giving China carbon zero electricity

China → carbon 0
並不難。  自 2018 年以來,我一直在向全世界講述我實際上已證實的零碳熱能和電力來源。  他們太忙於研究任何東西,而核電支付給他們的錢。

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Bìng bù nán.  Zì 2018 nián yǐlái, wǒ yīzhí zài xiàng quán shìjiè jiǎngshù wǒ shíjì shang yǐ zhèngshí de líng tàn rènéng hédiànlì láiyuán.  Tāmen tài mángyú yánjiū rènhé dōngxī, ér hé diàn zhīfù gěi tāmen de qián.

Is not hard.  I have been telling the world about my practically confirmed source of carbon zero heat and electrical power since 2018.  Since when the world 'climate change scientists' haven't ever even bother to get in touch!  They are too busy researching anything, where the money paid to them by nuclear power.

Every 3 minutes somewhere around the world there is a lightening strike.  Tuning into long wave radio and hear them.

First we have heavy rain or snow storms, doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Which is nature doing free E carbon zero heat.

1 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray

Intensive X-ray emission bursts during thunderstorms › article › abs › pii

by AP Chubenko · 2000 · Cited by 88 — The intensive X-ray emission during thunderstorms was studied at a height of 3340 m above sea level. For the first time, short-time (1–5 min) bursts of ...

University geography departments I learned about the xray emissions from rain or snow storms.  Not fully aware that there is no chemical source of xray emissions.  Nature is doing physical molecular nuclear fusion constantly around the earth.  As the precipitation does 1.

Which is why my father told me that rain or even snow storms warm the atmosphere.  He was a universe C biology student from the University of Manchester.  Who went off to work in IT.

He did not tell me that he had failed his degree, as I went off to Sheffield University to do a degree in to engineering and metallurgy.

I returned to the series 2000 MatZinger PH D, and realise that heavy rain or snow storms were continuously doing nuclear fusion from regular water, in the air constantly.

At 5000 volts 100 amps, A partial steam plasma links up the cloud tops and the ground.  The positive atomic nuclei carry the positive charge to above the clouds layer.  The electrons carry the negative charge to the ground.

Which is why storms feel electric.  Emitting heat and even light flashes.  At this stage physics should really have got interested in precipitation doing nuclear fusion.  When TU, the turnover interaction of precipitation water molecules, does nuclear fusion on earth.

No 18 billion engineering plant required.  It goes off for free, in regular rain or snow storms.  Geography has at least noted the emission of X rays from heavy precipitation.  Never explained it!

My PH D work companis ended as I wrote my first paper about nuclear fusion 2001.  My supervisor Dr Z high given his uncle's idea from Columbia University in New York.  That the turnover interaction of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion.  For away the most astonishing science idea I ever heard.

Uranium nuclear power bought Dr.Z a chair in chemical and process engineering.  They came professor Z.  And buying of all interest in clean and safe non-nuclear nuclear fusion.

To realise there so the academic committee was not interested in physical molecular nuclear fusion.  1.  They were enjoying the research funding provided by uranium nuclear power, to tell rubbish about carbon dioxide!

Building a uranium nuclear power plant releases in last two years of plant construction, the Covent carbon emissions from operating a commercially fired power plant for 25 years.

Uses a fossil fuel burn use to convert minus turn into cement.  For all their reinforced concrete for far plant construction.  Making uranium nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions, while building a power plant.

Which should be demolished after 25 years: or we get an inevitable engineer for earlier like Fukushima.  Which sprayed nuclear waste across Japan and China.  Causing an increase of 20 million human deaths from cancers or heart disease, over the next few years.

A total legal fine of 200 billion.  Owed by Tokyo nuclear.  Underwritten by the Japanese national government.  The flying going out to the IMF and World Bank.  As it totally bankrupt Japan.  That use to V the second largest economy is on earth.

At Sheffield University I got really interested in lightening strikes.  An realise that the steam plasma did massive carbon zero heat.  At this stage my American contact fired up a 30x1.5 non pressurise steam plasma, and got out a 1 MW carbon zero heat system.

2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) His 30cm steam plasma produce a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

For a year the plasma using a jot of electricity from a high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light starter.  Once you have set up the plasma self sustains, for we add just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.

Santis will protest that I keep telling the world this basic physical science.  Which I will keep on repeating, and till physics or the climate change pundits reply.

My local MP, Rebecca long Bailey told me as a cancer or election in salford, that she was interested in carbon zero science.  She is a Labour MP.  And really should raise this issue in energy equation times in the house of commons, hosted by Ed Miller band MP.  The climate change and energy minister.

Who will be so fascinated that 25 50x1cm steam plasma is pressurised to four atmospheres, will run 100 MW commercially fired power plant.  The steam plasma is totally replacing the oil and gas burners.

So totally carbon zero electricity.  That will paying a massive fortune!  100.5 billion UK pounds a year.  As we have no gas or oil burn.  And produce carbon 03 phase mains AC current.  We utilises a little steam turbine, to turn our 200 MW of heat into 100 megawatts of three phase mains electricity.

