climate change cured in the 1930s

Carbon 0 power a century ago

2005 the low price of Bernard Argent, metallurgy professor at Sheffield University reminded me that green plants eat carbon dioxide.  Down to the present limit of just two parts per million.

Extra carbon dioxide converting into plant biomass, carbohydrates within 5 minutes on the temperate land and oath and seas.

1 mCO₂+Lir+chlorophyll+(n+r)H₂O→(Cā‚˜(H₂O)ā‚™+O₂-E)+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+Lb+X-ray↑)

So photosynthesis uses so the biological capitalist of chlorophyll, to fix the carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life, Cā‚˜(H₂O)ā‚™.  Excreting the surplus oxygen and taking in energy.

My old PH D supervisor from Sheffield University, the now professor Z, tell me I had missed out the excretion of oxygen.  But otherwise refused to comment on green plants' doing nuclear fusion.

The subject of my PH D work 2000.  Which he acemi to continue working on, as usual at Cambridge University would offer me a a medical Ph.D. into cancer.  Cambridge did not offer!

This rays as you walk through the countryside around the temperate earth in the daylight, you can use a sensitive Geiger counter, to measure the xray production from win plants.

So biology uses the process we erroneously term photosynthesis, a applying infrared light and chlorophyll, but a water and carbon dioxide, to build the carbohydrates of life.  As crucial air fares key oxygen!  But the same time doing biological molecular nuclear fusion - r(...).

Which makes biology the world's experts into nuclear fusion on earth.  Most life being supported by green plants the plant half of the carbon cycle.

The rest are life being supported by the far more acidic sulphur cycle in volcanic vents.  Where sore were dioxide qs ventering.

2 SO₂+(1+r)H₂O+T+TU→H₂S+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+Lb+X-ray↑)

Most of the salford dioxide ends up as sulphuric acid.

3 SO₂+H₂O→H₂S̀

But some of us all were dioxide ends up as hydrogen sulfide.  The process actually doing a little chemical molecular nuclear fusion.  Hence we can measure the xray production around the sulphur dioxide venting into the volcanic ponds.

But the solver circuit is just too damn acidic!  So most life so was it by the in much more benign carbon cycle.

Converting extra carbon dioxide into carbohydrates, plant biomass within 5 minutes.  Over the temperate land and seas.

In the arctic winter there is no available infrared light.  That is the only light that photosynthesis uses.

Phones lost out to grasses on the evolutionary timescale.  In the to the dinosaurs them at ground covering their ferns.

Photosynthesis is the process that plants use to convert light energy into sugar molecules. The equation for photosynthesis is: carbon dioxide + water + sunlight -> oxygen and glucose. 6CO₂+6H₂O+L+chlorophyll-> C₆H₁₆0+6O₂.

Firms still hang on, in environments where the water and nutrients are in short supply.

In the Jurassic firm is left four parts per million, carbon dioxide in the air.  The mineral record tells us - using radioactive phosphorus dating.  Good for the 20,000 years, further back than that, scientists get at the age, using the rate of soil deposition.

Carbon dating only good for 5000 years.  The cessed oracle documents talking about the carbon date of 20,000 years ago, Scientific guess work.

Because of their unique decay rates, different elements are used for dating different age ranges. For example, the decay of potassium-40 to argon-40 is used to date rocks older than 20,000 years, and the decay of uranium-238 to lead-206 is used for rocks older than 1 million years.

Dating stuff from the Jurassic 65,000,000 years ago, are not scientifically possible.  Though a generally warm period, the carbon dioxide levels are at four parts per million, three ice ages.  The carbon dioxide at eight parts per million.

One ice age lasting a record 1000 years.  The or four times the level of carbon dioxide we have in the temperate air in the present epoch.  Dating back 11.2 thousand years.

Building a nuclear power plant uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to free use the sandstone there for all their reinforced concrete.  Making uranium nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source the carbon emissions.

