
Showing posts from March, 2022

Giving the world carbon zero heat and power

C 0 [ower from regular water My American friend fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma at atmospheric pressure.  Using the electronics from old fluorescent light to set up the plasma.  I would have anticipated the pressure would shoot up, and the plasma itself sustains.  Which it did do! He got 1 MW of heat.  A commercially sourced steam turbine will generate 500 kW of mains electricity: synchronising with the national grid!  That gives us an annual income of 1.5 million! We need somebody at original does a little unit.  And the engineering department at Sheffield has experimental engineers!  There can build such a plant. This will give us an annual income of 4.5 million.  If we take the money the national grid pays for two days, this will really pay for the units!  Alternatively people could pay for their own units. So we get people on to carbon neutral electricity: we synchronise phase and voltage with the national grid.  And they ...

companies generate their own electricity

plasma = carbon 0 power I was on at my American contact to fire up a steam plasma for last month!  This is basically a captive lightening involved in a glass cylinder. A plasma strips of matter into positive nuclei, and free valency electrons, in a confined glass cylinder these neutrons bond with the atomic nuclei to have her and master into light heat and X rays. 1 H⁺+e⁻+PL→n⁰ So a non nuclear source of neutrons!  Which bond with a heavier atoms in a plasma, is to cause repeated nuclear fission, and till we are left with just hydrogen ions and free electrons. 2 O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻+E this much is obvious to physics!  A tiny little while to learn to physics from the Internet. Are big energy release is firmly courts hydrogen ions to bond with the least two neutrons, to form tritium - which decays almost instantly into heat light and X rays. 3 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+L+X-ray) This is twice the energy density of the molecular nuclear fusion done by lightning every 3 minutes...

carbon free heat and power is easy

0 Carbon - non nuclear Every 3 minutes around the world heavy rain or snow sets up a lightening strike.  Down to -50° C over the arctic dipoles 1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E² Which is why heavy rain or snow warms the air.  It is do molecular nuclear fusion!  My PH D area.  No Doctorate ever awarded! But lightening also spews out so many neutrons.  As a lightening is a plasma the strips water molecules into positive ions and free electrons. 2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ As my high school chemistry teacher, but Dr. Walsh, at bought and grammar school told me 'oxygen ions will carry a positive charge, though they do not like it!' B a high June ions and free electrons bond to form neutrons 3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ so a non nuclear source of neutrons: the a minder of matter!  They do not bond with a fast moving electrons, they bond with a heavier atomic nuclei. 4 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻+E So we reduce the oxygen to a hydrogen ions exothermically.  But then we get our big...

carbon neutral Home Power System

steam plasma-non-nuclear clean heat My American friend has now confirmed that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma will liberate 1 MW of heat.  He did not detail on the plasma pressure.  Criminally he is the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the plasma in a steam from a paint stripper or boiling pan. Totally carbon neutral heat!  The high June ions and electrons bond to form neutrons.  Which in a confined glass cylinder burns the matter into just heat light and X rays. 1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) I calculated that a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  So presumably his pressure was atmospheres! It may he does not matter.  This is a carbon neutral heat so efficient to generate the electricity for 60 houses.  Also provide them with free space heating! From two little water ever to measure in a lifetime.  I thought of this idea it through my work at Sheffield University 2001.  Th...

Power that pays

non nuclear, really carbon 0 power In the U.S. my friend has fired up a steam plasma.  He found that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma at liberate a constant 1 MW of heat.  He did not record the pressure and X ray meetings. The steam plasma does the carbon neutral heat generation. 1 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) No 1 MW of heat is massive heat generation!  It will drive a little steam turbine, to freeze 500 kW of carbon neutral electricity.  Synchronise with the mains phase and voltage. How much is a steam turbine cost? Generators installed in 2019 by prime mover Capacity-weighted average cost per kilowatt of installed namepate capacity ($/kW) capacity weighted-average cost ($/kW) steam turbine 2,868 So we are looking at $1,100 for free electricity for life.  In the UK the national grid pays 3000 UK pounds per kilowatt year.  So were looking at an annual income of 150,000.  Tax free! And we produce no carbon emissions!  As we burn no fuels. ...

Plasma tube

steam plasma=carbon 0 heat My American contacts has fired up a steam plasma.  He did not take my advice of installing a pressure sensor.  I would imagine the answer established as plasma, the pressur has gone up! The results he sent the were 1 MW, from a 30x1.5 cm steam plasma, from regular water.  These are amazing results! 1 H₂O+PL→E²+L...X-ray E²=1 MW He did not send me any radiation are liked readings!  And my mental arithmetic last night was so wrong.  Houses require 8 kW of electrical power each.  So this was or why the electrical power for 62 houses - not the 60 I guesstimated last night. We have a water tell pop system for the plasma, are more hypodermic dripping regular water on to a lump of rock or metal.  To vent shattering of the glass cylinder. Was established we can top up the water level to my four atmospheres.  The glass cylinder will consume 10⁻ⁱ⁰cc of regular water a year, and provide massive free carbon neutral hea...

