A steam plasma = carbon zero heat


Carbon 0 power from regular water

My American friend validated that are steam plasma burn to regular water, into heat light and X rays.  There is no non nuclear source of visible light or X rays.

We are actually doing the nuclear fusion of hydrogen.

Plus all plasma breaks the water molecules apart into positive ions and free electrons.

1 H₂O+PL=2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ an year so the oxygen will carry a positive charge

For us all in the chaotic missed of sub atomic particles, we get the recombination of the electrons with the hydrogen ions.

2 H⁺+e→n⁰ so you don't non nuclear source of neutrons.  Which physics gets very excited about!  As neutrons are the great unminder of matter.

3 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→8H⁺+7e⁻-E

Then we get our serious energy release.

4 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰+E²

My American friend found that a 15x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma give off a constant 1/2 MW of carbon zero heat.  Firing off the plasma user high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light starter.

The plasma self sustains while we had just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  The cheapest and simplest way to turn this into AC current, this use a commercially sourced 65kW thermoelectric generator.  Which has a 13% efficiency of cellulite into DC current.

Sold with the electronics to rectify the DC current into mains linked voltage the mains AC current.  It synchronises the waveforms with the national grid.

This all yield an annual income from the National Power Company of 180,000 UK pounds.  For all that lovely carbon zero power.  An rather puzzled that I had not received one E mail from the climate change brigade.

Who were rather more interested in spending their funding from nuclear power to talk about carbon dioxide.  Rather than doing useful work he.

Building a uranium nuclear power plant uses a massive fossil fuel burn on limestone and, to free use all the cement for their reinforced concrete.  Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest carbon emitter.

Releasing in two years the Covent carbon dioxide from a commercially fired power plant for 25 years.  Nuclear power very much not carbon zero!

by H Jouhara2021Cited by 328 — Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) have demonstrated their capacity to transform thermal energy directly into electric power through the Seebeck effect.

Our 30 cm steam plasma will give us a constant 65 kW of carbon zero heat.  The power for between eight and 40 houses depending on daily demand.  Francis C2 little water ever to measure.

And that the production of visible light and X rays results from a hydrogen nuclear fusion.  Converting the hydrogen ions into massive carbon zero heat light and X rays.

The X rays no more dangerous than the X rays produced by a boiling kettle.  So of no consequence!  Not leaving the glass cylinder.  Annie get that lovely 65 kW of AC current.

Providing us an annual payment from the power company of 180,000 UK pounds.  As you burn so to miniscule volumes of regular water into a that lovely carbon zero heat.

The thermoelectric generator was to barked in the 1930s to turn heat directly into electrical AC current.


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