
Showing posts from December, 2024

carbon zero power pays

So much free money My American friend validated that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma was a massively energetic carbon zero heat source. 1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) The plasma strips the water molecules into positive atomic nuclei and free electrons.  Within this mist B a hydrogen positive ions and negative free electrons bond to form neutrons. 2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ Physics gets very excited about neutrons.  As a young mind matter, into smaller and smaller atomic nuclei, ending up with hydrogen ions and free electrons. 3 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→8H⁺+7e⁻ totally non nuclear conversion of the oxygen positive ions, is the eight hydrogen positive ions.  And there is no nuclear involvement at all.  We utilised no hyper toxic radioactive materials.  And the plasma produces no radioactive waste. 4 H⁺+2n⁰→2(L+E²+X-ray) BX rays are low powered, as trees were all cooking cannons or kettles as they boil off water. 5 H₂O+E+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray You can use a sensitive Geiger counter, to detect as ...

Hospitals empty this Winter

Where the patients go> 2002 am Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses. Therory sought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit for $10,000.  Declaring that it will cure all cancers.  The rest the medical world is not impressed.  And pretended not to understand it. I was doing a PH D into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University, and I did understand it.  It explained why ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, cause cancers to emit X rays.  Which myself and my PH D supervisor Dr. Z under stored was due to the fact we have a inducing what was later termed biological molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray The cancer cells heated up to below 60° C.  And crucially cure for X rays.  Or which is no chemical source.  All very clever stuff!  Which doctors have no comprehension of. This six when my ultrasound scans in laboratory, cause the formation of microscop...

Climate all sorted

Lovely CO 2 Are made climate changes every embarrassingly realy.  Nuclear power promoted the idea the carbon dioxide could affect the weather.  Failing to take account that the fossil fuel burn on limestone to make all the cement for a uranium nuclear power plant releases in two years equal and carbon dioxide from operating a commercially fired power plant the same size for 25 years. And after 25 years we should demolish the nuclear plant.  Fukushima a happened the first Japanese nuclear ran a Fukushima beyond its design life.  Costing Tokyo nuclear in excess of 100 billion.  If you factor in the loss of life across Asia or, we are talking about 20 he 1,000,000,000,000. Which he is a all surviving 422 uranium nuclear power plant, know knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion a year.  It was 40 billion a year after Chernobyl, they carry a criminally insufficient 50 million. The appropriate insurance cover ato Windscale in 1978.  There being n...

Geography fixes the climate

Nature doing nuclear fusion University geography departments have rather been skeptical of manmade global warming climate change, since a nuclear power invented by a science fiction 1986.  After the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Geography has noted that heavy rain or even snow storms, give off X ray radiation: of which there is no chemical source!  And as we can not be doing nuclear fusion, as is no hyper toxic radioactive isotopes around, we are doing what the late professor Argent termed molecular nuclear fusion. 1 ⁱH₂O+P+O₂+TU→He²⁺+O₃⁺+e⁻+E+X-ray So we are turning regular water molecules, light water into helium and ozone gases, with massive heat and power X rays.  There is no chemical source of helium in nature. HeF only forms a highly pressure and temperature in university laboratories. So even snow storms do nuclear fusion.  We are required turbulence above 1 W intensity as the water precipitation four so the ground.  So of course the geography was...

Replacing oil burning

Free carbon 0 power And remind you Sheffield University 2000 burning fossil fuel or oil release heat, light and X rays.  They it could be from a chemical reaction, light and X rays only from a nuclear reaction.  Here we are doing physical molecular nuclear fusion. 1 CₘHₙ+P+pO₂+flame→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E+X-ray) This is called a non deterministic chemically equation.  Usually m=6.n=8. p=m+n/2 Non pressurise diesel oil will not even burn.  But pressurise diesel will spontaneously ignites.  Hence the importance of P - the pressure of the oil air mixture. The Russians have found that the pressurising the oil air mixture as it enters a jet engine, exponential he increases burn so far from the jet engine.  As we are increasing the amount of nuclear fusion the engine does. For power generation we tend to use a pressurise diesel air mixture already.  However if we electro plate the he diesel fight, with a face centre cubic metal like nickle we dou...

Sheffield devises carbon zero energy

Plasmas = little suns In the 1980s during my master's degree in to engineering, I was intrigued that firing up a flame of oil or gas, cause the emission of visible light heat and X rays.  There being a chemical source of non!  It also produced helium and free radical oxygen. Then 2000 and I was back at Sheffield doing PH D work into nuclear fusion.  And a fellow PH D student taught me that the energy produced via a fossil fuel flame, was from the steam plasma. I thrashed out there chemically equations.  Helped on my way by the ideas of professor Z, who gave me his uncle's work from Columbia University New York, that the turbulent flow and of steam or high pressure water did nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+P+TU+flame+pO₂+((r+n)/2)O₂→(mCO₂-E+pO₃)+r(He+O₃+E²+X-ray) Hence a fossil fuel flame uses loads of are the oxygen to produce ozone gas.  Otherwise we get a smoky black flame and incomplete combustion. Be produced at helium massive heat and X rays as you're bus...

Nature does nuclear fusion on Earth

Photosynthesis fusion powered Everybody has stood there may heavy rain or snow storm, and felt the electricity in the air!  And amazingly enough or snow storm will warm the air.  Helpfully geography departments in universities, have borrowed a Geiger counter from physics. Or they may have had one, to measure the background radiation count.  Different minerals may retain radioactivity since they were formed. So they have measured the radiation emitted from a storm.  This is problematical, as the regular water in the rain or snow, is not radioactive.  It is at over interaction of the water molecules in the precipitation, which does physical molecular nuclear fusion. 1 ⁱH₂O+P+TU→²He²⁺+ⁱ⁶O⁺+X-ray there being no source of radioactive decay, the storm has to be doing physical molecular nuclear fusion. The pressurise turbine and precipitation turning regular water molecules into positively charged atomic nuclei.  As I was taught in high school chemistr...

Evening out the climate

Come on guys 2PPM CO 2 There are large areas of this world that are too damn hot!  And there are other areas of the world which are too cold.  The earth does a fairly good job of evening out the climate, by heating up the seawater around the equator, This flows back and powered to the poles.  Pushed out of the way by water flowing back from the poles at 3° C - the maximum density for water.  Which expands as it freezes.  Hence ice floats! We use a video 18th century science.  Firstly some 20th century science, our friend validated that a 13x1.5 release a constant 1 MW of heat.  As a converting regular water into just heat light and X rays. 1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) The plasma smashed use water molecules into positive atomi nitrogen is from the nuclei and free electrons. 2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ And yes water will carry a positive charge - though really does not like it!  The atomic nuclei and free electrons are no not contained in safe atomi...