companies generate their own electricity
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plasma = carbon 0 power |
I was on at my American contact to fire up a steam plasma for last month! This is basically a captive lightening involved in a glass cylinder.
A plasma strips of matter into positive nuclei, and free valency electrons, in a confined glass cylinder these neutrons bond with the atomic nuclei to have her and master into light heat and X rays.
1 H⁺+e⁻+PL→n⁰
So a non nuclear source of neutrons! Which bond with a heavier atoms in a plasma, is to cause repeated nuclear fission, and till we are left with just hydrogen ions and free electrons.
2 O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻+E this much is obvious to physics! A tiny little while to learn to physics from the Internet.
Are big energy release is firmly courts hydrogen ions to bond with the least two neutrons, to form tritium - which decays almost instantly into heat light and X rays.
3 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+L+X-ray)
This is twice the energy density of the molecular nuclear fusion done by lightning every 3 minutes around the earth.
4 H₂O+P+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²
So the nuclear fusion that professor Z asked me to devise in 2000. I wrote my first paper on this 2001 and my PH D work was yanked from under my feet! I had devised carbon neutral heat - and academia surveyed did not one that! It was the answer to manmade global warming and the fictitious climate change.
Now or companies, hospitals and schools have standby generators. Which are designed to synchronise the voltage and phase with the national grid.
Week can use a 30 cm steam plasma - which my American friends fired up. In place of burning of oil or gas. The utilises just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year - and you're never measure it in a lifetime!
5 H₂O+PL→E²+L E²=1 MW this is a massive excess of power! A company can sell a constant 180.8 kilowatts to the national grid. Owning an annual income of over 0.5 million UK pounds! What ever else it it does not really matter.
Big a company is will obviously use one metre steam plasmas and generate a 30 MW of carbon neutral power. Owning an annual income of around 10 million UK pounds.
The electricity metre will go backwards, and he UK A year to C will pay two P per kilowatt hour to the consumer. As senior generative power from a local waterfall or weaned turbine.
So he the income of 10 million a year! Presumably you are going to set up 25 glass cylinder systems, an unfortunate my steam turbines are less efficient. You are still change again income of 100,000,000 a year.
For carbon neutral mains electricity!
The home user can set up a 10x1cm plasma power plant. And still generate a constant 25 kW of mains linked AC. Each house needs just 8 kW of power! So we were still getting an annual check for 39,000 UK pounds from the power companies.
For all that lovely carbon neutral electricity! Totally carbon free. Involving no fossil fuel burn. Utilising so little regular water, we'll never measure it in a century.
So carbon neutral electricity, which generates 39,000 UK pounds a year! And the exit steam after the turbine will supply in the area locals space heating system. Free heat!
And everyone he will do it! So the national grid will stop buying extra current it does not need. You can just give it away for free. It costs you nothing! And he is a year no longer applied overpriced mains electricity and gas or oil. And deftly no coal burn!
Company is can use the an hour free electricity, to do the electrolysis of water, to get separate streams of oxygen and hydrogen gas. The oxygen is very engineering the useful!
As liquid oxygen is has commercial value! An we use our free electricity to freeze a car no refrigeration cycle, and called out our oxygen and the natural gas we going to produce - which is basically methane with the added sent!
We chill carbon dioxide as the air - a condenses at -20° C. Hence we need a refrigeration cycle and serious cooling.
We had the hydrogen to the carbon dioxide, and heated on the exit heat from no refrigeration cycle. Which should give us a common gas temperature of 600° C, we only need 380° C.
Sebatier was awarded 1912 noble prize for devising a hydrogenation carbon dioxide. Which at one atmosphere, will cause the carbon dioxide and hydrogen two and burn. In the opposite fashion to oxygen and methane burning at high pressure.
6 CO₂+3H₂+spark+(Al)→CH₄+2H₂O+E+(Al)
The aluminium helix we pass the gas is along, capitalises the unburning process. So as to the helix we get an reacted carbon dioxide and helium, we have methane and water and steam,
We separate out the our idea carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and for some around again. The aluminium is a face centre cubic metal, and he is capitalises hydrogen reactions. It is cheaper than titanium or platinum metal. It is even cheaper than berilium! By their to were also work. But ilium is a nice metals to work with! Cheap and easy to extrude into the helix.
So methane is basically natural gas! The gas company at the dioxin sent so people are aware of the gas leak. The thing does not smell, but can explode if there is a spark.
So all small or medium engineering firms can design A gas production plant in the lunch hour. And the next week there are producing 50 l of gas a minute. And only burn 5!
So again the export the natural gas through the gas main, which goes backwards! So he is a carbon neutral heat source. Made by sucking carbon dioxide as the air.
Only releasing them burnt with high pressure oxygen! So 6 reverses at higher pressure. The aluminium catalist will half the volume of natural gas we need to burn anyway.
But now everybody is reducing the electricity using their own plasma power plant. So quite who will buy a the natural gas I do not know. People who have not yet bought an inflated their own plasma power plant.
We trust diplomacy easy to produce! I am waiting for every action from professor Z. This wall in makes the 1912 noble prize for chemistry. To which there is no argument! Academics like argument.
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