carbon dioxide is not the weather
Through prehistory the carbon dioxide has being metabolised by plants and bacteria to do biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 CO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
Week and go for a walk through a field of green crops in the daytime, when the sensitive Geiger counter, and measure the xray production. That cease is as the light goes down. First utilising infrared light at 80mn. Green plants on land and C emitting a faint blue light and X rays.
There being no biochemical source of the either! We are doing the nuclear fusion from hydrogen ions bound up in water molecules. The hydrogen ions bond to form helium, spitting out the surplus oxygen. With
To increase plant life around the Middle East and Africa week in use basic her level physics. Plus or we fire up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.
All started the plasma will self sustain, burning a fantastically tiny volume of regular water. 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water will precede constant 1 MW of heat for a year.
Utilising 1/2 MW steam turbine, we free use ½ MW of AC current. Link into the natural electricity voltage linked into the AC phase. Generating an annual income of 50,000 UK pounds. By the turbine and the cost 12,000 UK pounds.
Week in rent the turbine for 1300 UK pounds a month, and get a that lovely 50,000 UK pounds income. My local MP is Rebecca long Bailey, the labour MP for salford and Eccles. The Tory personally that she's interested in carbon zero technology.
So a steam plasma is a constant 1 MW of heat without any fossil fuel burn.
2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)
So our 15x1.5cm steam turbine will give the carbon dioxide free 1 MW of heat. We can turn into ½ MW of mains linked AC electricity, using a commercially sourced half megawatts steam turbine.
If we use Ben 1500 UK pounds, we can buy a 65 kW thermoelectric generator. We can hire for 125 UK pounds a month. Giving us a monthly income of 15,000 UK pounds for life.
Without any fossil fuel burn! So no carbon dioxide released. But in last 14 years I have yet to receive one e-mail from the climate change people. Who are funded by nuclear power to talk about the evils of carbon dioxide.
Every day around the temperate earth plant's use natural sunlight to fix carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life. As detailed in equation 1. Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ is a chemical formula for carbohydrates. UsuallyC₆(H₂O)₈.
Plant forming the plant biomass the animals need to eat. Combine it with the oxygen gas excreted by photosynthesis. To complete the carbon cycle.
3 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+pO₂+digestion+TU→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+E+r(He+O+Lry+E+X-ray)
As animals digest the carbohydrates of plant biomass, they can have and the carbohydrates with the oxygen excreted by plants. And again and are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.
Which is why your stomach gives off X rays after a heavy meal, and then your cell mitochondria and emit X rays all day, as the oxidise the digest the carbohydrates.
So life on earth is fusion driven. Going off from water molecules, which is to a hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom. So your stomach uses the assets and turbulence in your stomach, to do nuclear fusion.
And your cell mitochondria also do biological molecular nuclear fusion. Biology turning out to be the world's experts into nuclear fusion on earth,
Utilising regular water - ⁱH₂O. The most toxic end products is ³He.
AI Overview Learn more Helium-3 (\({}^{3}\text{He}\)) is stable and has no half-life: Helium-3 (\({}^{3}\text{He}\))
The deep sea currents threw stones at tonnes of helium every day, as the pressurise turbulent flow and the deep sea currents does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
4 H₂O+P+TU→He↑+O↑
So the deep seas are continuously producing helium. And the area gasification people produce liquid helium.
Helium liquefies at a temperature of −269°C (−452.20°F; 4.15 K) at standard pressure. However, the boiling point and critical point of helium depend on the isotope of helium, either helium-4 or helium-3.
They could helium is in high demand for welding use. As helium protects the molten metal from oxidation. Erroneously people assume the only helium source on earth is from the deep earth.
There fail to take account for the bubbles of helium which issue of of the deep C currents. Continuously being replaced every day. The gasification people should use my steam plasma, to freeze ½ MW of carbon zero mains AC electricity. Turning regular water into nearly unlimited AC electricity.
A gasification is a high power user. But we can turn the carbon zero. Around the temperate earth every afternoon in the light, photosynthesis on land and C this is two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air. A static level for last 11.2 thousand years.
` every science lecturer professor was taught biology is carbon cycle in high school. They are static two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air. 99.9992% are that night's carbon dioxide, is from animal respiration. Man carriers carbon emissions are lost in Asia and of carbon dioxide levels. We do not matter!
And within 5 minutes during daylight hours carbon dioxide is converted into the carbohydrates of plant biomass. Extra carbon dioxide, extra life on earth.
Above the arctic ice In winter snow covers the land and sea ice covers the seas. And photosynthesis shuts down in the dark winter months.
Above the Antarctic ice pack in the arctic winter, there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the air - levels double from the temperate photosynthesis capped at two PPM.
Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.
Then spring and summer returns, and photosynthesis takes off in the seas and land masses. So we are back to temperate zone to two PPM carbon dioxide. In the rise in the temperate arctic climate. Hovering about 0° C.
Any santis writing academic papers on manmade global warming or climate change, should hang up their academic had in shame. Returning or education wages back to 1986 - as nuclear power fabricated manmade global warming. In receipt of no education pension ever.
Interestingly uranium nuclear power uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone to make all the cement for its reinforced concrete. Releasing the two so far plant construction the Covent carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant for 25 years.
And after 25 years we should demolish the nuclear plant! Or we get another Fukushima. Spraying radioactive waste over the local land mass. Causing a massive increase in cancers and heart disease.
The cost of Fukushima will be measured in hundreds of billions. There had by Tokyo nuclear. Who was so bankrupt!
A nice little 30cm steam plasma will freeze a constant 1 MW of non nuclear, carbon free heat. So obviously no possibility of man made climate change being anything other than paid science fiction on behalf of uranium nuclear power: the most toxic industry that is ever existed or ever will.
So we get at 65 kW of three phase AC electricity: using the less efficient thermoelectric generator. Which will give us a nice income of 180,000 UK pounds a year, A millionaire's income!
From two little water ever to measure in a lifetime. Though absolutely no carbon dioxide. Which is why professor Z went off 2018 in a huff. Trying to find another reason for manmade climate change, and side the static 2 PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air, for the last 11,2 thousand years.
He never did get back to me! Not even commenting on nuclear power being mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. A totally preventable carbon source.
How I use is can use of little 30cm steam plasma linked to a thermoelectric generator and get a nice annual income of 180,000 UK pounds. Crucially totally non nuclear and carbon free.
The plasma burning regular water into nearly unlimited carbon zero heat.
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