Free fresh water for the world

free global fresh water

It is stag really easy to cure the sea or river water into pure drinkable freshwater.  Using high school physics.

The first of all other get free carbon zero source of electrical power.  I have been blogging about this for so long!  Practically confirmed by my American contact 15 years ago.

Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  Set up by rain or snow storms that feature water molecules in chaotic turbulent interaction.  Which does Dr Z pointed out on my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000, did nuclear fusion.  What the late Professor Bernard argent cold (physical) molecular nuclear fusion.

We need the turbulent interaction of water molecules above 1 W.  A1 metre high waterfall gives us just such interaction.  Ends up heating the water, which fills the miniscule bubbles of helium and oxygen gas.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L+X-ray 

So waterfall and it never a water level in the freezing Scottish Air above one metre, hits the ball at the base of the waterfall with energy above 1W.  And there was a paradoxically heats up!  And we get a microscopic bubbles of helium and oxygen gases.  And the emission of X rays: of which there is no chemical source.

All heavy rain or snow storms give us the turnover interaction of water molecules and some of the crucial 1 W of intensity.  And university geography departments have noted that heavy storms give out there and X ray radiation.  And or even snow storms warm up the air!  As nature is busy doing molecular nuclear fusion without the involvement of radioactive isotopes.

The helium is lost to space within 24 hours reacting with nothing.  The worse for latent is oxygen!  And here and the free radical oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules in the air.  To form ozone gas.

2 O+O₂ with→O₃

The ozone rises to the high atmosphere, where he bonds with the protective ozone layer.  Protecting multi cellular life on earth from the sterilising effect of naked solar radiation.

B and the physical molecular nuclear fusion that storms do, why heavy storms explains why storms feel electric.  Though cancer the generating positively charged atomic nuclei, and negatively charged electrons - the positive charge collected above the clouds layer.  The negative charge collected on the ground,

This is the source of the protective ozone layer that's Eccles the earth.  And facilitates multi cellular life on earth for free.  The least fuel effect our aerosol propellants, is irrelevant.

All the time the turbulent flow and of sea or river water is adding two the ozone layer.  This explains why heavy storms feel electric, and give out X ray radiation.  Of which there is no chemical source.

When the ball to tial side to 5000 volts, A partial steam plasma.  Which emits a blinding white light and even X rays!  And geography has noted that where the lightening bolt touches down, we form 5 tonnes of helium ions.

A quick relativistic conversion using E=mc² teaches is this is an energy release of 2.5x10³⁰ W.  I have been waiting for my inbox to boil over emails from world physicists.  My e-mail is

This is an energy release of 1.2 MW/m of non nuclear lightening volts.  That releases a blinding white light, massive energy and is in the lower power X rays.  Or which nature is flooded!

My American contact on benefits fired me up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  And got an energy release of a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  As the plasma smashed the water molecules into just massive heat, a little light as ever lower power X rays.

3 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray

The crucial thing is that within the plasma hydrogen positive ions bond with a chaotic missed of electrons, to form neutrons.  And the neutrons a mind the atomic nuclei to form just hydrogen ions.

4 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

Which explains why lightning bolts spew out neutrons!  As the lightening volts there are combining hydrogen ions electrons to form neutrons.  Totally naturally.  Non nuclear neutron formation.

So my contacts 30x1.5cm non pressurised steam plasma give us a constant 1 MW of heat..  No little steam turbine would have a 50% efficiency rate as a heat into mains three phase AC electricity.  But costing 12,000 UK pounds.

Generating a monthly payment from the power company of 30,000 UK pounds.  The power grid committed to buying all of the carbon zero AC current it can get.  And he the electricity is totally non nuclear, involving no fossil fuel burn - so totally carbon zero.

My thanks go to Dr Z, he confirmed that the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion.  And suggested to me that the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion.  The idea of his grandfather if professor from Columbia.

