climate is back to warming

Clean and safe free power

The natural climate in the inner solar system is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles.  The short term cycle is 28 years.  The medium term cycle is 100,000 and the long-term one million.

So all through history we are seeing the effects of natural climate cooling and warming.  In the little ice age across Europe in the 18th century photosynthesis shut down.

Snow covered the ground intermittently.  The carbon dioxide rose across Europe to four Parts Per Million.  Today he they are fixed at two parts per 1,000,000 around the temperate earth.

In the Permian carbon dioxide was at 10 PPM - according to mineral records.  At home in one way or time machine.  The tells us the climate in the past.

At the end of the cretaceous photosynthesis had evolved, or carbon dioxide crashed just one PPM.

Yes, there was an ice age during the Jurassic period, around 170 million years ago: 

Carbon dioxide levels in the warm periods or four PPM - twice the level of the temperate earth today.  The carbon dioxide level we see every year in the polar winter as a.  The carbon dioxide back to four PPM.

Chernobyl happened in a period of natural global warming in 1986.  Which shifted into natural climatic cooling in the inner solar system 1995.

Even Mars has been cooling - with 98% carbon dioxide in the air!

The average temperature on Mars is around -80°F (-60°C), but the temperature can range from -225°F (-153°C) to 70°F (20°C). 

We noticed that carbon dioxide rises on earth during a natural glaciation.  Every arctic winter photosynthesis shuts down or snow covers the land and ice covers the seas.  Photosynthesis continues into see water at -20° C.

So arctic winter carbon dioxide at four PPM.  Though there was natural temperatures on earth!  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.

Then spring returns the carbon dioxide falls to just two PPM, and till the arctic winter.  And in the arctic summer is over north and south pole we have 24 hour week the sun shine.

We could extend the months of light and heat, by erecting A grid are steam plasma cylinder is.  My friend validated that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma liberated heat light and even lower power X rays potentially.

2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+(X-ray)) physical molecular nuclear fusion.

So we get our walk constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat and light.  In a four metre grid, we suspend steam plasma is below little aluminium flotation units.  And we replace the missing sunlight.

With a 24 hour sun and heat.  We continue the unit all year.  As the natural sunlight is week.  So we make the north pole more productive than Texas.  We erect the steam plasmas on my guess of four metre grid.  An ran the forms 24 hours a day all year.

Twice the productivity of Texas in what is today he the arctic winter.  Sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide!  Converting it into the carbohydrates of life.  To feed the growing earth population.

3 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E+X-ray)

So green plants on land and sea do photosynthesis during the day.  The energy producing unit year's biological molecular nuclear fusion.  It building the carbohydrate takes in energy!

So we farm plants and animals, to feed the growing human population on earth.  Over eight billion today.  It will cell four billion during my PH D work 2000-.  When Dr Z acemi to devise nuclear fusion on earth for him.

I wrote my first paper on this subject 2001, and my PH D got mysteriously and inexplicably ended with no award.  Hence and telling the world about it!  So plants during the day he emit a faint blue light.

For hyper tonics farming we only need infrared fluorescents.  Which is 20 per cent of the costs of regular light fluorescents.  And the plant's will emit a faint blue light forester C round the greenhouses.

Again sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide.  The gas of life.  Down to the present after a moment of just two parts per million.  They are static carbon dioxide trace around the temperate earth there for last Xi Point two thousand years.

A static trace gas affects nothing!  Nuclear power concocted manmade global warming after Chernobyl.  Apparently not realizing that a nuclear power plant construction programme is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.

In operation they burn image plutonium into hyper toxic plutonium and strontium.  Plutonium the most toxic substance known to man.

Half life of 100,000 years!  A man kind has run out of storage space for used uranium fission rods.  So revolting to using the short term storage space around at a service nuclear reactors.

Even though the planning consent has been removed!  So storing nuclear waste around the disease nuclear plant hellishly illegal.

And globally there is no storage space available for used uranium nuclear materials.  So the power plants are operating outside their planning consent.  Which requires a verbal used uranium fission rods storage capabilities.

Since windscale for the shut down there has been no global reprocessing capability is around the world for used uranium nuclear power plant fission rods.

So the power plant operating consent rest on there being available storage capability for the used uranium fission material.  There is no global storage space available!  Which requires every operating uranium nuclear power plant to shut down, and never resumed operation.


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