Make free natural gas

Plants in the light eat CO 2 This is a non fossil fuel heat source!  Being formed by sucking carbon dioxide as the air, only released as you burn natural gas is high pressure!  We recycle the carbon dioxide from the air-we do not add to it. Photosynthesis sucks carbon dioxide as the air, the in just the temperate limit of two parts per million carbon dioxide in the afternoon air.  Carbon emissions boost life on earth!  No possible effect on the climate. 1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)n-E+mO₂)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray) So it buzzing the carbohydrates of life takes in energy!  And photosynthesis excrete in the oxygen animals need to breathe in! Animal mitochondria in the body cells, oxidise the carbohydrates - and get out the residual nuclear fusion energy.  Photosynthesis secretes helium gas and its X rays, plus a faint blue light.  As it does molecular nuclear fusion. In 1912 the French scientist Sabadier was awarded the noble prize....

Free heat and power

a plasma - carbon 0 heat In a steam plasma we have positive atomic nuclei, and free electrons.  Moving in a chaotic fashion!  B a hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons. 1 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ So a non nuclear source of neutrons!  He every rain or snow does a little molecular nuclear fusion and. 2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E So the positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the negative charge falls to the ground with the electrons.  At 5000 volts, 100 amps a partial steam plasma links up the charge arrears, and we get a lightening down strike! For the almost instantly by a lightening up strike!  As the steam plasma does the twice as dynamic plasma burn from regular steam. 3 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) This is why lightning killer of light and X rays!  Of which there is no chemical source.  But we are stripped the ice and snow into positive ions and free electrons.  So we get 1. Which is why lightning also produces neutrons!...

Make natural gas

heat and power for free - No CO 2 The French Sebatier was awarded the noble prize in 1912, for devising the case that bears his name.  The and burning of carbon dioxide and hydrogen to freeze methane - natural gas. Sabatier reaction 1 CO₂+4H₂+(Al)→CH₄+2H₂O ∆H = −165.0 kJ/m  at one atmosphere pressure From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Paul Sabatier (1854-1941) winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1912 and discoverer of the reaction in 1897 The Sabatier reaction or Sabatier process produces methane and water from a reaction of hydrogen with carbon dioxide at elevated temperatures (optimally 300–400 °C) and pressures (perhaps 3 MPa [1]) in the presence of a nickel catalyst (or any FCC metal - like Al). It was discovered by the French chemists Paul Sabatier and Jean-Baptiste Senderens in 1897. Optionally, ruthenium on alumina (aluminium oxide) makes a more efficient catalyst. It is described by the following exothermic reaction.[2] We are familiar with elevated p...

Replacing gas and oil burning

CO 2 supports life Burning natural gas and oil releases carbon dioxide, as it fires up a steam plasma. 1 CmHn+pO₂+spark+P→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray) Enet=456 kW/m of burner If we use the electronics from old fluorescent light, we can fire up the steam plasma direct.  Which is carbon neutral massive energy! 2 (s+t)H₂O+P+PL→s(He+O+E+L+X-ray)+s(E²+L+X-ray) Enet=2.4 MW/m So avoiding the carbon radical, massively increases the heat light and X rays we get out.  As you burn the steam molecules into heat light and X rays. This process goes on around volcanic vents, when escaping steam releases light heat and X rays. Ocean Vent | National Geographic Society › encyclopedia › o... 23 Jul 2015 — At mid-ocean ridges, ocean vents help cool new oceanic crust. At volcanic arcs, they contribute to the geology of the seafloor and even ... So the most massive natural carbon neutral Energy System on earth.  We fire up a 50x1cm th...

