Generator your own free electricity

Utilising no fossil fuel burn, and no radioactive materials!  We turn regular water molecules into just heat light and X rays.  Too little water ever to measure in a lifetime!  Sheffield University concluded we are talking 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc a year.

The simplest method is to use a high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the hydrogen plasma in a glass cylinder.  Where my American friend confirmed my ideas.

1 H⁺+e⁻+PL→L+E²+X-ray+n⁰

So we get a blinding white light, an massive energy.  Brett practically confirmed a 30x1.5cm steam plasma the ready constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

We have no fossil fuel burn!  Where leave carbon to biology.  So we fire up a 10x1.5cm steam plasma, and get out a carbon zero 300 kW of carbon zero heat.  Nice!

But really we would prefer our electricity.  Lucly in the 1930s physics devised the thermoelectric generator.  Which turns 13% of life heat into D. C. and AC electricity.

So we get ai 50 kW of mains electricity.  Without any fossil fuel burn!  The plasma tube will give out massive blinding white light.  Like a little son!  So we fire up our favourite search engine and search for '50 kW thermoelectric generator cheapest'

How much does it cost per kW in the UK?

According to the Energy Saving Trust, the national average price (as of October 2022) per pence/kWh of electricity is £0.34.

I am a cynic, and think ER three phase thermoelectric generator was so striking about 150 pounds.  For a lifetime of free electricity.  We call clean heat the house electrically, so we are no fossil fuel burn.  Even remotely at the power plant.

Most importantly of all totally radiation free!  Uranium power since Fukushima knees annual insurance cover for 100 MW power plant, of 100 billion.

They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  The United Nations is under the legal imperative to shut down all uranium nuclear power, retrospectively from Chernobyl in 1986.

We sell our excess current to national grid!  At three UK pounds per kilowatt year and.  So our 10cm steam plasma will generate an annual check from the power company of 20,000 UK pounds.  And cease to consume mains electricity.

My local MP Rebecca long Bailey, says she's interested in carbon zero technology.  He is carbon free heat and power!

The hot air after the fire generation is still at 680° C.  So efficient to drive a local area space heating programme.  Which will double an annual income!  Generating an annual income from the national grid and that local area space heating programme, of 240,000 UK pounds.

We do not even produce any inert helium and free radical oxygen gases.  The plasma burns and into hydrogen ions and free electrons.  And then into heat light and lower power X rays.

The X rays are the same power is from your beating heart!  Which already does molecular nuclear fusion.  All of nature is fusion driven!

2001 myself and Dr Z fails to find any evidence of global warming.  The natural climate had turn into 28 year period of global cooling, 1995.  Which nuclear power has termed climate change.

All down to predictable solar emission cycles.  All planets in inner solar system have been cooling.  Including mass with 98% carbon dioxide in the air at -112° C.  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas.

So now or house owners can buy their 10 kilowatts, and driver Power System using a 20 cm steam plasma.  Crucially no solid radioactive matter produced.  The plasma burns the water into massive heat, a blinding white light and lower power X rays.

A network are such plasma cylinder is below aluminium flotation balloons, would eliminate the dark lands in the winter months.  Crucially so watering for life all year around.  And the land do void or snow.  Photosynthesis eating carbon dioxide, to freeze plant biomass.

2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

Producing the carbohydrate takes in energy.  It is only the molecular nuclear fusion we are doing, that releases massive heat.  I explains why the plant's and the temperate land and sea, eat carbon dioxide as they produce a faint blue light and X rays.

In the arctic winter the area contains double the carbon dioxide of the temperate earth, four parts per million.  We heat this air and pass into greenhouses, illuminated by our steam plasmas.

And the plant's will grow like mad, emitting a faint blue light and freezing oxygen and helium gases.  Which he vent to the arctic air!  The helium being lost to space within 24 hours.  The acting with nothing.

The oxygen will increase the ozone fitness, protecting multi cellular life from the ravages of naked solar radiation.  Facilitating multi cellular life on earth!

Where ever their is starkness, we power for network are steam plasmas.  They had to act as little suns.  Facilitating plant life 24/7 all year round.  Carbon dioxide will be in such short supply!

At all this to Sheffield from 2001, but like all the academics they have their noses too deeply enmeshed, in the feeding trough of nuclear research funding.  Interesting.

Building a uranium nuclear power plant is a massive carbon source.  Releasing the two years of plant construction, the common carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant, for 25 years.

And after 25 years we must demolish the nuclear plant!  Or we get another Fukushima.  Every year operation the nuclear plant requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  Not commercially available! 


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