
Showing posts from December, 2024

Nature does nuclear fusion on Earth

Photosynthesis fusion powered Everybody has stood there may heavy rain or snow storm, and felt the electricity in the air!  And amazingly enough or snow storm will warm the air.  Helpfully geography departments in universities, have borrowed a Geiger counter from physics. Or they may have had one, to measure the background radiation count.  Different minerals may retain radioactivity since they were formed. So they have measured the radiation emitted from a storm.  This is problematical, as the regular water in the rain or snow, is not radioactive.  It is at over interaction of the water molecules in the precipitation, which does physical molecular nuclear fusion. 1 ⁱH₂O+P+TU→²He²⁺+ⁱ⁶O⁺+X-ray there being no source of radioactive decay, the storm has to be doing physical molecular nuclear fusion. The pressurise turbine and precipitation turning regular water molecules into positively charged atomic nuclei.  As I was taught in high school chemistr...

Evening out the climate

Come on guys 2PPM CO 2 There are large areas of this world that are too damn hot!  And there are other areas of the world which are too cold.  The earth does a fairly good job of evening out the climate, by heating up the seawater around the equator, This flows back and powered to the poles.  Pushed out of the way by water flowing back from the poles at 3° C - the maximum density for water.  Which expands as it freezes.  Hence ice floats! We use a video 18th century science.  Firstly some 20th century science, our friend validated that a 13x1.5 release a constant 1 MW of heat.  As a converting regular water into just heat light and X rays. 1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) The plasma smashed use water molecules into positive atomi nitrogen is from the nuclei and free electrons. 2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ And yes water will carry a positive charge - though really does not like it!  The atomic nuclei and free electrons are no not contained in safe atomi...

Extra light for Lancashire

Loverly plant growth I was investigating nuclear fusion for Sheffield University, and the then Dr. Z to where the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion.  A process later named physical molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray TU= water turbulence The no professor Z should have spent the last 20 years teaching Sheffield undergraduate engineering students, about waterfall are doing nuclear fusion.  This causes the knocking in water pipes around a factory.  As the water flows around a bend. As he ended my PH D work 2001 with no explanation, he asked me continue my work on nuclear fusion.  Though that is why you do a PH D!  He was fought a chair of chemical and process engineering by uranium nuclear power, to make him professor Z. A clever man, but the idea of water turbulence doing nuclear fusion came from his uncle at Columbia University.  And familiar to every science professor on the planet!  He ...

carbon rises in the cold

Nuclear kills Academics have a gentleman's agreement.  One university department does not comment on an area another department specializes in.  As her or end up talking absolute crap! That 1986 and Ukrainian nuclear experienced a nuclear incident and the Chernobyl uranium nuclear power plant.  Such events happen every 25 years!  We had Windscale, 3 Mile Island, Allied Chernobyl and then Fukushima in 2010. B quiet annual in defending insurance for her uranium nuclear power plant rose to 40 billion after Chernobyl.  The nuclear consortia are not allowed to carry the insurance in house. But there is no independent insurance available above one billion, even for queen of England!  Who wished to take the crown jewels whether to America.  Just not possible. So all for 122 remaining nuclear plants have require that 40 billion of annual insurance cover since 1986.  They got around her the problem of the no available insurance cover around the w...

Bacterial infections cured

I was saddened on the TV just now, a news item about using bacterial stage is to fire bacterial infections.  As if this was magic new medicine! All cured - no drugs The action of fact it was ages was first identified after the Second World War.  They as a realise they could fight cholear.  Very much not new science! 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published use of high intensity ultrasound to five cancers and viral infections, it was found that e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound four so all 200 cancers out there. £1.62 £3.29 50% off    3+ pieces, extra 2% off +£0.33 estimated tax  Buy 3 pieces get 1% off 3 in 1 EMS Ultrasonic Body Slimming Massager Lipo Fat Burner Infrared Ultrasound Cavitation Machine Weight Loss Tool ½ minute each side the chest was found to cause bacterial and viral infections to boil and rupture.  This was because the shares in the foreign inflated cell types like cancers. 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray HIUS=8 W 1 or 3 megahertz ...

Nuclear fusion is easy

Fusion - so simple As I found out 2001!  And I wrote up as a book 2020.  But still too many people are reluctant to concede that nuclear fusion is that simple and he is are all around and even in us. Waterfall Fusion By Jonathan M Thomason Published Feb 14, 2013 Paperback 5.84 GBP

carbon zero pays

A steam plasma is carbon 0- heat that pays In steam plasma, the sub atomic particles are ripped apart, to form a chaotic mist.  Now the electrons and protons don't move in safe orbits. 1 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ You are probably protesting that I again the oxygen ions a positive charge, looking off on the Internet!  Yes oxygen will carry a positive charge, though it may he does not like it, as my high school chemistry teacher taught me 1980. Now the electrons are free to bond with the oxygen positive ions.  After a determined by the pressure! 2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ The electrons are enforced by the oxygen shell electrons!  That produce a negatively charged shall around the positive oxygen ion.  So electrons are excluded. For we have the formation of neutrons.  After a determined by the plasma pressure.  My American contact fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder. Firing up the plasma using a fluorescent light starter!  Where the high vol...

No increase of carbon dioxide due to man

Never heard of photosynthesis? My friend had fired up a 30-x1.5cm steam plasma and got a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  As the plasma burns very little of the regular water into just heat light and X rays. 1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+:+X-ray) which we can easily use a commercially sourced little steam turbine to turn into ½ MW of three phase mains AC electricity.  Strangely enough and the climate idiots have not got in touch to discuss this exciting development. A one metre steam or gas flame releases just 45 kW of heat. Mankind's don't always carbon emissions represent just 0.0002% of the night's carbon dioxide, breathed out by animals.  So much less important than a volcanic eruption or just one forest fire. Then during the daylight the green plants fix atmospheric carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of plant biomass. 1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) So plants do nuclear fusion within the photosynthesis done to below 0° C.  As plant's use...

carbon dioxide is not the weather

Through prehistory the carbon dioxide has being metabolised by plants and bacteria to do biological molecular nuclear fusion. 1 CO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray) Week and go for a walk through a field of green crops in the daytime, when the sensitive Geiger counter, and measure the xray production.  That cease is as the light goes down.  First utilising infrared light at 80mn.  Green plants on land and C emitting a faint blue light and X rays. There being no biochemical source of the either!  We are doing the nuclear fusion from hydrogen ions bound up in water molecules.  The hydrogen ions bond to form helium, spitting out the surplus oxygen.  With To increase plant life around the Middle East and Africa week in use basic her level physics.  Plus or we fire up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light. All started the plasma will self sustain, burning a fantastically tiny v...