Carbon zero power that pays
Feel the force of kitty power |
A home user can use a high voltage electronics from a secondhand fluorescent light starter motor, to fire up a steam plasma in a 30x1.5cm steam filled a glass cylinder.
We get the steam from a paint stripper or boiling pan. I was fired up my contact from Michigan who have ever we get a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat.
What ever since and the plasma strips water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen ions, and free electrons.
1 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ so oxygen will carry a positive charge! Though as my high school chemistry teacher at Bolton school lancashire England confirmed, it really does not like it.
So we get a missed of sub atomic particles. Where the hydrogen ions combine it with the and free electrons. That is why physics gets so excited about plasmas!
2 H⁺+e⁻+PL→n⁰
It is actually a bit more complicated than that, hydrogen 1 is are a proton bonded to a neutron already. When we add another electrons the protons bond to minute to become a neutron, so we actually end up with two non nuclear neutrons.
Which makes safe sub atomic particles. They could not penetrate a paperbag! They are distinctly lower energy and harmless.
Except their now a charity to the atomic nuclei. And in the interact with electrons. So in the oxygen positive ions and family of four neutrons. To end up as eight hydrogen positive ions, and so on negatively charged electrons.
3 O⁺+4n⁰→8H⁺+7e⁻
Now we get to the important bit! The plasma minister mist alone as the hydrogen positive ions, to bonded two neutrons, this is the energy production from the neutron star or. Here in her 30 cm glass cylinder.
I am not a physicist. The clearing house excess published all this stuff freely on the Internet. So our plasma burns regular matter intimate so the smaller sub atomic particles.
And till we are left with hydrogen ions bond movie neutrons. Obviously we are better off starting off with molecular hydrogen -like water: H₂O
4 H⁺+2n⁰→2(L+E²+X-ray)
It is simpler if we do is combine the high June with an electron.
5 H⁺+e⁻→2(L+E²+X-ray) and all that physics I had to work out! The plasma shines with intense white light, year massive heat and even X rays.
So my friend got a constant 1 MW of heat from a 30cm steam plasma. Week in utilised the 1930s science of a thermoelectric generator. Which converts heat directly into electrical current - as heat is a vibration energy of electrons. And electro will current is E book drift of electrons through conductor. Very related!
A thorium salt is a Thermo Electric generator, any rare earth metals all two. Rare earth metals are really not rare! They are only have a 13% efficiency.
So we feed air across her plasma cylinder. And they are the heated up to somebody 800 and 2,000° C. We pass this 1/2 air across her thermoelectric generator and it will freeze a constant 65 kW of three phase mains AC current.
The generator is sold with the electronics to turn the generated DC current into the easy to transmits high voltage AC current.
Each house only requires 8 kW on Christmas day, so we are producing the electrical current for between eight and 40 houses depending on daily demand.
The national grid in the UK will happily pay us 2p per kilowatt hour. Which translates to 180,000 UK pounds every year. We are talking about a millionaire's income. From a 30cm steam plasma linked to the thermoelectic to measure we can hire for 125 UK pounds a month.
In operation the get a monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds. So we purchase the generator. And then receive that 15 per 1000 UK pounds a month income for life.
Twice the UK annual pension payment for a full year every month. For generating all our carbon zero electricity. That the national grid will happily buy. So we are supplying the carbon zero electricity for up to 40 houses. An immune 180,000 UK pounds every year.
Use that money wisely! The charities are always crying out for donations, and in the community is always trying to raise money for social engineering schemes.
The plasma burns just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year. We start off with a spring loaded 5 cc little water reservoir. Which so the plasma pressure via a hypodermic needle. And we never need worry about topping this system up!
An we burn no oil or gas, producing no carbon dioxide. You would expect the climate change people to be all over this idea. Haven't heard from one moment yet!
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