carbon zero pays big time
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He was a lot to say |
A 30x1.5 steam plasma produces a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat. I will explain why! Week in utilised a little half megawatts steam turbine. Will generate that ½ MW of three phase mains electricity.
Without any fossil fuel burn all carbon emissions. And deftly no nuclear processes involved.
Surely the answer to eight million pounds treatments, or the UK Energy and climate change minister. All practically confirmed 2018. And I have been blocking about this subject frantically ever since.
Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike. Which does free molecular nuclear fusion. Where TU years turbulence over pound of water molecules.
We first saw or meet the rain or snow storm, to set up the charged particles and free electrons, which we need later.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+L
So we have our charged sub atomic particles, the helium and oxygen nuclei. First three electrons. In heavy storms the air fuels electric. Even snow storms warm the air, and again spooky light flash illumination.
So carbon zero heat! Which I got very interested in 2004 and I red the year of the academic papers on lightening. The stormy that every 1.5km x 2cm lightening volts produced five tonnes of helium at the site the lightening bolt touches down.
An American was very interested that A plasma are four lightening bolt, did our molecular nuclear fusion. And asked me for more useful Energy System. Lightening is why is nature very random and unpredictable.
I advised him to fill a glass cylinder the steam from a boiling pan or a paint stripper, mysteriously I got to apply the next day.
He firm that a 30x1.5cm glass cylinder, using a pulse of high voltage electricity at 10th 1000 volts 0.0001 amps. You can buy one act the local secondhand store, for 10 UK pounds.
Once started the plasma smashed use the water molecules into the sub atomic particles - in 1. But then the plasma burns the sub atomic particles into heat light and X rays.
2 H₂O+P+de/dT→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ this is high school physics! With
Ions the Internet what happens if you can find a hydrogen positive ions, we have an electron. No great mystery.
3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰
Non nuclear neutrons. Which allows us to of a second year of my degree 1984, cardinal penetrate a paperback! Not like that dangerous high energy electrons from a nuclear power plant. There confined through 6 inches of lead!
And non nuclear neutrons are attracted to the mass of the atomic nuclei. Which are protons and neutrons around mass basons. Basically the mass of the neutron is attracted to the mass of the the atomic nucleus.
4 O⁺+4n⁰→8H⁺+7e⁻
So a steam plasma ends up as a hydrogen plasma. The high June plasma being rather too energetic for our needs. And the science I have the practically confirmed date are for the steam plasma.
Two of the produce neutrons bond with a hydrogen nucleus. Giving us our big energy release.
5 H⁺+2n⁰→E²+e⁺ e⁺ is a positron. Which forms for of one of the electrons to end up as heat light and X rays. They annihilate!
So we fire up to equations 2-4 together. And only university physics or engineering departments are interested in the fine details.
6 H₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray
Ed Milimand were cut from the slate his house of commons free lunch had induced. Remember that is what UK tax money goes on! A subsidise cafe and restaurant.
I it did the calculations previously, and plasma are four atmosphere 1m x 2cm the steam plasma should generate a constant 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat. Totally consistent with my friends constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat from a 30 x1.5 cm non pressurise steam plasma.
So during the annual power station shut down, we will affect the gas burners and replacing them with the 1 m the steam plasma is. 24 rhythm will happily drive 100 MW power station,
Producing carbon 03 phase mains electricity all year. Not dependent on the unpredictable read generator for environmental energy sources. Like wind or waves.
So we fire up the 1m the steam plasma cylinders, and a every year I had just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water to each cylinder. That is said to have fantastically miniscule volume of regular water, we will struggle to measure it in a lifetime.
We use the steam plasma is to drive a boiler room, which feeds steam into the steam turbine. Which today he generates at mains three phase electricity.
Only now we do not feature a fossil fuel burn. No coal, or oil or gas. And deftly no hyper toxic uranium nuclear fusion.
Every uranium nuclear power plant since Fukushima knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion. Partly to the 422 nuclear power plants still in operation around the world.
Building a nuclear power station uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to make all the cement for its reinforced concrete. Making nuclear power during plant construction, mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
The national nuclear regulator has the legal imperative to ensure any nuclear power plant has the required annual insurance cover. None does! As the queen of England burn down she took some of the royal jewelry over to America, there is no available insurance cover above one billion.
Nuclear power carries just a criminally insufficient 50 million annual insurance. The a focal will insurance before the win skill disaster of 1978. So so nuclear power has found it cheaper to bribed the nuclear regulator, rather than buy a the required insurance cover.
Which is the biggest corporate crime in economic history! Going on even today with their surviving 422 nuclear power plants. He to one running criminally under insured.
The plasma burn done via a steam plasma centres, can be stopped with a tap from an electric hammer. There is no nuclear core. So a triple core meltdown is impossible.
Ed Miliband has just discovered that carbon zero electricity has been fossil since the beginning of the industrial revolution. And we can convert a conventional he fired power station to one driven by plasma power, during the annual power station shut down.
This was my industry back in 1982. As I wandered around NEI Parsons during my master's degree in to metallurgy and engineering. Bought and operated by Siemens from Germany.
Generating ½ MW of mains AC current, or as a legal payment from the national grid of warm 0.5 million UK pounds a year. From a starter cost of 2000 UK pounds.
And crucially for Ed, totally carbon zero and featuring no fossil fuel burn. For me the important fact he is it is non nuclear, utilising no enriched uranium isotopes, free using no plutonium and fission waste.
Which remains hyper toxic 100,000 years! And in 2000 nuclear power was the medicine all the used fission rods storage space was full. And must Windscale shut down, there was no global reprocessing capability globally.
Nuclear power has resorted to storing the used fission rods in the short term storage racks around disused nuclear power plants. That has ceased to have any insurance cover!
An whenever insured for long term nuclear waste storage. This is surely the most urgent issue for Ed Miliband, and are crucial importance to the European Court of human rights and the health committee on the U.S. senate.
As Chernobyl the sprayed radioactive waste across Europe. And the last year could be eat Scottish lamb again. Rasher has never RE compounds European governments for the cost of the nuclear incident of Chernobyl in the Ukraine.
At will probably result in the additional cancer heart disease deaths of 10,000 European people. A legal fine of 10,000 trillion. If the human rights lawyers take this to the highest courts in the world, it is an automatic win.
And they get a legal payout of 10 trillion. There biggest call damages in legal history1 of lightening on our planet only worth 138 trillion.
I wrote above are so a plasma power plant can not experience a nuclear core meltdown. As it does not have a nuclear core! The plasma collapsing with a quick tap from a hammer. Stopping all power generation.
But the plasma does not utilised or produce any hyper toxic radioactive isotopes. The most toxic elements are ⁱ⁹O - half life 26.464 seconds.
And we end up with heat light and lower power X rays. No stratospheric Lee toxic plutonium and strontium. An we utilised no hyper toxic radioactive materials.
The plasma turns regular water into a carbon zero heat. Engineers can turn into three phase mains voltage electricity.
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