seas take in carbon dioxide
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Eat CO2 or die |
Except where we have sea ice covers seas, plant algae take in carbon dioxide to do photosynthesis. Does the present limit of two parts per million. Man carriers carbon emissions at just 0.0002% to the daily carbon dioxide.
Which is converted by plants on land and sea into additional plant biomass. Any rational scientist or politician, is aware that photosynthesis caps carbon dioxide to just two PPM.
1 mCO₂+(n_r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂Oₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)
The early earth had the same atmosphere as Mars. 98% carbon dioxide. Their own lives on earth got busy metabolising carbon dioxide. So into the cretaceous we had a 10 PPM carbon dioxide in the air.
The Cretaceous is split into two smaller time periods called epochs. The Early Cretaceous Epoch lasted from 145 million years ago to 100.5 million years ago and the Late Cretaceous Epoch lasted from 100.5 million years ago to 66 million years ago.
At the end of the cretaceous carbon dioxide fell to just one PPM. We then have the cretaceous mass extinction. Where 90% of life on earth died, caused by too little carbon dioxide.
Fans could only take in during the day he the carbon dioxide the release at night as the oxidise fats to get at the residual energy.
The VO2 and VCO2 data for 30 s of each exercise phase, before the respiratory quotient, was greater than that selected and substituted into the following equation to calculate the fat oxidation rate: Fat Oxidation Rate (g/min) = 1.67 ∗ VO2(L/min) − 1.67 ∗ LVCO2 (/min).18 Feb 2022
So take back in from the oxygen excreted during the day. I apply the carbon dioxide that is plant food. The existing cretaceous animals multiplied in numbers, and animals and plants have been in a dynamic balance ever scenes.
In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less evolved burn today, he probably did the photosynthesis done by verms. Which he RE at marginalised life forms.
They are at four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. In the warm Jurassic sea levels were 60 metres lower. Was 85% more active biological life on earth. Even though he was less evolved!
And crucially there were three natural ice ages. One lasting 1000 years, the longest ice age in the mineral record. Fast forward to the 20th century, and plant's leaves just two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air.
Interestingly enough, photosynthesis in the seas is why fish and plant land based plant life. Fine tuned to the chest at two PPM carbon dioxide in the air.
Recently apparently rational sientists having bribed the nuclear fiction with with also have been 400 PPM carbon dioxide in the air. Plans were just not allow it! Grass on land would return to grow three metres a day. So call a new trend setter the soil whither and die.
In the seas there is no such restriction of plant growth. So sea algae and sea weed would happily grow each day he and cellos just two PPM carbon dioxide left in the late afternoon air.
There are areas like myself Pacific, where minerals like phosphorous are in short supply. Sientists for a New Zealand have tried augmenting the phosphorus level. And caused an algael blue and it is toxic to fish life.
We just need to as low concentrations of phosphorus. And the C algae will suck Ian all the carbon dioxide we also learned about. Which nature already limits to just two PPM in the afternoon air around the earth.
400 PPM is just a biologically stupid! An remember building a nuclear power plant uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone to make the cement, for all their reinforced concrete.
Leading building a nuclear power plant is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Nuclear power is so very much not carbon zero. There releasing two years the Covent carbon dioxide from a commercially fired power plant, for 25 years. At which stage we have to demolish the nuclear plant, or we get another predictable Fukushima.
And all day every day 60% of the earth's surface is sea. Sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide for free. COP29 was focused on the first 12 a the third world to grow plants.
To sink carbon dioxide. This is the highest level of biological stupidity I have ever heard of. Today he plans on land and sea cap carbon dioxide to just two PPM.
Every arctic winter snow covers the land and sea ice covers the seas. The ceiling off the carbon dioxide from an active plant life. So EC is spike of carbon dioxide or to four PPM. So what happens to the weather?
It is not suddenly experience a temperature increase of 30° C. That is paid science fiction stupidity by nuclear power. Above the Antarctic ice cap we have -80° C - lowest natural temperatures on earth.
We could actually cite little green houses on the ice. Which five steam plasma tubes, which do molecular nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)
So the plasma tube shines like a little miniature sun. Suspended below aluminium flotation units, they will had heat light and even lower power X rays to the natural environment. Just like natural sunlight!
So we can convert the arctic circle into lash arable zone. The fossilised soil from prehistory is already beneath the ice. When the for the region's use to be nearer the equator,
My friend in America fired me up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder. Using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light. War started you will self sustain, while we had just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water to a plasma every year. He firm the liberated a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
He he your we desperately to answer best way to turn their heat into electricity. I did an engineering degree, and this is actually covered in my engineering lectures 1984.
We employing a 65 kW thermoelectric generator. The generator is only 13% efficient. A little steam turbine 50% - we get out ½ MW of electrical power.
The thermoelectric generator will produce mains linked voltage and phase AC current. The national grid will happily send us an annual check for 180,000 UK pounds in the UK.
The garage scientist can help rebuild their own plasma power unit. Costing under 2000 UK pounds. They could hire the generator produce 125 UK pounds. And then get a monthly payment of 15,000 UK pounds.
