climate change means global warming wrong

Biology eats CO2
Thanks to Prof Argent

1986 and Ukrainian nuclear experienced the Chernobyl incident.  Conclusive proof that uranium nuclear power was the technology of hades and just too dangerous!  Which is why nature does not do it.

Nature on earth does do nuclear fusion.  In a heavy rain or snow storms, the turbulence within the precipitation converts some other water molecules house liquid or solid, into helium and oxygen gases, the of massive heat and X rays.

Geography has written a minute academic papers about the emission of X rays from storms.  There being no chemical source of helium and X rays.

1 H₂O+O₂+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray+Lir Lir= infrared light

And as my chemistry teacher at high school told me, oxygen will carry a positive charge - though really does not like it!

The positive charge rises to above the clouds layer, which acts as a massive Laden charge collector and the electrons carry the negative charge to the ground.  So around the earth he every rain or snow storms are continuously doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.

Turning regular water molecules into helium and oxygen ions, plus free electrons an massive heat.

Within 5 minutes of its release plasma day he have converted additional carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.

2 mCO₂+Lir+chlorophyll+(n+r)H₂O→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

For consumer biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Where green plant photo blasts them by infrared light and carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.  Excrete NG the surplus oxygen!  As professor Z pointed out many years ago: as I have missed the oxygen out of my chemical equation.

So photosynthesis on land and sea proceeds until there is just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.  So around the temperate earth in the day, carbon dioxide is sunk to just two PPM - parts per 1,000,000.  0.0,0002%

A static trace gas affects nothing and was climate is controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles.  They have a 28 year periods or warming and cooling.  Chernobyl happened in a period of natural climatic warming.

Which he ended 1995!  Hence nuclear power started promoting manmade climate change.  Invoking the discredited science from the 1970s.  Of carbon dioxide being linked to the weather.

Obvious rubbish as they static trace gas affects nothing: high school biology!  Carbon there has been static after two PPM, for the last 11.2 thousand years.  Any individual not familiar of biology is carbon cycle, the major life support system on earth, she was so not have been in education.

The academic papers on manmade global warming climate change need trading or deleting from digital archived.  And the involved individuals sacked without appeal!  They are writing paid copy on behalf of uranium nuclear power - though most toxic industry ever.

So from 1995 we had a 28 year period of climatic cooling.  As did all the planets in the inner solar system.  Including Mars with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  As is no natural photosynthesis on the red planet.

Week about to launch an inflatable green hours to Mars, and fill it up with the low level carbon dioxide from the Martian Air.  We have a little trays of grass seed in moist soil.

We centre the water supply to the red planet!  The plant's grow even in the feeble Martian sun, turning the carbon dioxide into oxygen.  We layer the oxygen to escape and constantly replenished the carbon dioxide from the Martian Air.

Which will introduce the greatest pollutant in earth history, oxygen to Mars.  My guess is more life first evolved on Mars.  Animal still be present at dormant seeds and the Martian Sand.

We need to induce strong light and heat t ando Mars.  We can work this science air to the north and self poll on earth.

We fire up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder, using a brief jot of high voltage electricity.  The plasma and will self sustain, burning A fantastically tiny volume of water into heat light and maybe even X rays.  Just like natural sunlight!

3 H₂O+PL→2(Eӥ+L(+X-ray)) getting out a constant 1 MW of heat from a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  Warning of the arctic air and getting a light climate 24/7, from a volume of water to tiny to measure every year.

Helping to feed the growing human population on earth.  Establishing geodomes on Mars will take longer.  And the interplanetary Germany and side of the earth's magnetic field, is fatal to all multi cellular life.

The Apollo missions had never radiation shielding and any Astra that would have reached emy and as the brown stain on the space craft wall.  Even travel to the Moon is just not possible without radiation shielding.

The Apollo missions were filled by Hollywood.  Who gave up on the obvious science fiction Appolo14.  Which threw off and threw the radiation fatal summer storm.

Any rational scientist realise they Apollo Moon missions were filmed by a Hollywood in area 51.  The footage suppose the taken on the Moon, was filmed also where he Allied fill stock.

Which would have been blanked on the journey back to earth.  Even transmission of radio signals through the Van Allen belt, would have rendered the Apollo four to each and watchable.

The Apollo missions were the biggest and most expensive science fiction in history.  And till we got to manmade global warming.  Funded by nuclear power to 10 million dollars a year.

Ignoring the massive carbon emissions from nuclear power.  Uranium power plant construction is mankind's fourth largest carbon emitter.  Nuclear power is so very much not carbon zero!  Though they have to carbon dioxide results in extra plant and animal life on earth.

Temperate carbon dioxide sunk to just two parts per million every afternoon.  Above the arctic ice sheets in winter there is no photosynthesis on the snow covers land and sea ice covered seas.

Carbon dioxide spiked cell four PPM.  As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice sheet.

During the present eight carbon dioxide has been sunk to just two PPM for the last 11.2 thousand years.

Except in climatic aberrations like the little ice age across Europe in the 18th century.  When the land was covered by intermittent snow and the carbon dioxide rose to the polar winter four PPM.

European Air average air temperature -20° C.  So twice the carbon dioxide air, in the little ice age!

So 1995 and all the planets in inner solar system static cooling, according to predictable solar emission cycles.  So have acted natural climatic warming 2023.  Making nuclear power termed 'manmade climate change'.

Which meteorologist termed natural weather cycles.  So the world is deftly not a warming.  So the inevitable truth of manmade global warming, turn out to nuclear funded science fiction.

So 2023 on the back to natural global cooling.  When magically the nuclear funded manmade climate change, will revert to the spurious and biologically nonsensical manmade global warming.

The only are all the planets in cell system back to natural global warming.  Included Mars, and we are also hd for last 20 years, that the trust your climate has been cooling.

Though photosynthesis on land and sea has kept free carbon dioxide in the temperate afternoon air to just a static two PPM.  A basic biological truth during the present geographical age.

The current geological age is the Holocene Epoch, which began about 11,700 years ago after the last ice age. The Holocene is divided into five time intervals, or chronozones, based on climatic fluctuations. 

The global carbon dioxide is capped at two PPM.  Life in the Jurassic that when there is four PPM: photosynthesis was less evolved.  There was 85% more life on earth, and sea levels 60 metres lower.

There were three natural ice ages!  There free temperate carbon dioxide rose to eight PPM.  Four times the present trace limit!


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