And they dreamt up their summer's fiction of manmade global warming.  The inner cellar system planets had 28 year periods of warming and cooling.  So Chernobyl happened in afraid of natural climatic warming for all the inner cellar system planets.

The cellar emission cycles moved into a cooling phase from 1995.  Since then all the inner cellar system planets have been cooling.  Including mass with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.

They can safely conclude the carbon dioxide so not a warming gas!  The present age has limited free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth to just two parts per million.

Rising to four PPM in the European little ice age of the 18th century.  Every year in the arctic winter photosynthesis shuts down.  So carbon dioxide levels in the air doubles.

So the Antarctic winter has a Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide in the Antarctic Air.  And at an average winter temperature of -80° C.  The lowest natural temperatures on earth.

We had twice with the carbon dioxide levels.  Somebody tell uranium nuclear power, learn some basic biology and facts about the global weather systems, the work on Cox self serving the summer's fiction concerning carbon dioxide.

And the area they are massively ignorant and uninformed about.  That building A uranium nuclear power plant releases in two years the Covent carbon dioxide for operating it's only sized commercially fired power plant, for 25 years.

And after 25 years we should demolish the nuclear plant.  Or we get the inevitable incident like Fukushima in 2010.  When Japanese nuclear ran a nuclear power plant beyond its design life.

Totally crazy!  Engineers' design every component air nuclear power plant to operate for 25 years, and then break!

My friend had fired up a 15x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  Firing up the plasma user high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light starter.

The plasma will self sustain while we had just 10⁻ā±⁶cc of regular water to the plasma every year.  My friend firm that the plasma liberated a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

Utilising and producing no hyper toxic radioactive waste.  So no impossible insurance cover of 100 billion requires - that insurance cover of a legal necessity by every operating uranium nuclear power plant on earth.  All 422 nuclear plants operating criminally under insured and hyper toxic!

There being no globally available reprocessing capability for used fission rods.  Since Sellafield shut down.  Since when nuclear power has four so all the available or term storage space for nuclear materials.

Now looking at underground nuclear waste storage.  Surely nuclear power is aware that under water eruptions are almost a daily occurrence around the world.  One eruption there are a nuclear storage site, and you're Y by all fish life within 100 KM radius.

And probably extinguished human life in the same area.  The deep earth is A active earthquake region.  Without any storage capability for the used fission rods, and no legal insurance cover, every nuclear power plant on earth has to shut down instantly and never restart.

Nuclear waste isit Achilles heel of uranium nuclear power.  The insoluble conundrum which will shut down all uranium nuclear power on earth.

Shooting radioactive waste into space, is fraught with problems!  As the Apollo missions demonstrated, rockets go wrong the very frequently.  And the aliens will not be happy they were shooting radioactive waste into space.  Where they live!

1984 I wrote an engineer systems failure essay, or the failure of the nuclear industry to be our to buy sufficient plant insurance.  50,000,000 was judged to be a Soviet &Insurance before Windscale 1978.

After Chernobyl the required insurance rose to 40 billion a year.  There being no insurance available above one billion a year.  Not even for late queen of England.

After Fukushima the required insurance rose to an happily impossible 100 billion.  I met the nuclear regulator 1984 and he told me that without Service Insurance nuclear power house to shut down.

I started this blog by relaying RNA as experience the same 15x1.5cm steam plasma would release a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  A thorium salt, in a thermoelectric generator will turn into a constant 6 to 5 kW of mains AC electricity.

The thermoelectic generator device in the 1930s.  Having a 13% efficiency.  Convert to the 50% efficiency but $1000 half megawatts steam turbine.

We are going to hire the thermoelectric generator for a month for 125 UK pounds.  The get a first monthly payment of 15,000 UK pounds from the national grid.  And purchased the generator.  All we can ill afford to buy 1/2 MW steam turbine!

Sold with the electronics to turn the carbon zero heat into ½ MW of mains AC electricity.  Which is such old science! 


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