Hospitals empty this Winter
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Where the patients go> |
2002 am Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses.
Therory sought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit for $10,000. Declaring that it will cure all cancers. The rest the medical world is not impressed. And pretended not to understand it.
I was doing a PH D into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University, and I did understand it. It explained why ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, cause cancers to emit X rays. Which myself and my PH D supervisor Dr. Z under stored was due to the fact we have a inducing what was later termed biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray
The cancer cells heated up to below 60° C. And crucially cure for X rays. Or which is no chemical source. All very clever stuff! Which doctors have no comprehension of.
This six when my ultrasound scans in laboratory, cause the formation of microscopic bubbles of helium and oxygen gas. There being no chemical source of helium.
I for this is interesting and sent the idea of to Dr. MatZinger at the NI H. Who 2002 published 100 patient double blind trial into HIUS curing all cancers that existed, or would ever exist.
As all cancer cells types have to divide in a viral single cell fashion. As there are for ever locked outside DNA he monitored stem cells. Any DNA modification, and sell our commit structure cell suicide - cessates I is replaced by a local intact stem cells.
The more placid regular body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells. So cancers half to acquire some viral RNA, to start doing uncontrolled cell division. Transforming the precancerous cluster into full cancer.
So e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound passes benignly through regular body cells: I first utilised and 50 W 40 kHz, but the Moffitt hurts to sell many millions of her devices. By the patents for ultrasound or owned by physics and engineering. Not medicine!
So the HIUS device is outside regular medical prescription. 2001 and the world population of ground to 2.4 billion. A truly massive number.
That I had told the world her cleared utilised an 8 W one MHZ unit, to clear all cancers - and also the inflated cell structure all viral and bacterial infections. Under HIUS there for viral and bacterial infections boil and rupture.
The been the regular more placid body cells unaffected. So we have a cancer the specific way, to clear all 200 types of cancer from the human body.
As he ended my PH D work for no apparent reason, Dr Z complaints my work was free using no real results. In my flat or house at salford quays, I continue my work.
Am really got down to apply it cleared cancer cells. They sure the world knew that 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device is purchased over the Internet's, to clear all cancers in 1 minute. Without Dr. or drugs interaction!
Which instantly removed 80% of the economic income of medicine. He are frantically trying to invent another source of income.
Their first show is heart disease. But other medics had published a 20 patient double blind trial. Into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing all coronary heart disease: I have suggest to the top left to the chest, as I did not know about the importance of a bacterial inflated structure around the kidneys causes secondary coronary heart disease.
So all heart disease cleared at home using 8 W ultrasound device for 1½ minute. No Dr. Nurse, or drugs interaction required.
The next concentrated on diabetes. Which transpired to be caused by an inflated viral structure in the pancreas. A lot like the limit dividing viral rump structure causing cancers.
2010 in my church health group I validated ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas, totally cleared type two diabetes. Which share cleared for my mother and stepfather.
My mother still talk darkly about how all she can understand that ultrasound cleared her diabetes. The Christie cancer also loose stools testing and nine years later every year, waiting for her diabetes to return.
I totally cleared aides in ½ minute! Without any Dr. All cancer and drug use. That was 5% of medical income gone. This being the real world, my American diabetic friends reported that type one diabetes only remitted in three days.
2016 I validated the 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest cleared even type one diabetes instantly. I use my 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, the 8 W three MHZ unit may be three times more rapid. Who cares! Diabetes all gone.
Medics reported Dr. the there all diabetes had vanished from the world by much 2023. The drug company is announced the intention to freeze better diabetic treatments.
As global air there were no diabetics to experiment on, no Dr. Could do such fractures and impossible research work. My grandfather died had type two diabetes. As did my grandmother and my stepfather is father. It is blighted my family!
And till I tell the world had to use an 8 W ultrasound device to cleared in 1 minute or less.
I have indicated in passing that viral and bacterial infections half to divide away from the stem cells. The virus is have and overinflated cell nature and look after their own cell replication.
Bacteria share the foreign inflated cell nature, which induces the immune system to copy the bacterial genome and give it a minimal cell wall. In the first three days of the infection, the boy does damage to body cells.
By which time the individual may have made toxic and fatal body murder of the bacterial structures. It means that our standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to each side of a person's chest, totally clears all viral and bacterial infections as home.
Using the family is her or e.g. 8 W one MHZ unit. Costing below five UK pounds.
No need to trouble the Dr. In their local health centre. All infections totally cleared in 2 hours. I wrote up the idea about curing AIDs 2008. Using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest. Totally better in 2 hours or less.