Non-nuclear, carbon zero heat and electricity that pays an absolute fortune.  Opec is not happy!  Our steam plasma cylinder replace a fossil fuel burners.  Which only releases 45 kW of heat from a one metre or oil or gas burner.

And burning oil and gas releases the carbon dioxide stimulates local plant growth in the local area.  They share the carbon dioxide is metabolised at ground level.  The in just a static preindustrial two parts per million carbon dioxide in the stratosphere.

A preindustrial level of carbon dioxide.  Or man carriers carbon emissions are metabolise by green plants during the day on land and sea.  And converted into plant biomass.

The carbohydrates are no possible climatic effect!  The carbon dioxide in the stratosphere was ejected in prehistory by explosive volcanic eruptions.  And has remained at a static trace level for all recorded history.

Carbon dioxide obviously has no climatic effect!  But now we can utilise our steam plasmas, which are 80 times as energetic as or oil and gas burning.  And produce carbon zero electricity.  You're doing that nice annual check of 100 million.

For all that lovely carbon zero electricity.  And this science was fully worked out in the 1930s.  After the industrial revolution kicked off using the expansive steam cycle in the 1880s.

3 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+L+X-ray

So a steam plasma centres will burn just 10⁻ⁱ⁴cc of regular water a year, to run 100 MW plasma fired power station.  Converted from gas and oil burning, in the annual power station shut down.

I was studying power generation and Sheffield University 1984.  And I am appalled, that no physics department has for the researching her a plasma is burn surgeon fantastically miniscule volume of water, into massive carbon zero heat.

The aborted to geography to publish papers on the xray emissions from rain and heavy snowstorms.  Tragically geography does not understand heavy precipitation sets up a lightening strike.

A lightening strike then does so much physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike!  That releases five tonnes of helium ions.

Of issues no chemical source.  Energy release of 2.4x10²⁵ W our carbon zero heat.  Nature has been telling us how to do a carbon zero heat for 2.8 billion years.

And now we can replace all gas and oil burners with 1mx1zm steam plasma cylinders or 2.5 atmospheres pressure.

All the science taught to me within engineering at Sheffield University in the 1980s.  Where I didn't master's degree in to metallurgy and engineering.

Champion Power Equipment's Atom Fusion 3000W Portable Dual Fuel Inverter Generator: The Ultimate Lightweight Powerhouse with CO2 Shield and Dual-Fuel Capability.
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So nature has had no troubles burning a fantastically tiny volume of regular water, into massive heat, light and even X rays.

My American friend validated that 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma releases a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  The plasma fired up by using a jolt of high voltage electricity from a fluorescent light starter.

It then self sustains, while we hours just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular he had a year.  Release a constant 1 MW of heat.

A15 CM steam plasma, will release a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  Week in utilised science device in the 1930s.  Passing a heat through a thorium salts: the Americans term a thermolectric generator.  Producing a cancer three phase 65 kW of the national voltage electricity.

The carbon zero power for eight houses on Christmas day.  40 houses on a regular basis.  The national grid in the UK he will play 180,000 UK pounds for all that lovely carbon zero electricity every year.

A millionaire's income!  Spend that money improving life on earth.  It is not possible to drink and eat sufficient to use other income.  You would die of liver sclerosis in the first year.  But was a way to go!  So seriously use that money wisely.

So we have produced Non-nuclear, carbon zero heat.  The plasma burning regular water into a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  We use to generate a constant 65 kW of carbon zero mains current.

Why he has Rebecca and or raise these issues of eight million, the labour climate change and energy Secretary, since they can be practically confirmed 2018.  When my American friend, plasma have a non pressurise steam plasma.

And ever since has been on that ridiculous income!  All the science which said at Sheffield University - just a pity professor Z had no interest in saving life on earth.

Enjoying spurning all that uranium nuclear power research funding.  On developing, I know not what!

So China can utilised 25 1m x1cm steam plasma is to drive 100 MW power station.  Totally carbon zero!  They are the second biggest economy is on earth today and can use the so the world had to do non nuclear carbon zero electricity.

That pays a considerable fortune every year!  So the second biggest economy is on earth, has the engineers who can build and site plasma power plants throughout China.

Stopping China releasing any carbon dioxide: which just increases local plant growth.  No possible effect on the climate, which is made in the stratosphere.  Nothing at all to do with man kind.

The inner cellar system planets warm or cold according to predictable solar emission cycles.  So the earth's climate cooling from 1995.  Hence the change from the nuclear science fiction, for manmade global warming, to the meaningless manmade climate change.

28 years of natural climatic cooling.  And weighting of the climate around the earth.  2023 back to 28 year period of natural climatic warming.  Have fun for all recorded history.

Man's carbon dioxide stimulates local plant growth, no possible effect on the climate.  Mass four so same 28 year periods of warming and cooling.  With 98% carbon dioxide in the air.

As there is no natural photosynthesis, which on earth limits temperate carbon dioxide to just two parts per million.  In the arctic winter there is no photosynthesis.  Carbon dioxide doubles to four parts per million.

As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice In winter.  So twice the carbon dioxide, and the lowest natural temperatures!

Carbon dioxide supports biological life.  No climatic effect, that he is paid fiction is from the paid stooges to nuclear power.  Writing biological and climatic rubbish for money.


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