climate change just wrong
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Climate Change nuclear fiction |
Global warming was devised by nuclear power, to try and justify its existence after the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Hypothesising that carbon dioxide warned the weather.
As the climate calls and warms every 28 years. 28 years of climatic warming for that inevitably by 28 years of global cooling.
Nothing to do with man! All down to predictable solar emission cycles. So all the planets were in a natural warming phase until 1995. Included Mars which has 98% carbon dioxide in the air.
The same as the earth before photosynthesis evolved in the cretaceous. As being an to the cretaceous the predecessor to photosynthesis left 10 parts per million (10 PPM) carbon dioxide in the terrestrial temperate earth.
Then photosynthesis got busy, green plants' and sea algae taking in carbon dioxide air to the air. And converting it into plant biomass.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O→(Cā(H₂O)ā+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
My friend at university loved these equations. Which are caused non deterministic chemically equations. Where you replace the algebraic lower letter with a number. They always did my head in!
So we suck in loads of carbon dioxide from the air, to enter the present limit of just two PPM. And we bonded with regular water molecules, to they are the carbohydrates of life - excrete NG the surplus oxygen molecules and taking in energy. So the formation of carbohydrates is not sientistists term emdothermic.
Such reactions do not happen naturally in nature! We need to add heat and probably pressure in the laboratory. But we have the plant doing biological molecular nuclear fusion - r(...)
We turn regular water into helium and oxygen gas with massive heat. At the same time emitting a faint blue light and even X rays. As you go for a walk in the countryside during the day, a field of green crops gives out X ray radiation.
Physics has taught students work of a centuries at the emission of visible light and X rays is only possible from nuclear reactions. And here we have no source of radioactive decay!
We are turning regular water, ā±H₂O, in the presence or ultraviolet light (about 80 nm in Weymouth) entire helium and oxygen gas. Plus massive heat, and a faint blue light and X rays.
So green plants on land and C during the day are busy doing biological molecular nuclear fusion. Which has never been studied! Though it is just so important to life on earth.
Building the carbohydrates of plant biomass, and excrete NG the dangerous atomic compound of oxygen. The free radical oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules, to form the ozone we have all smelt around the countryside or breaking waves.
2 O₂+O→O₃
We are not aware of high dangerous ozone is. It obliterated most early life on earth. We are left with the oxygen tolerant organisms.
Growing green plants released X rays. Which bond with the carbon 12, to for the isotope of carbon 14.
3 ā±²C+2X-ray→ā±⁴C the basis for carbon dating! As a carbon 14 as 1/2 life of 5000 years, so you can measure the isotope ratio and work out whether plant was last alive. It is complicated by running water also releasing X rays, as the shelf bay and all four and the water flow does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
Worse still peat bogs also released X rays as the water flow through their feet again does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
So artefacts buried within living memory 50 years ago, cancer out the carbon date are 2000 BC. So carbon dates are almost random! We preferably ones that date stamped coin, or datable technology.
We could actually normalised for local xray production, via also getting the phosphorus date.
The atomic number of radioactive phosphorus is 15:
Explanation: The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. Phosphorus has an atomic number of 15, regardless of whether it's radioactive or not.
So carbon dates are just horrendously unreliable. And all the academic papers quoting carbon dates need editing. To explain the local X-ray level warps the carbon isotope ratio.
My PH D supervisor at Sheffield University, conceded 2005 that life has evolved around the earth, to leave just a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate daytime air. This scientific insight of the late emeritus Professor Bernard Argent.
So prof Z went away to think of another reason for climate change. And never got back to me. During the last 11.2 thousand years photosynthesis on land and sea has left just a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the Earth's temperate there.
Her too much scientific research is funded by the climate change lobby. Where the money goes back to nuclear power, and national governments. The partitions having no insight into science.
Nuclear power has chosen to ignore since 1986, its only enormous carbon production. In the two years our power plant construction, the fossil fuel burn on limestone and is used to produce the cement for its reinforced concrete.
So in the two years our power plant construction, a nuclear power plant releases the carbon equivalent of operating a commercially fired nuclear power plant for 25 years. After 25 years we demolish the nuclear plant.
We can simply apply a commercially fired power station, using plasma cylinders. Around the world every 3 minutes there is a natural lightening strike. Set up by heavy rain or snow storms doing physical molecular nuclear fusion.
4 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray
So the term and interaction of snow or rain particles over 1 W in intensity, turns a miniscule volume of regular water molecules into a helium and oxygen gases, with energy and X rays.
