UK goes carbon zero
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Ed fixes climate change |
As I have been shouting at world governments since 2018, a regular steam plasma is a far better heat generation system than burning oil and gas. As I got practically confirmed in America 2018, a 30x1.5 regular steam plasma will release a constant 1 MW of heat.
Firing up the plasma using a jot of electricity from a fluorescent light starter motor, once initialised with the plasma will self sustain or we are just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.
That the fossil fuel people have the ears of national governments. Who was medically the work confirmed in the U.S.. As UK academics will never confirm a carbon zero heat system.
1 H₂O+de/dT→2(E²+L+X-ray)
BX rays are low powerrd, if released at all. They will not penetrate the glass cylinder. Burning oil or gas already does affect our physical molecular nuclear fusion..
2 CₘHₙ+pO₂+(n+r)+flamr→(mCO₂+sO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)
So cancer are all planes already do trace of our molecular nuclear fusion. They do oxidise the carbohydrates. The gas, oil or coal. And it takes in energy.
The heat on my generation is from the nuclear fusion though we are doing. So why he'd only cut out the carbon fuel.
Firing up R electrical steam plasma, does just that. Itself sustains while we had a fantastically tiny volume of regular water a year.
The power company is have trial generation plants, so he is the work of the fine details in a week. A look rather like many 66 1m x1.5cm steam plasma centres to run 100 MW three phase AC electricity generation plant.
We burn no oil, gas or coal. And our use of water is below measurement. All due to Einstein's E=mc². We start off with a little 5 cc water reservoir, and never need top up.
And crucially for Ed Miliband we release no carbon dioxide, as we do not have A fossil fuel burner. We utilises no fossil fuels. The plasma burns regular water into heat light and X rays.
Every 3 minutes around the earth there is a lightening strike. Which does our physical molecular nuclear fusion. Half the energy density of our plasma burn.
2 H₂O+P+TU/flame→He+O+E+X-ray
If a lightening strike produces 2.5x10³⁰ W our carbon zero energy. 1.2 MW/m of a lightening strike. Hence a 30x1.5 steam plasma cylinder, was practically confirmed by Turner release a 1 MW our carbon zero heat.
It looks like 66 1m steam plasma centres will happily run 100 MW power plant. We are not a whiff of a fossil fuel burn. Utilising and producing no hyper toxic radioactive waste.
Plutonium is a most lethal substance known to man! And a every 25 years one and the surviving 422 uranium nuclear power Lowndes experiences a triple core meltdown.
Spraying radioactive waste over the continent. Most recently in Fukushima Japan, 2010. Since then the legally required insurance per 100 MW nuclear power plant has be set by the UN and 100 billion.
Not commercially available. So the nuclear operators resort to bribing the national radiation regulator. The biggest corporate crime in economic history.
Every nuclear power plant knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion. Enforced by the human rights lawyers. Who have legal supremacy to national radiation regulators.
That you get all the defective nuclear regulators struck off and removed from any legal activity. So Ed Miliband can get the power companies to get the fine details of replacing the oil or gas burners, and with the carbon zero steam plasma cylinders.
So on the next annual shutdown, the fine goes carbon zero. Utilising a plasma burn or water vapour, to free use all our lovely 3 MW our carbon zero heat for a plasma.
Releasing no carbon dioxide! Which will actually decrease present crop yields. Fans taking in carbon dioxide to grow.
3 mCO₂+chlorophyll+L+(r+n)H₂O→(Cₘ(H₂O)+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)
So as you take a walk in the countryside around the temperate earth with a Geiger counter, we can measure the week strand X rays utilise plant's as they do biological molecular nuclear fusion.
We never actually producing the carbohydrates, Cₘ(H₂O), are plant biomass is linked to the excretion of oxygen and takes in energy. But he is inevitably linked to a clean and safe nuclear fusion from water.
The most hazardous enterprise rate is a free radical oxygen, that bonds with oxygen molecules to form the ozone gas we have all smiles in the countryside or on the seashore. Places where nature is busy doing our nuclear fusion.
So come Ed! Get the power company is to fire up the steam plasma cylinders, in place of burning fossil fuels. We produce no carbon dioxide or radioactive waste.
The plasma burns the regular water into just heat, light and X rays. You're so concerned about carbon dioxide - the gas so far is no stimulates plant growth. Converted into active plant biomass within 5 minutes around the temperate land and seas.
Resulting the temperate air carbon dioxide level around the earth has been capped at just two parts per million, for last 11.2 thousand years. And are static trace gas affects nothing.
The carbon dioxide in the stratosphere was ejected there in prehistory by explosive volcanic eruptions. Mankind's carbon dioxide is metabolised five plants and trees, within 5 minutes.
B a house E carbon dioxide never leaves the low earth's atmosphere. Whereas the terrestrial weather is made in the stratosphere - a constant the carbon dioxide space for all of history.
Mankind's carbon dioxide metabolised around the earth at ground level. Replace the fossil fuel burners the steam plasmas. And gave the world carbon zero electrical power.
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