So Health Services and the northern hemisphere are gearing up for winter 2024. Though herself hemisphere winter is are six months removed. But he will arrive be by August 2025.
Now all cancers are cured, the main Dr. Prescription is for fungal antibiotics. But infections earth and the waste is circumvent these foreign drugs. The name may not work! Or fail to clear the infection.
The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all infections with no interaction with any other Bio chemistry the individual is being subjected to by the Dr..
That is her main income stream of doctors and drug companies. Now defective medicine. The 1 minute of HIUS to the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.
Which turn to spread through the lungs. 1 minute of organ with a physically transmitted infection, will cure it. So no need to visit a Dr..
No need for the potentially ineffective fungal antibiotic prescription. And no disease has evolved to circumvent ultrasound. As he operates physically.
Causing the inflated cell to boil and rupture. Cells are so not inflated do not divide and grow - so cause no disease. So all the fossil walls in the northern hemisphere all we fully staffed and heated by the expected winter disease rash.
The people have bought their own 8 W one MHZ unit. Clear all infections ½ minute each side of the chest just once. No Dr. Visit or drugs involved. Doctors are livid!
Or there patients get to cure them cells as home, without any drug prescription. Which are the major income source of doctors around the world.
They stop the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and other diseases of age. 2010 I established that ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side ahead totally cures MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.
So all mental health mended as home. The variety free cure viral and bacterial infections, we stop the formation of cancers and other diseases of age.
So no ineffective and fatal within two years cancer surgery required. Which is never a cancer cure. He is just a way of paying the surgeon massively for their ineffective medical mutilations.
Curing all cancers at home stops the formation of cancers. Wiping out 80% of Dr. and drug company income. Astra Zeneca lost 90% of its income, as HIUS replace the no defective and fatal within two years biochemical cancer treatments.
We are talking about a 100% total cancer cure. Of all cancers as have ever or could ever exist. And more importantly stop the formation of all cancers. Which only forms after a lengthy protected viral infection.
And we also get to stop heart disease. There 2013 medics published ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys as a 100% cure are developed heart disease. Which also cures heart rhythm problems.
Which will stop the development of strokes! And Christmas 2024, there are going to do a lot of empty hospital wards. As people use their own 8 W ultrasound device at home to cure all infections. Without Dr. or drugs involvement.
So in the new year the world's population will not develop cancers! As the viral cure that takes 1 minute, cells the door on cancer formation.
2000 warm the global population is ER 2.4 billion. 2024 it is the 8.2 billion: though a year ago it was meant to be 8.3 billion. The number of the Europe operation was realized elements.
As he level population is the most serious problem of the 21st century. The third of people in the Duval world are no longer die from cancers. And the developed world there is spreading out to absorb the third world.
And we have wiped out heart disease. Which use to kill 15% of the Duval world. The 5% other deaths caused by diabetes. Which was such a huge problem in Asia. Now a totally cured globally.
And week in use HIUS to fix limb damage. My head and spinal injuries - I suffered 30% brain damage in a car accident 1988. Which threw my time at Sheffield University 2000, then how to fix.
So I learned to cure myself. That was such a useful course of study. There ended up cost me 5000 UK pounds, for just 18 months do PH D research work at the university.
Who never awarded me a PH D! Though Dr Z commented on how much better and more voice had become. Though singing on stage obviously had had acquired a positive effect.
That neither global population is exploding exponentially. Week in use my little 30cm steam plasma cylinders, there if I had to give out a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat, light and X rays.
2 H₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray like little miniature suns
Erected on the grid and over the darker lands in the north and self winters, they will heat and light the line. Making and twice as productive as Texas. We grow plants like marred 24 hours a day. And farm animals - who breathe in the oxygen excreted by plants, combine it with carbohydrates to breathe out the carbon dioxide plants need to take Ian to grow.
So we increase animal and plant life on earth. And push back the ceir is from the north myself poles. We lighter than off for the regions 24 hours a day in what are they are the dark cold months of winter.
Extra food to feed the growing global population. They demand to say it will hit 20 million by 2050. All from my PH D work at Sheffield University, Dr Z for blamed was not producing any tangible results.
And X a six billion people are alive today because of my ideas. Working with the simultaneous of Dr. Polly MatZinger. A truly great intellect.
Dr Z gave me his uncle's idea, that the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion. He published the work on cold fusion 1976. Which is a terrible physical electronics molecular nuclear fusion.
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