Jurassic had twice the carbon dioxide in the temperate air, and was 85% more or less evolved life on earth.
Today as you burn the fossil fuels, we release your cannot carbon as carbon dioxide. And Eureka, within 5 minutes it is back as active biological life.
Carbon has no residency in the air. And the lower level of carbon dioxide around the earth, is limited by photosynthesis on land and in the seas.
Physics has made a big fuss about carbon emissions! As they were ignorant about photosynthesis - and need to go ask biology about her of carbon dioxide drives life on earth.
Building a nuclear power plant involves a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to drive of the carbon dioxide and leave cement powder. The uranium nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest carbon source, were busy building a nuclear power plants.
An active nuclear power plant building programme is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Emitting in two years the carbon equivalent of operating a commercially fired power station for 25 years.
And after 25 years we should demolish the nuclear plant. Fukushima a happened as Japanese nuclear ran a power plant in Tokeo beyond its design life.
Engineers over design nothing. Solar power plant for a catastrophically! Raising the legally required annual insurance for a uranium nuclear power plant to 100 billion. He's having 40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.
Nuclear power raise its insurance cover from the legally inadequate 50,000,000, to a still fantastically inadequate to 250,000,000. Require 40 billion! Nuclear power is awesome as hyper toxic and an insured industry ever.
And credit where credit is due, mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Which is I have explained are converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes.
Having no possible climatic effect! Our weather is made in the stratosphere, which is has a static micro carbon dioxide level throughout history.
So of physics kicks up and big fuss about carbon emissions. He every physics lecturer and professor, plus a every regular person on earth, happily twining around used in carbon dioxide is a breathe out.
Which is governed by plants to form carbohydrates. No possible climatic effect! The politicians and insurance companies has ceased and carbon emissions as a source of income.
Totally ignoring photosynthesis - their major life support system on earth. That gobbles up all the carbon dioxide plants can get! The fossil fuels were active biology in prehistory.
The carbohydrates are dusted down to the deep heated earth, where the water molecules are stripped of the carbohydrates to leave hydrocarbons. As we burn the hydrocarbons, we get back more life enhancing carbon dioxide.
The carbon cycle is familiar to every high school student on earth! Where their school teachers will have demonstrated that an enclosed candle will go out!
And plants require carbon dioxide to grow. Oxygen be of use pollutant in earth history. This is really not hard science! Carbon emissions boost life.
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