Nature does nuclear fusion on Earth
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Photosynthesis fusion powered |
Everybody has stood there may heavy rain or snow storm, and felt the electricity in the air! And amazingly enough or snow storm will warm the air. Helpfully geography departments in universities, have borrowed a Geiger counter from physics.
Or they may have had one, to measure the background radiation count. Different minerals may retain radioactivity since they were formed.
So they have measured the radiation emitted from a storm. This is problematical, as the regular water in the rain or snow, is not radioactive. It is at over interaction of the water molecules in the precipitation, which does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
1 ⁱH₂O+P+TU→²He²⁺+ⁱ⁶O⁺+X-ray there being no source of radioactive decay, the storm has to be doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.
The pressurise turbine and precipitation turning regular water molecules into positively charged atomic nuclei. As I was taught in high school chemistry, oxygen will carry a positive charge. Though really does not like it!
So a geography has done gas analysis. The firm that heavy storms produce helium and free radical oxygen ions. This is altogether a very curious!
It means that the rain or snow storm is actually doing nuclear fusion on earth. And has been doing for last 3.8 billion years. Since waterfalls existed, an water formed clouds of rain. Which intermittently rain down on the only S seas and oceans.
Creating a helium gas and X rays. Which physics delight in telling us are symptomatic of us doing nuclear processes. Here nuclear fusion.
So all heavy storms doing nuclear fusion. Producing helium gas. Any a level physics student would get so excited that nature is doing nuclear fusion.
Waterfalls over one metre high do 1. Where the oxygen free radicals reactor in the oxygen molecules in the air to form charged ozone particles.
2 O⁺+O₂→O₃⁺ which is why a storms produce ozone, plus bubbles of helium and X rays. Which is sort of important to realise! Nature has being doing nuclear fusion in the earth's atmosphere for 3.8 billion years.
Now we produce charged atomic nuclei, and free electrons. Totally naturally! We get the accumulation of 5000 volts, 100 amps between the cloud tops and the ground. The positive atomic nuclei, collects above the clouds layer.
The electrons carry the negative charge to the ground. Which makes storms feel so electric! And or 5000 volts a partial steam plasma links up the positive charge to above the clouds layer, with the ground that accumulates the negative charge.
This is why Benjamin Franklin flow a kite in a storm, and discovered electricity. Which is not the result of rain or snow particles rubbing against each other.
My car or Van Der Graff generator, generating static electricity. We get that creation of helium and X rays. My thanks to the geography professors, who actually did the confirmation work. Not realizing the significance!
Physics realise the significance of helium and xray production. But there are too busy calling global governments so of research money, to investigate hydrogen circling a torous not doing nuclear fusion. Always holiday presents our carbon zero power generation. They were very close.
We replace the smooth torous, with a nickel plated torous. Though we could equally well use titanium. And we install small area air craft sections to create fluid turbulence and stirring as the helium circles around.
2 2H⁺+TU+P→He²⁺+E²+X-ray we produce a fantastically miniscule volume of helium ions. With massive heat and even X rays. We produce a captive volume of star material, in a magnetically constrained missed of positively charged atomic nuclei.
We actually need to allow the heavier helium to leak out of a semi permeable membrane, at the base of the torous. We collect this hot helium, and use it to drive a little steam turbine.
That should generate then turn megawatts of carbon zero electricity. We rectify into national AC linked AC current - matching the phase and voltage. Turbines are sold with the appropriate electronics.
All of a sudden we are generating carbon zero electricity. And we do not need an expensive 20 billion dollar turbine and torous. Week in utilised a small steam turbine costing under $50,000. And the rest of the standard electrical equipment costing under $2000.
And we have a carbon zero electricity system. And all the physics professors will commit mass suicide. As failing to give the world nuclear fusion is their big cash cow. Credit where credit is due.
Over 20 years ago air the then Dr Z gave me the idea of the turbulent flow of high pressure steam doing what was later termed nuclear fusion. Which totally destroys the nuclear power science fiction, of manmade global warming climate change.
The climate of the inner cellar system planets display a 28 year periods or warming and cooling. Cause five predictable solar emission cycles.
