Free home heat and power

A13 kilowatts can be purchased over the Internet very cheaply.

10x Thermoelectric Generator Temperature Peltier TEG SP1848-27145 Module 40X40MM

Condition: NewNew

Quantity: 1

250 available / 7 sold

Price: £31.54 from Ebay

This is a of such units can be purchased for 30 UK pounds.  I think there must be air rush of orders!

So the problem he is AT carbon zero source of heat.  Locally nature shows us the way!  He every rain or snow storms already do molecular nuclear fusion - turning regular water into helium and oxygen gases, the massive heat and even X rays!

1 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray

So to study nuclear fusion on earth, you need to set up A glass cylinder over one metre high and draws or water over the one+ metre drop.  How one metre the turbulence all the excess of 1 W.  And the exposed hydrogen molecules bond to form helium,

So every high school physics class can easily set up A nuclear fusion chamber.  Nature really does nuclear fusion, as he discharges the electrical potential through a steam plasma, here I am indebted to my American contact, who fired me up a steam plasma.

Using the30x1.5cm glass cylinder was a local hardware shop.  Boring the electronics from old fluorescent light from the local secondhand shop.

And found the most massive carbon zero heat system!  And firing up the plasma breaks the water molecules apart into positive ions and free electrons.

2 H₂O+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray

2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer.  The negative force with electrons to the ground.  So rain or snow storms act as giant natural batteries!

There we reach a potential of 5000 volts, 100 amps a 1.5km x2cm steam plasma links up the charge arrears.  A lightening down strike!

Then we have a steam plasma set up.  There was unlike structure in the universe!  Every radiant sun is surrounded by a hydrogen plasma - that does the same physics.

The much more massive lightening down strike makes five tonnes of helium ions.  As it does 2.  Using relativistic conversion, this gives us an energy release of 2.5x10³⁰W.

My friend firm that a 30x1.5cm plasma cylinder it gets energy release of 1 MW our carbon zero heat.  Crucially no utilisation of production of hyper toxic radioactive materials involved.

A frighteningly tiny volume of water is converted just into energy light and lower power X rays, by air 2.  We are talking about my friends plasma utilising 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.

The plasma centre Chinese use massive heat and light.  Utilising two little water ever to measure in a lifetime!  An again a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

Utilising and 34 UK pound 13 kW firmer electric generator, the game at constant carbon zero 13 kW of electricity.  Any house only needs 8 kW on Christmas day!  So were supplying the carbon zero electricity for four houses.

Which the National Power grid can easily cope with.  The greedy is designed to supply the AC current to eight houses, then shift phase!

Here lighting engineers can make a bloody fortune.  They linking up the steam plasma in a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator, they can virus reduced price!  So this are the 13 kW green Power System, for around 100 UK pounds.  Remember we involves no fossil fuel burn!

And no handling of radioactive materials.  Which would require special radioactive licence, and by Oak Ridge and nuclear power plants.

Each uranium nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion, since Fukushima in 2010.  It was a commercially impossible 40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.

There being no insurance cover above one billion!  And there is also are no storage space globally for the used uranium fission fuel rods.  So every uranium nuclear power plant is acting outside its planning consent.

Which requires valid insurance cover, and available reprocessing for the used uranium nuclear material.  So all 422 year a nuclear power plants is acting in contravention of their planning consent.

United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every under insured engineering facility.  With I go every nuclear power plant on earth!

Are little 10cm plasma tubes will freeze a constant 13 kW of electrical power.  There national grid will happily send us an annual check for 21,000 UK pounds, for all our excess and used current.

The generator is sold with the electronics to synchronise with the National Power grid.  As such units are sold hours electricity standby systems.  So synchronise voltage and phase with the national grid.

In the UK he the national pension annually is just 8000 UK pounds.  So little steam plasma will produce free heat and power.  We use the exit steam still at 680° C, to drive of carbon zero local space heating system.  Totally carbon zero.

So we get nearly twice as much a payout from the national grid, as pensioners get from the UK government every year.

Local shops can build the plasma Power System and get at free electrical power and eating.  All totally carbon zero or!  The that nice annual check for over 1500 UK pounds.  They used more electricity during the day!

Company is can utilised a one metre steam plasma.  Which are the rates a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Which will drive a commercially sourced little steam turbine, costing 12,000 UK pounds, to generate ½ MW of carbon zero electricity.

Giving us an annual payment every year from the national grid of 1.5 million.  There's a great danger here of the national grid melting down.  But home use is are likely to have the tough 1000 UK pounds required for a steam turbine.

They will have a 34 UK pounds required before the 13 kW firmer electric generator.  Every four hair us fills the plasma Power System, an UK gets his total power demand from steam plasmas.

Massively undercutting the eight P per kilowatt hour charge by conventional power generation.  The and even undercut the had two P per kilowatt are judged by uranium nuclear power: who are getting files are and process nuclear waste - toxic 400,000 years.

So in contravention of their planning consent.  I use is have invested in little turbines and sollar panels, when the UK Power grid the a 44 GW of electricity.

Which embarrassing enough he is a 100 per cent of UK Power demand.  In Ireland the cost per kilowatt hour is 45¢.  There are 40 UK pounds.  Five times the cost of UK electricity.

They can utilised little steam plasmas, together virtually free electricity.  At mains voltage and frequency.  Such a huge difference to the Irish economy!

In the UK he shot and company power is almost free.  Just like her electricity and heat.  Which will be the biggest economic change this year to C generation was developed as an industry in the 20th century.

In 1926, the Electricity Supply Act introduced the first effective national co-ordination. The Central Electricity Board was created to concentrate the generation of electricity in a limited number of power stations. These stations were to be interconnected by a national grid, which was largely completed by 1935.29 Oct 2018


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