Free heat and power for Manchester
Carbon 0 came in 3.8 billion years ago Nuclear fusion is so easy! Every heavy rain or snow storm, turn some of the regular water into helium and oxygen ions, free electrons and massive heat. 1 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray This is why as you walk through a heavy rain storms, you have a light flash illumination! Which looks a bit spooky. Just like if you have water dripping into a pool in the cellar. It also does molecular nuclear fusion. Using 1. The water and used a drip above one metre. And the light flashes of very intermittent! They will expose a long exposure photograph. Where we have a 12 hour exposure time! This is actually the brilliant idea given to me by Dr. Z, thought up by his uncle at Columbia University. Who have published the work on cold fusion. Here heavy snowstorms actually do nuclear fusion! Which I guess it is free using fusion. The positive ions carry a positive charge to above the clouds laye...