Columbia University published 1895, the interaction of ultrasound and liquid water did nuclear fusion.  The most brilliant scientific idea I ever heard.

5 H₂O+US→He+O+E+X-ray

Nuclear fusion on earth all around the globe, in all garages of the home scientist.  The to cause we need to turn that electricity into AC current.  Proof only three phase mains voltage and frequency AC power.

Here santis published in the 1930s the use of a rare earth metals, such as a thorium salt, to turn heat directly into DC Power.  And the required thermoelectic generator is sold with the electronics to turn the DC current into three phase mains AC current for.

Since the days of Tesla per companies had used up it is their electrical current using high voltage AC current.  Which features a very very low currents.  So little heating or months as reduced by the power around the locality.

Which is why the power company is user high voltage AC current, to distribute electrical current around the country or continent.

So obviously the manufacturers have you kept the thermoelectric generator with the electronics to transform an DC current, into mains linked three phase AC current.

We synchronise the voltage at AC phase with the national grid.  So can sell our current to the far company.

And 1/2 30cm partial steam plasma linked to the semi conductor thermoelectic generator will give us a constant 6 to 5 kW of three phase AC current.  Whatever the weather environment is doing!

We get a constant 65 kW of AC current.  An idea started with Dr. Z giving the the idea from his uncle other turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam doing nuclear fusion.

But there again the Columbia University library had the agor the paper from 1895, or ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion in liquid water.  A non nuclear carbon zero heat generation system.

After much research after I left Sheffield, the best way to do it is using a 30 cm steam plasma.  Giving us that lovely annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.

My local MP E. Rebecca long Bailey, is a personal contact since you get meeting at local government elections.  Well I never got reelected to council.  Though my late stepfather was the labour Mayor of Bolton in lancashire England.

And showed up on the labour side, to watch me losing my elections.  Dons family said he was a nice guy, as my stepfather in Bolton this is not my experience.

So when I met him after my car accident he is very supportive.  And I was taught me to do for six on behalf of the general population.  Whichever way they voted!

Am sure Rebecca Air is acting for salford voters.  She is on the left wing of the Labour Party.  But she always greeted any very pleasantly.  And was concerned to hear about the experiences as a crippled man.

Though my car accident was 1988, and he is my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000, are found in her could use 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound massage unit, to fix even head and spinal injuries.  And I fixed myself!  Which there medics are not happy about.

So house owners can buy a 30 CM glass cylinder, and using the steam from a paint stripper or boiling pan, but the cylinder with steam.  Using the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light, bald from a local secondhand shop, we can fire up the plasma.

Which will then self sustain, that we had just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  From a spring loaded 5 cc water reservoir.  And we get so lovely 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Are thermoelectic generator will convert into 65 kW of three phase mains AC current.  At the great national voltage, linking into the mains AC phase.  All handled by the electronics in the generator.

Costing below 1300 UK pounds.  The cement for 125 UK pounds a month.  They get our lovely 13,000 a month from the national grid from the national grid.

Surely the sort of technological advance Rebecca should be promoting like crazy.  Giving salford residents that lovely income of 15,000 UK pounds a month.  Their three phase AC current for eight houses.

If more people generate carbon zero power in this way, the income from the national grid will fall.  But they still get there free AC current.  So they get no electricity bill!  Year the GMC getting an income from the National Power grid.

And crucially the plasma converts water molecules into does massive heat, they were so light and potentially lower power X rays.  Heat with no fossil fuel burn!  So totally carbon zero.

Again I wait on the first message from the climate change idiots!  Here years the carbon zero method of generating electricity, which owns a massive money.

And salford residents can do it in their garden shed, cellar or attic, or just hanging out of the flat window.  The source of scientific advance county Rebecca long Bailey automatic re-election for life.

So come on Rebecca Air: throughout real carbon zero heat and electricity, using published 1930s technology.  And involving no fossil fuel burn.  So totally carbon zero.


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