carbon zero micro suns

Comstant nearly free light

A 30x1.5cm steam plasma releases a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat.  Which a commercially sourced 65 kW firmer electric generator will turn into 35 kW AC electricity.

Without depending on the unreliable environment for anything!  We use a high voltage electronics from an old fluorescent light, to fire off a plasma.  Which will self sustain drug-or any water addition.


Doctors said it gave me the most brilliant scientific idea ever!  That the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam to clean and safe carbon zero nuclear fusion on earth.

Then he ended my PH D work 2001 and suggested I went off to Cambridge University to study cancer.  Cambridge never offered!

1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray actually the idea of his uncle from Columbia University.  Familiar to every American and presumably other academics on the planet.  TU= fluid turbulence of water molecules.

B academics keeping silent about the development of nuclear fusion on earth.  As this would totally destroyed the funding provided by uranium nuclear power, to write fictitious papers about the global climate.

Green plants'eat carbon dioxide.  During the day to turn into the carbohydrates of life.  Excrete NG the surplus oxygen.

2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+rO₂+Lir+chlorophyll+TU→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E⁻+X-ray)

So green plants on land and sea continuously doing nuclear fusion in the day.  Using infrared light at 80nm to turn carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates.  Excrete NG the surplus oxygen - and building the carbohydrate actually takes in energy.

Linked inevitably to biological molecular nuclear fusion - r(...) Green plants are continuously doing.  Even ferns use carbohydrates to do photosynthesis.

Which makes biology the world's experts on doing nuclear fusion on earth, you can go for a wander around the temperate world in the light, and measure the xray production from green plants using a sensitive Geiger counter,

I have a master's degree in engineering and metallurgy specializing in radioactivity.  I was slightly concerned when I discovered that biology war the world's experts into nuclear fusion on earth.

Though mankind's steam cycle developed using the expansive steam cycle in the 18th century, also does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+TU+E+P+O₂→He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

Who is are running steam cycle produces ozone ions.  And feels electric!  Just as green crops in the countryside also freeze ozone and feel electric during the day.

At nine for over two of the animal half of the carbon cycle, oxidising some of the carbohydrates produce during the day.

4 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+pO₂+cell mitochondria→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So this means that your body cells throughout the day and night or using the biological capitalist and five by cell mitochondria, to oxidise the eton plant biomass.

And themselves also are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  This time V and all sorts of nuclear fusion, to causing the carbon cycle.

A game biology the world's experts on animal cells are doing nuclear fusion.  Your beating hearts also does physical molecular nuclear fusion

5 CO₂+dP/dT+(2+r)H₂O→CH₄+2H₂O+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray)

Which means you can take an animal poles using a fast Geiger counter.  And you breathe out methane and helium gases.  It is the source the free radical oxygen which is so damaging to biological organisms.

The pressure waves in the veins are not sufficient to induce molecular nuclear fusion.  So the xray production is omitted to the heart and arteries.  And a every cells oxidising carbohydrates to get a energy throughout the body.  So all body cells!

The others doing nuclear fusion at 31° C4 atmospheres pressure.  No 10°million C and 10 atmospheres pressure required in the reading Corona is around young stars.

My American friend fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  Using the high voltage electronics from a secondhand fluorescent light, bought over local secondhand store.

Once fired up the plasma will consume in just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  We can include a 5 cc spring loaded water top up device.  Though he human civilisation a woman ended before there is any need to top up the plasma.

My friend was interested in utilising this carbon zero heat to produce mains AC electricity.  Week in use a 65 kW thermoelectric electric generator to cancer generate the power for between eight and 40 houses.  All totally carbon zero!

Featuring no fossil fuel burn or boiler room.  So no carbon dioxide production!  The plasma burning of regular water into just massive heat, they were so light and potentially lower power X rays.

The electrical power for eight houses on Christmas day.  And the national grid is committed to buying the carbon zero electricity for two P per kilowatt hour.

Which shows up to an annual check from the power company for 180,000 UK pounds a year.  Tax free!  A millionaire's income every year.  Requiring no coal, or oil or gas burn and deftly no hyper toxic an insurable uranium nuclear power.

