Home Power that pays a fortune

Sell excess power to the national grid

Practically confirmed by my American friend seven years ago.  I know to their geography had written academic papers and that heavy rain or snow storms giving off X rays and heat.  There is no chemical source of X rays.

The Waterfall

The Waterfall

ByDr. Jon Thomason

Published Mar 24, 2021


16.68 GBP

We have caught nature doing carbon zero nuclear fusion.  What the late Professor Bernard argent termed (physical) molecular nuclear fusion.  Where precipitation turbulence had converts some other water molecules into just massive heat the motor light, and our X rays.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L+X-ray

My PH D supervisor at Sheffield University 2000, had a double first from Columbia University.  And the Columbia library contains documents from 1895, on the ultrasound NG of liquid water also giving of X rays.  Dr Z for the service so much time and effort, as he was undoubtedly familiar with a paper.

2 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray US= e.g. 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasound.  From the ultrasound emitter used to detect cracks in metal forgings.

Now the nuclear fusion geographers have noted goes on in heavy storms, this the creation of positively charged atomic nuclei, that carry a positive charge to above the clouds layer.

A free electrons four to the ground with a negative charge.  The heavy storm is like a giant battery.  And again my thanks go to university academics, who have noted that when we get a potential difference of 5000 volts between the cloud tops and the ground, we fire off a lightening bolt.

A 1.5 x 2 cm partial steam plasma.  The plasma strips the water molecules into positive ions and free electrons.

3 H₂O+P+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

So we dissociate the water molecule, into positive atomic nuclei and negatively charged free electrons.  That I really close proximity!  So massively attracted to each other.

Now e.g. the hydrogen nuclei is not protected by any show up the electrons.  So the three electrons are attracted two and bond with the hydrogen ion.

4 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

Which is why a lightening volts spits out neutrons!  So a lightening bolt is A strand of neutron star that virus itself out in 3 seconds.

Not before the hydrogen ions bonded with at least two neutrons, and fission into heat light and X rays.

5 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→E²+L+(X-ray) E²=1 MW of heat constantly

So we have converted regular water into carbon zero heat a little light and potentially lower power X rays.

My American contact was so intrigued he fired up a 30x1.5cm glass cylinder filled with steam.  Using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light to fire up the plasma.  Which self sustains while we had just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular light water a year.

A wind two miniscule to measure in at Sheffield University, who have a global reputation for gas analysis.  It really years a mine you to volume!

, Frank got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  He then acemi the best way to turn their heat into electrical current for.

If we were a light engineering company they were half megawatts steam turbine at hand, the future there 1 MW of heat into 1 MW of mains linked phase and voltage AC current.

Generating an annual income from the national grid of or 45 million UK pounds every year.  With no fossil fuel burn - so no carbon dioxide generation.  No hyper toxic radioactive isotopes required or produced.

The thermoelectric generator was devised in the 1930s.  Basically a thorium salts, which converts heat directly into DC current.  The generator carts 1500 UK pounds for a 65 kW device.  It has a only a 13% efficiency - not a 50% of the steam turbine.

TEG1-127-1.8-2.0-250 power cooler cooling systems te custom teg peltier module wood stove thermoelectric generator. $10.90-13.50. Min. order: 10 pieces.
(41)30-day returns   

For four 1300 UK pounds we can pass air over the captive strand of lightning, and threw them as semi conductor AC generator.  Which will produce three phase mains voltage AC linked electricity.

Generating an annual income of 18,000 UK pounds a month.  And we can hire the generator for just 125 pounds for a month.  Then buy it right!

An we would generate the AC electricity for between 40 and eight houses, depending on daily demand.  Featuring no boiler room.  No fossil fuel burn.  And as people are.their own plasma power plants, the our price is going to crash for ever.

We get an annual income from the UK National grid are just 180 thousand UK pounds a year.  That is a millionaire's income!  From a plasma power plant in and out building, or attic or cellar.

We have to employ a an electrician there to connect her generator to the National Power grid.  Annie get an annual income of 15,000 UK pounds a month.  Basically for only the 2000 pounds we paid to construct the plant.

The opportunity of a light engineers is immense.  The build and erect the plant in a house.  And then month one get the construction and citing costs with a profit.

And they can do 1000 plasma power plants a month.  Turning the UK a carbon zero in two years.  We are all void commercial power stations were no longer have customers.

We have no fossil fuel burn and no temptation to V hyper toxic and an insured uranium nuclear power.  Who require 100 billion of annual insurance since Fukushima in 2010.

All the nuclear facility regulator has the legal imperative to shut down every uranium nuclear plant in the world.  Which a shiver down 1986!  After Chernobyl in the Ukraine.

So we feature no oil or gas burner and no radioactive substances involved.  And we get carbon zero electricity that pays a millionaire's income for no running cost.


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