Melt the Greenland ice sheet
In the time the Vikings, there was no a constant ice sheet across green land. 2024 and we would rather the ice sheet melted, caring all that cold to the equator.
When the world is perversely interested in the climate. Which is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles. So the earth warmed naturally until 1995. Including in 1986 when the Chernobyl incident led the paid stooges to nuclear power to concocted manmade global warming.
The climate has 28 year periods or warming and cooling, cause five predictable solar emission variations. Which is loads through history to intermittent ice ages at one periods.
In the 18th century Europe experience the little ice age. Where snow covers the land, causing local carbon dioxide levels to four parts per million. For fast in a warm 0.2 thousand years, the temperate carbon dioxide level has usually been just two parts per million.
A static trace gas affects nothing. The fourth biggest manmade source of carbon emissions, is a massive fossil fuel burn on limestone, to free use all the cement required for their reinforced concrete of a uranium nuclear power plant.
Nuclear power is so very much not carbon zero! Locally 2000 and I was doing a PH D at Sheffield University, and Dr. Z gave me his uncle's idea from Columbia University, that the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did was later named molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray
So even a waterfall over one metre high features water droplets heating the four natural bottom of the waterfall. Doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+O₂+TU→He+O³+E²+X-ray TU=>1 W, the strong atomic force that stops interaction of hydrogen ions causing the nuclear fusion into helium. Which is why waterfalls produce heat, and ozone gases! Your nurse not being sensitive to the presence of helium gas.
Which remember after all, has a high commercial value than gold. Week in use A plasma power plant, to free use a source of free electricity by the waterfall.
3 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so the plasma converts regular water into massive heat a little light and lower power X rays. The home user can utilised a 30x1.5cm non pressurised regular steam plasma, to freeze a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
As practically confirmed 2018 by my contact in Michigan America. So we utilises A65 kilowatts commercially sourced firmer electric generator.
That will produce and 65 kW of mains linked AC voltage and phase current. He has to synchronise with the mains AC waves of electricity generation.
In the UK 65 kW of AC current sold to the national grid, generates annual check for 180,000 UK pounds. My local MP, Rebecca long Bailey says she's interested in carbon zero science.
Here we use a high voltage electrical fluorescent light starter, to fire up the steam plasma. Which then self sustains as he had just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water.
So no salford voters could fire up A30 CM steam plasma in the cellar or atmospheres, and get a that lovely annual check for 180 1000 tax free pounds. I have yndrome first Rebecca as constituency office in salford often, but never according to see her.
As a chance of ever being a officer almost zero! So convert regular water molecules into the annual income from the national grid of power company, of 180,000 UK pounds.
And stepfather was labour Mayor of Bolton in lancashire. And I was taught me to try and help society in people. He was strongly approve of me helping give society access to carbon zero power that pays a large fortune.
All the Christmas heat and power, with a massive annual check! Nuclear power are suicidal about the development of non nuclear carbon zero power that pays.
No hyper toxic radioactive isotopes production. No plutonium or strontium. Today he uranium nuclear power plants require annual insurance cover of 100 billion. Since Fukushima in 2010 in the middle of Tokyo.
The required nuclear annual insurance was 40 billion after Chernobyl in 1986. A little plasma power plant utilising and produces no hyper toxic radioactive waste.
Turning regular water into the and 80 thousand UK pounds every year from the power company. The carbon zero power for eight houses on Christmas day. 40 houses normally.
Allying the UK to go carbon neutral in two weeks. The UK needs 44 GW of electrical power - 80,000 plasma power plants. Featuring no gas or oil burner and not utilising the coal produced by local coronary.
So totally carbon zero heat and electricity. Turning regular water into massive carbon zero heat and power. What is her not to love. Somebody should tell nuclear power the carbon zero heat and electricity are fantastically simple to generate.
Using 1930s published science: The thermoelectric generator. Which embarrassingly enough I was taught about in my thermodynamic so at Sheffield University in the 1980s.
Such auld science! And today the thermoelectric manufacturers will happily produce the electronics to rectify the DC heat into three phase mains voltage AC current. Linking in with a wave form of a mains AC power.
Such simple engineering! Which means there all the santis who have written academic papers about manmade global warming climate change, are paid stooges to nuclear power.
Who credit where credit is due: are the world's fourth largest carbon emitter - while constructing hyper toxic and not insurable uranium nuclear power plants.
The human rights lawyers can close down every nuclear facility without adequate insurance cover, the greatest threat to continued in human life on earth.
We erect A grid of steam plasma centres. Bolting down that 1 MW of heat, we of light and lower power X rays on to the Greenland ice sheets. Which will melt.
And the construction of social waterways to carry the extra core water 0° C into the seas. Where it mixes with the warm sea currents, and he is 3° C - the maximum density four water. Wars are expands as it freezes. Hence ice floats.
Now we are producing massive volumes of maximum density water 3° C. Which flows back to the equator and rises to above cellar radiation during the day. And flows back towards the north myself poles as the warm sea currents.
So we call down the hot lands, and the action of warm seawater care is the heat towards the poles. Warming the temperate lands. Without the gulf stream the UK will be 20° C cooler all year.
So so there will be an annual event. The lasting until march. And the whole of England will be 20° C cooler all year. A very different country!
But now we can use A grid are so stanch at steam plasmas, to blast out heat on to the at the Greenland ice sheets. Cause them to melt, and gradually rise up out of the seas. So we end up with a nice three Greenland.
Just as it was in the age of the Vikings - hence the name. Green and uses so much and full of plant life. Totally green!
For last Xi Point 2000 years carbon dioxide around the temperate earth has been limited to just two parts per million. Rising to four PPM in local glaciations. Where photosynthesis shuts down from the duration.
So twice the carbon dioxide - four PPM. And the coldest temperatures ever. You have had a local temperature of -20° C during the little ice age. As he ice age ended photosynthesis resumed, and we are back to the temperate average carbon dioxide level of just two PPM.
Who ever concocted manmade global warming for a nuclear power, was a serious idiot. Ignorant of cellar emission cycles. Annie total denial of biology is carbon cycle. There are plans converts extra carbon dioxide into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes.
Man carriers burning of the carbon fuels has increased plant, and then animal life on earth. Our weather is made in the stratosphere. Where there's a constant level of carbon dioxide, ejected the high atmosphere by explosive volcanic eruptions in the prehistoric age.
Usually carbon dioxide is too heavy to rise to the high atmosphere. Being metabolised into carbohydrates by plant life around the temperate world. With a fossil fuel burning has increased life on earth. Obviously having no climatic effect.
The climate of the inner cellar system planets is totally controlled by the predictable solar emission variations, that feature is 28 year periods of warming and then cooling.
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