Including Mars with 98% carbon dioxide in the Martian Air. Cooling from 1995 until 2023. On the earth plants all around the temperate land and sea, strictly limits free carbon dioxide in the temperate air just two parts per million.
The extra carbon dioxide from the night, and plant's to animal fat oxidation, to get at the residual fusion heat.
3 CₘHₙ+pOs+L+chlorophyll+rO₂→(Cₘ(H₂O)+O₂)+r(He+O₃+E²+X-ray)
So green plants at night oxidise the flats produced during the day, to get at the residual nuclear fusion energy.
During the day plants suck in all that lovely carbon dioxide, down to the temperate limit of just two parts per million. And man kind has no effect on photosynthesis.
He is massive carbon dioxide emissions are cancer just 0.0002% are the carbon dioxide freed out by animals throughout the day and night.
During the day plants are doing factor synthesis, which is accompanied by yet more molecular nuclear fusion.
4 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir→(Cₘ(H₂O+O₂)++r(He+O₃+E²+X-ray)
Which makes biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth. They do not need a 20 billion experimental fusion torous, as physics delights in experiments on are not doing nuclear fusion.
The need to go for a walk in green fields during daylight hours with a Geiger counter and gas something equipment. And measure the helium output and X ray emission from green plants in the light.
Professors of physics, and get PH D funding from national governments. Taking money away from physics - who have so spectacularly failed to do exothermic nuclear fusion.
Geography a can employ the Geiger counter and gas something equipment, at waterfalls. Two again measure the nuclear fusion going on as water drops over one metre into a full of water.
They have already had measured the xray emission and helium production of storms and the resulting lightening strikes.
5 H₂O+de/dT+rO₂→(He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray)
What chance does not more water out there light emission and heat from a lightening strike. And scientists have struggled to explain the driving force behind a lightening.
They realized rain or snow storm were the driving force. Which itself is already doing physical molecular nuclear fusion. There resulting electric field interactive water molecules, to them cells also do our molecular nuclear fusion.
Nature on earth has been doing nuclear fusion in the earth's wet atmosphere, for 3.8 billion years. And biology not physics are the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.
An issue by cloning of bulk of the research funding from national governments. If we fire up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder, for real high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light starter.
My American friend has confirmed we get a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat.
6 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)
So so since will already have a small steam turbine. Where we can replace the diesel or petrol burner, we are a steam plasma tube., That in the 1 MW of carbon zero heat, into ½ MW of mains linked AC electricity. Matching the AC mains AC phase, and voltage.
We then get an annual check from the power company for 1.5 million UK pounds. For all that lovely carbon zero electricity. Enough for 150 domestic houses - at the end of the working day when the staff return home.
The home user can apply a 15x1.5cm steam plasma cylinder, to freeze a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat, A commercially sourced thermoelectric generator will produce a constant 65 kW, our carbon zero AC electricity.
Selling the excess of electrical power to the national grid, they get an annual check for over 170,000 UK pounds. We need no fossil fuel burn and absolutely no radioactive materials involved all produced.
Using published a 1930s science - the thetrmoelectric generator. Which is why the oil and gas price of falling nicely! As individuals and companies go over to carbon zero plasma power generation.
Which he utilises such a frighteningly tiny volume of regular water - 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc a year. There is a obviously some complicated physics going on, to turn down the nuclear fusion heat to a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
An we utilised no fossil fuel burn. And definitely no nuclear processes involved. I would have expected my local MP, Rebecca long Bailey to have raise this issue in the inner G questions in the house of commons, at some stage over the last 22 years.
We are talking about cost free, the carbon zero non nuclear electricity. Which ends up generating a millionaire's income every year. The answer to the wet dreams of the climate change people.
Who are in reality funded by nuclear power to talk scientific rubbish about carbon dioxide - the gas which supports all plant life on earth. Immediate santis writing spurious papers about manmade global warming climate change, should return or money is to their academic institution.
Since their first fictitious Scientific Paper, dating back to 1986. Getting no pension and totally excluded from education for life. The now professor Z is away since 2018, trying to invent another reason for manmade global warming. In a cooling world. Accepting the plant lives Global carbon dioxide around the temperate earth, they are just two parts per million.
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