nature limits carbon dioxide

Early life on Earth

The early cretaceous saw carbon dioxide levels at 1000 parts per million.  Then the precursor to photosynthesis evolved in carbon dioxide fell to just one part per million.  Which are due to the deaths of 90% of biological life on earth.

A bigger mass extinction than the death the dinosaurs.  Then the existing animals multiplied in numbers.  Breathing in the oxygen excreted by plants.  An e.g. in the carbohydrates there were a plant biomass.

In the Jurassic carbon dioxide levels in the warm periods were at four PPM.  Twice the present terrestrial limit.  But there were three natural ice ages.  One lasting a record 1000 years.

The carbon dioxide rising to eight PPM: as photosynthesis on land or in the seas covered by sea ice shut down.  Plus four to the modern age.

The modern temperate carbon dioxide level in the afternoon air, is omitted to just two parts per million.  As plant's greedily gobble up all the carbon dioxide the King get at!  To metabolise into carbon dioxide.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(C₂(H₂O)n+O₂=E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray+Lb)

We know the plant's have to be doing biological molecular nuclear fusion, as is no chemical source of X rays and visible light, or helium gas!  So all life on earth is supported by plants doing nuclear fusion from water during the daytime.  That is interesting!

We get heavy rain or snow storms around the earth.  Which give off X rays.  Again!  As the precipitation does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray

University geography departments have happily written about the xray production of storms.  Physics could tell them the importance!  That physics does not like talking to geography.

They are only just about taught to engineering, because of the massive production of X rays from the turbulent flow of steam in steam lines.  Not quite telling us that we are doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.  The TU in the equations of our off there is my A notation for the turbulence above 1 W,

At 5000 volts 100 amps we get a lightening down strike.  Which geography has noted produces five tonnes of helium ions at the base.  Again missing out the importance of X rays!

3 H₂O+P+TU→He²+O⁺+X-ray+Lf Where Lf you regular light flash illumination.  There being no chemical source again of visible light.

We do the relativistic conversion from hydrogen ions to form helium, and we find the each lightening strike releases 1.2 MW/m.

That is useful energy, but lightening is basically unpredictable.  So my friend from Michigan use C a high voltage electronics from old sack all fluorescent light, to fire me up a steam plasma.

He found that a 30x1.5 steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

4 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so the steam plasma produce a plasma burn.  Which do not consume any oxygen!  He just released our carbon zero heat, with light and X rays.

At this juncture he acemi the best way to turn that into electrical power.  A half megawatts steam turbine will produce three phase mains electricity, the cost 12,000 UK pounds.  For the carbon zero electricity for 150 houses.

A monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds.  Within the petty cash range of medium sized engineering firms.  Who then get an annual income from that lovely carbon zero electricity, of 1.5 million UK pounds.  Which share the is quite a payback!

For the home user or they can rent a 65 kW thermoelectric generator for 125 UK pounds a month.  Burn working a faint from the national grid for that lovely carbon zero electricity, of 15,000 UK pounds.

Sold with the electronics to turn their heat into three phase mains AC current.  Owning us an annual income annually of 180,000 UK pounds.

For a single 30 x1.5 steam plasma cylinder.  A 1m x 2cm steam plasma cylinder would produce a constant 4 MW of carbon zero heat.  50 were drive A200 megawatt power plant.

Without any gas or oil burn.  Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  Which is below measurement!  An we generate totally carbon free electricity.

We feature no coal, or oil or gas burner.  All the money being wasted today and researching manmade global warming, the summer's fiction, cocked it by uranium nuclear power, could it be spent on useful research work!

In two biology and medicine.  Bearing in mind that biology is studies plants that eat carbon dioxide, down to the present limit of just two PPM around the temperate earth.

Uranium nuclear power has invested 10 million UK pounds annually since 1986, in two as fictitious climate research.  Here, is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles.

Warming in 1986 - the year of Chernobyl.  Cooling naturally since 1995.  Hence the change in nuclear fiction to manmade climate change.  Which predicts nothing!  It just channels 10 million UK pounds a year into the physics and engineering research.

Money that could be well spent Satary searching through a science.  So plant's eat carbon dioxide within 5 minutes of it being released around the temperate earth.  Man carriers carbon emissions have increased life on earth, but never reached the stratosphere where the earth's weather is made.

Warming again naturally since 2023.  Strangely enough the climate change people have not commented on this.  Just morphing manmade climate change back into manmade global warming.

Totally ignoring the 28 year period of global cooling we have all just lived through.

Are one metre x 2cm steam plasma release a constant 40 MW of heat.  Hence 50 running 100 MW power plant.  Or any fossil fuel burn.  All carbon emissions.

All the science fully documented in the 1930s.  Nuclear power is are livid!  Has invested 290 million pounds, into promoting its fictitious climate studies.  Which totally ignore the massive fossil fuel burn or building a nuclear power plant.

Heating limestone and to form cement, for always reinforced concrete.  Making building a nuclear power plant mankind's fourth largest carbon emissions.

Every day of operation they need insurance cover.  Totally 100 billion a year.  Not commercially available.  They make do with 50 million - the applicable insurance cover before the Windscale disaster of 1978.

They continued operation as Sellafield and till the first to 25 year design life.  When engineers are designed every component of the plant to break down.

It stops you burn the reprocessing of used fission rods.  So globally there is no and no global reprocessing capability anywhere in the world.  Nuclear power has resulted to storing the used fission rods in the short term storage sites, into anymore the short term storage of visual material, before are is loaded into the nuclear coal.

Out of service, the totally insufficient nuclear insurance had ended.  Those sites were never designed for long term fusion waste storage.  I are not secure enough!

And meanwhile the 1m steam plasma releases a constant 4 MW of carbon zero heat.  The hyper toxic uranium fission broad only releases 250 kW.  A one metre row of gas or oil burners only releases 45 kW.

And the fish and was like a nuclear core.  They utilised no radioactive materials and produce no hyper toxic radioactive waste.  No impossible annual insurance cover required.

And a plasma burn is so much more energetic and hyper toxic uranium nuclear fission.  Running off two little water ever to measure.  Well as enriched uranium is are the most expensive materials known to man.

Just think all the research work that you nurses could do, if that 10 million a year was dispensed by national governments, rather self serving uranium nuclear power: only interested in extending their own illegal and an insured working lives.

Nuclear plant is the one technology of mankind's, there could destroy all life on earth within 5 minutes.  And very well major any day now!


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