Which is why rain or snow storms warm the air. And geography has recorded that heavy storms give out heat and X rays. And free use a trouble some helium gas - of which there is no chemical source.
And the production of us some atomic charged particles make storms feel electric. Hence Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity or flying a kite in a storm.
Franklin's experiment demonstrated the connection between lightning and electricity. To dispel another myth, Franklin's kite was not struck by lightning. If it had been, he probably would have been electrocuted, experts say. Instead, the kite picked up the ambient electrical charge from the storm.12 Jun 2017
The positive charge collects above the clouds layer. The negative charge falls with electrons to the ground. You could probably measure the accumulation of negative charge an insulated metal roof.
And though as mentioned above green plants growing in lights release free radical oxygen and X rays. There being no biochemical source of visible light or X rays. So nature does so much nuclear fusion on earth.
There is actually six PPM helium in the temperate air. Lost to space within 24 hours. And replaced by nuclear fusion on land or as the deep sea currents have water in turbulent flow air.
5 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray
Hence the formation of ozone and by the deep sea currents. And the release of helium and emission of X rays, of which there are no chemical sources. Amazingly enough no scientific study has been done into this physical molecular nuclear fusion, going on continuously around the earth.
Adding 10⁴⁰W of energy to the energy that nature it gets daily. It only gets 10⁶⁰W from direct sunlight. Brett was so interested 2018, that he firing up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder.
Using the high voltage electronics from a secondhand fluorescent light, to fire up the plasma. Which will self sustain for the rest or eternity. So a jolt of the electricity at 10th 1000 volts, 0.0001 amps.
We fire up a lightening strike in a glass cylinder. Enclosed so it does not blow itself out! There is a lightening does. He got a carbon zero 1 MW of heat from a 30x1.5 plasma cylinder.
The plasma it turns water molecules into positive ions and free electrons. The hydrogen positive ions close bond with a free electrons, which is not orbitting safely!
6 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰
Neutron star or is are the longest lasting energy sources in the universe. As two neutrons bond to releases just heat though intensity light and X rays.
7 2ā±n⁰→E²+L+X-ray
The ultimate carbon zero heat source in the universe. Brett's plasma tube releases a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. Utilising just 10⁻ā±⁶cc of regular water a year.
Company is can hire a little steam turbine for 1,300 UK pounds a month. Converting the 1 MW of carbon zero heat, into ½ MW of three phase mains AC linked current. Linking the AC phase and voltage.
Getting a fair amount from the national grid of 15,000 UK pounds a month. Quite a payback! Home use is could hire a 65 kilowatt thermoelectric generator. Which has a 13% efficiency.
So you are 1 MW of heat into 65 kW of three phase AC linked current. Annual payment from the national grid of 180,000 UK pounds a year. 15,000 UK pounds a month. What a payback!
And we produce a carbon zero mains electricity for between eight and 40 houses. Depending on daily energy demand. And we cease to burn or oil or gas to freeze C electricity.
And no nuclear substances required all produced! The plasma burning regular water into carbon zero heat direct. Actually burning fossil fuels already does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
8 CāHā+pO₂+spark→(mCO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray) gas=CH₄ p=m+r
Which is why a flame so fossil fuels cure so much heat, light and even X rays. And the gas exiting the flame, says helium and free radical oxygen. Which again Prix uses ozone gas as it bonds with molecular oxygen.
So a flame of gas or oil already does nuclear fusion on earth. It generated temperature of 800° C. Defending on flame pressure!
Or medicine at nicely five physics and geography. Geography having written extensively about lightening.
So families can use our 30 CM in the cellar or attic. To free use all the carbon zero heat for local area, and 65 kW of carbon free mains electricity.
With no or oil or gas flame. Which explains why all prices are crashing and today. Term for $120 per barrel 18 months ago. To $68.00 a barrel last time I looked.
And gas burning also does our physical molecular nuclear fusion. Which is to is so interesting. But our lightening strike and via a contained steam plasma, is a massive carbon zero heat source.
Which engineers can easily convert into mains AC electricity. Again totally carbon free. I am really depending on my local MP Rebecca long Bailey, labour MP for salford and a Eccles, to raise this issue with Ed Miliband during the next energy questions in the house of commons.
Ed is a labour minister for energy and climate change. Who will be so fascinated to hear of a massive carbon zero heat production. And he will have witnessed a lightening strike in nature, so seen nature doing carbon zero heat and light production.
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