Every uranium nuclear power to any G annual insurance cover of 100 billion, since Fukushima in 2010.  Just 40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.  There being no commercially sourced insurance cover above one billion,

So all surviving 422 nuclear power stations on earth running criminally under insured.  And have been since 1986.  The subject of my eight grid engineering essay, 1984 on the failure of the nuclear power industry to carry sufficient insurance, and have the reprocessing capability for the used uranium fission rods.

Since the closure of windscale there has been no global reprocessing capability for nuclear waste.  They nuclear regulator has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth with the closure of windscale.

And are obviously not having sufficient insurance cover since 1986.  And there is no legal argument.  When I met the nuclear regulator in 1984, he assure the the nuclear facility without adequate insurance will be ordered to immediately stop.  Hit the big red button, and never restart!

The nuclear regulator like high level lawyers suppose the being of our for financial manipulation.  Implementing the statute law without financial favour.

So a steam plasma generates a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  IA nuclear fission rods just 250 kW/m of heat.  There require annual insurance cover today of 100 billion.  No legal insurance, no nuclear power.

Are steam plasma burns regular water, into just massive heat with light and potentially lower power X rays.  So too is produced by a boiling pan or cattle as it comes to the boil.

So we produce no hyper toxic radioactive waste.  Which would have required reprocessing.  But we just get waveforms!  And use heat use a wave form.  In for red electro magnetic radiation.

So we get our carbon 0 1 megawatt of heat and utilising 12,000 pound steam turbine can generate ½ MW of three phase mains voltage electricity.  Linked to BAC ways of the national grid.

An annual income of 50,000 UK pounds a month.  We can hire the steam turbine for under 1300 UK pounds a month.  Then month 1 buy it out right!  Or just use or 1200 pound thermoelectric generator, and settle on a monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds.  For that lovely carbon 0 3 phase electricity.

Their three phase stuff was developed after the AC electricity of Tesla.  Where we get three distinct AC waveforms.  Which he in telling us to increase efficiency of power transmission.

DC current has a massive warming effect, and loses a loss of the electricity transmitting it along the cables.  The world now uses our three phase AC power transmission.

So home use is can fire their 30 cm steam plasma in an ice house or the cellar and attic, and get a carbon zero three phase electricity at the correct national voltage.  Linking in two AC phases of the National Power grid.

Build AA plasma power plant would take the garage hobbyist a week.  Five days been waiting for the delivery of a 65kW thermoelectric generator.  From China.

Or their next day from a UK firmer electric generator distributor, who gets a ball order of generative still emerge from China.  And shipped across to the UK.

Key are starmer will be ecstatic!  He is her or the UK can go carbon zero in two weeks.  Ceasing to utilised the electrical power provided by large power stations.  Conventional or an insured nuclear plants.

Getting our electricity from a plasma burning regular power into massive heat, light and French a lower power X rays.

My local MP Rebecca long Bailey, should raise this issue in the next electricity question time in the UK house of commons.  Truly massively important technology, developed at Sheffield University 2001.

Never given to the world, as it totally demolishes the fictitious nuclear science fiction of manmade global warming and climate change.  Green plants on land and C but in carbon dioxide in the afternoon temperate air to just two parts per million.

Extra carbon dioxide resulting additional plant an animal life on earth.  No need to burn or oil, coal or gas ever again.

They are my American friends told me that a 30 cm steam plasma are would release a constant 1 MW of heat light and potentially lower power X rays.  Suspended beneath little aluminium flotation units, A grid are steam plasma is will illuminate an area of ground.  To support photosynthesis 2/47.

Every day of the year.  Costing just 2000 UK pounds, and no constant energy requirement.  The cold UK counties like Lancashire or Yorkshire, we can put out the steam plasma is in the autumn, and then illuminate the ground every hour on the day potentially for ever.

We can illuminate and heat Scotland all year around.  So for seeing agriculture 2/47.  Getting into a harvest in every year.  Doubling farm incomes.  Making Scotland as productive as Kent in the summer.  All the year around.

And once fired up the steam plasma is renowned throughout the year and powered.  Professor Z as he pulled my PH D from under my feet, the does not doing any work.  Oh yes I was!

So we can try this idea out in the fields around Sheffield.  But really the farmers the world over, will already be erecting grades are steam plasmas below aluminium flotation units, to illuminate their fields all day he and year around.

Doubling farm incomes globaly.


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