Columbia and Sheffield devises nuclear fusion

free Energy that pays

Dr. Z told me 2001, that the turbulent flow or water or high pressure steam did nuclear fusion.  A process named molecular nuclear fusion by professor Argent.  An emeritus professor of metallurgy, who was my undergraduate professor.

1 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray

The easiest type of this form of this type of nuclear fusion to study this is turbulent flow of water down a waterfall over one metre high.  I was staggered to learn all American professor time you that this was an accepted part of the human Scientific pantheon.

So waterfalls over one metre high give off X rays, heat and the free radical oxygen forms ozone the oxygen molecules in the air.  The helium is lost to the air, and then exits to outer space the same day.  As the earth rotates!

Heavy rain or snow and also does physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Again doing equation one.  Where the turbulence is from precipitation into actions at above one Watt in intensity.

A study of X‐ray emissions from thunderstorms with emphasis ...

AGU Publications › doi › full

by S Mallick · 2012 · Cited by 45 — The average (arithmetic mean) X-ray rate on thunderstorm days, 124 counts per second, is higher than that, 95 counts per second, on non- ...

Which means nature is continuously doing nuclear fusion in the earth's air.  Forming helium and ozone gases.  And free use in a stroll cell and X rays!

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the electrons carry the negative charge to the ground.  At 5000 volts 100 amps we get a lightening down strike linking up the charge arrears.

Which geography has noted releases 2.5x10³̾ W of heat.  And makes five tonnes of helium ions weather lightening bought reaches the ground.

So lightening does physical molecular nuclear fusion.  And all credit for Columbia University devising this basic physical science.

My friend validated that a 30x1,5cm lightening strike releases a constant 1 MW of heat.  We a fire up the plasma using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.  I am use steam from a steam nine are or boiling pan.

And we get a constant 1 MW of heat.  A commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric will freeze a constant 65 kW of three phase AC current.  Thinking in other national voltage and AC phase.

All the result of and the common self Dr Z over 25 years ago, relaying ideas of his uncle from Columbia University, who published the work on cold fusion.

Here we are doing nuclear fusion at 800 - 2,000° C.  And allying the the no professor Z did not wish to research the area anymore.  But he can't afford the fact that every American professor, is the are aware that electrolysis of water only gives off X rays, who was he is doing a weak form of molecular nuclear fusion.

Are steam plasma releases are 1 MW of heat, we turn into 65 kW of three phase mains AC current.  Without any fossil fuel burn and no radioactive isotopes required all produced!  Well done Columbia. 


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