Free power

turbulent water is carbon 0 heat and so power We need a bit of electricity to start this off!  Which can be supplied by a little solar panel, or a treadmill powered by animals and humans! We use power electronics to turn the DC current into mains AC.  And then we charge up a high voltage system!  We have a glass cylinder, filled with steam from a boiling pan over a fire.  Or we drive a little paint stripper, and direct the steam into the glass cylinder. Where we fire up the plasma, we get a Energy System twice as dynamic as lightening!  Lightening already does molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  That produces five tonnes of helium ions.  Plus loads of neutrons!!  As it does molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+P+de/dT→He+O+E₁+PL+X-ray E₁=1.2 MW of heat from a plasma 50x1cm in size at four atmospheres, when the electric field fires up the plasma, the steam pressure i...

doubling engine efficiency

Carbon neutral, cost free gas I am not advocating we burn fossil fuels!  We use a nice little chemical plant, to freeze carbon neutral fuel. Sebatier won the 1912 noble prize, for describing the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide.  This describes how hydrogen or bond preferentially carbon - ejecting oxygen! We want a temperature of over 380° C, and we use a FcC metal catalist.  The cheapest such catalist is aluminium metal.  Most metals have a Face Centred Cubic metallurgical structure.  Only metals like iron use a Body Centred Cubic cancer structure. physical metallurgy. …of each face (known as face-centred cubic, or fcc). Examples of metals with the hcp type of structure are magnesium, cadmium, zinc, and alpha titanium. Metals with the fcc structure include aluminum, copper, nickel, gamma iron, gold, and silver. You do the electrolysis of regular water, to freeze separate strains of hydrogen and oxygen.  The cheapest source of the electricity, is a s...

countries make her own natural gas

gas flames do nuclear fusion The French scientist Sebatier was awarded the 1912 noble prize, the discovery if you hydrogenated carbon dioxide, you get methane - natural gas. As ever we start off using a steam plasma to generate free heat and so electricity, 1 H₂O+PL+P→1(E²+L...X-ray) 2.4 MW of heat at four atmospheres.  A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert into 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity.  We use power electronics to free use mains linked phase and frequency AC. They it really is the main use for burning natural gas!  So now we can priest carbonate neutral electricity, with a steam plasma!  So much easier than bothering with burning gas! We do the electrolysis of water to form separate streams of high June oxygen gases.  We call the oxygen into liquid oxygen, which has highly commercial value!  We use our the free electricity to drive a Carnot cycle, to produce free refrigeration. Hydrogen displaces oxygen from compounds...

Making gas and petrol

Money for old air Requires just a garden out building!  Using the science or would have noble prize 1912, to the French scientist Sabatier. He found that hydrogen water unburn with carbon dioxide, to form methane - natural gas. Sabatier-Sender's reaction is the reaction in which preparation of ethane is done by the catalytic hydrogenation of ethene. This reduction is carried out in presence of catalyst like Nickel. CH2+H₂+(Ni)+T→CH₄+(Ni) T> 400° C So at higher pressure, oxygen or air reacts with methane at a spark, to give out there energy. 1 CH₄+P+spark+2O₂→CO₂+2H₂O+E+L So the burning of methane, reverses at elevated pressure over a nickel catalyst.  The Internet documents do not mention the pressure! So we have the hydrogen age the carbon dioxide forming natural gas.  We can do it in the city, making natural gas that burns at elivated pressure: only releasing the carbon dioxide taken in the previous day to make the fuel. So we do not apply to natural ...

companies make petrol

petrol for free The big insight was from the French scientist Sabatier in the 18th century. CO₂+ 3H₂ → CH₄+ H₂O ∆H = −206 kJ/mol For which he was awarded the noble prize in 1918 - as the world was distracted by the end of the first World War. In 1982 I was taught at Sheffield University department of engine materials, That The Face Centred Cubic Metal catalysed hydrogen reactions, The FCC is the default metallurgical crystal structure.  Shared by platinum and titanium! But platinum metals are horrendously expensive.  Even titanium is quite expensive!  And the price and Nicol has shot up!  As feeble have realise it is an FCC metal.  Ideal for catalytic converters! Reducing the cost from $800, to $8.00!  They oxidise the carbon monoxide, to carbon dioxide.  As the steam particles end up anchored to the capitalist and so preferentially oxidising the car exhaust. A far cheaper metal, is aluminium.  Which will have the same effect - only...

stopping Yellowstone

there she blows Volcanic eruptions are driven by the magma boiling off the geothermal rover that's circles the earth.  Week in use ground sonar around an active volcano, to locate the driving magma chamber: which gives off X rays, as the ground sonar induces molecular nuclear fusion within the magma chambers. 1 H₂O+P+SW→He+O+E²+X-ray SW=sound wave As organic erosion motoring dormant to be active, the magma chamber swirls in size!  We drill down, to form an air way from the magma chamber to the air. And only safely vent the geothermal steam!  So we need a forged stainless steel valve.  So we don't allow the steam turbine and its own way out through a chaotic vent. Which of these to a uncontrollable vontro;lled eruption!  Week in use the throttle down, to reduce the air flow. We drill the whole of our weather ground has recently an unexpectedly started swelling, the ideas so we vent the geothermal steam, which is like sively extracting the pressurise...