Hence the annual payment of 180,000. A millionaire's income! From the unit that he stag really easy to build using 1930s technology.
It they've rates no carbon dioxide. We do not even get any helium and oxygen gases. Which is get heat light and maybe lower power X rays. I know my local MP E for regular local government elections. Where I was not standing for the labour party!
We are nodding acquaintances. I really would like to drive up to her office in Salford and talk to her about these issues. Which I wanted her to raise in the house. Which should be raised in energy questions in the house of commons as a matter of urgency.
I have already E-mailed Ed Miliband repeatedly. The new labour energy and climate change minister. Like the rest of the climate change idiots around the world, they have nothing to say,
As the steam plasma releases just a had it light and maybe lower power X rays. No carbon dioxide. And nuclear power employs a room to talk scientific dribble about carbon dioxide.
Remembered today every Antarctic winter we have had twice the carbon dioxide level and over the self Antarctic ice cap. And the local air temperature of -80° C.
Biology teaches that photosynthesis proceeds every day, until carbon dioxide levels cap out at that two PPM. The temperate average around the earth. An indisputable biological facts man has no control over.
For life limited carbon dioxide to four PPM in the Jurassic. Where he before mankind had evolved! There was 85% more active biological life on earth, sea levels 60 metres lower.
Any rational person who is takin high school biology, is or where the plant's eat carbon dioxide. At university we learn down to two parts per million. There is no 400 PPM! Biological life would explode then with her die as it used up all the minerals.
There is no such constraint in the seas. Plant room for evolution to do photosynthesis down to two parts per million today. Life on land is largely incidental! 400 PPM is simply biologically impossible.
And remember every Antarctic winter four times the carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth, -80° C. Carbon dioxide rises in the cold! As natural photosynthesis on land and sea shuts down.
Paying the third world money would not increase the amount of plant life going on there. It would just make the first world poorer and the third world richer.
President Donald Trump has free a nursed his intention to withdraw from the climate conference. The major producer of carbon dioxide mankinds emissions, exiting stage left.
You've no doubt heard the phrase "exit stage left" before. I remember first hearing this as a child used in Hanna-Barbera cartoons where the character, Snagglepuss, would say it as he exited the scene. This phrase along will all other stage directions are important to understand in the world live events.20 Jan 2021
I always attributed to Shakespeare: as he invented most phrases. So biology E controls carbon dioxide. Man carriers carbon emissions of cancer just 0.0002%, of the carbon dioxide freed out by animals every day.
Falling in the gas plasma need to take Ian to grow! Not forgetting that nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. I am really should have shut the hell up about carbon dioxide before they said anything.
So now my steam plasma tube burns regular water into just heat light and X rays. Interestingly nuclear power running a steam turbine, which actually releases two much energy for heat input.
The steam turbine is 50% efficient. Nuclear power actually gets 10% more electricity, as the turbulence in the boiler room and turbine hall do physical molecular nuclear fusion.
So the steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. And releases no carbon dioxide. As it involves no carbon fuel burn. And requires more they fusion 18 billion of a nuclear power plant.
Which remember is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. And when the nuclear plants heat 25 years old they have to be demolished.
Every year operation since they started required 50 million after the win skill the incident of 1976. When really the required insurance should have been 100 billion. Because all the resulting deaths and radioactive contamination of cumbria.
The 1986 saw the Chernobyl incident in the Ukraine. Greenpeace is published that the required insurance cover should have been 40 billion. There being no available independent insurance cover above one billion.
And the nuclear consortia have to buy external insurance. But just do not bother. It be cheaper to bribed the nuclear regulators into inaction. These corporate crime in history.
Hence we got Chernobyl. Nuclear incidents turn to have been on the ferry frequent basis. 2010 I was in Brazil, as Japan experience the Fukushima incident in Tokeo.
Annual required insurance cover rose to 100 billion. Professor argent at Sheffield University, always said that my undergraduate essay on the are basically an insured nature of nuclear power, was the finest undergraduate essay he had ever received.
Sizewell B was built as an extension to Sizewell A which was then demolished. Taking its insufficient insurance cover with it. So every of operation the Kent nuclear PCW uranium power plant, operated without insurance. With the connivance of the bribed UK it national nuclear regulator. Every year the illegal!
The cure to fire in is the athletics sum although missing insurance. 25x 100 billion. 2.5 trillion. The flying O had by the nuclear consortia. Who was looking at Sixewell C, and so they realised in search of plant will be criminal he illegal and uninsured.
COP29 never acknowledged the development of the steam plasma, as a carbon zero heat source. Which is seeing the crude our price sink to $68.00. Nuclear power loses money when oil is below $100 a barrel.
But the biggest problem is although missing insurance. Which I have firstly alerted the European Court of human rights to. With they will be demanding that EDF purges at 100 billion of annual insurance cover for each of the or 200 French nuclear plants.
There being no possible source of insurance above one billion, the nuclear regulator is under the legal imperative to issue immediate stop orders or all global nuclear reactors.
A key and hit the big red button. And they will never restart! Nuclear power is dead - as it should have been 1984, after my university essay. Which borrowed heavily from a leaflet I got from Greenpeace.
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