carbon zero power free

180,000 every year

In actual fact it pays a small fortune!  An involves no radioactive materials.  Around the world there are heavy rain or snow storms.  Which releases heat and radioactivity, and converts some other water molecules in the rain or snow, into helium and oxygen gases the massive heat and even maybe low power X rays.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+(X-ray)+Lir

Who is university geography departments have written terse academic papers, about the release of helium and oxygen ions, plus free electrons with heat and lower power X rays from regular rain or snow storms.

Nature is constantly doing molecular nuclear fusion all around the earth.  Which is why there is so much helium in the global air, lost to space within 24 hours.  And replaced the next day.

I knew about these 1984.  Of of the that was busy putting my master's degree in engineering, so that it had to are the engineers to sort out.  The production of helium and X rays is only possible from radioactive processes.

We have no source of radioactive decay, so we must be doing nuclear fusion.  2005 the late Professor Bernard Argent named this process molecular nuclear fusion.  Where we are doing nuclear fusion from hydrogen or house in compounds, and spitting out there as the water molecule.

So nature is constantly doing nuclear fusion in the free air around the earth.  Even in the magnetic dipoles at the north and south poles, down to -80° C.

We can send us and to be party to the poles with a Geiger counter and gas something equipment.  And measure this natural nuclear fusion today.  Going on for free - no 18 billion engineer plant required.

I started screaming at my engineering contacts to fire me up a steam plasma 2018.  But it took Brett in America to fire me up a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma, using the high voltage electronics from a all fluorescent light to fire up the plasma.

2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)

Here the helium and oxygen ions have been found by the turbulence within the plasma, into yet more heat light and X rays.  He got off a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

We have no boiler room burning of a carbon fuel.  So no coal, oil or gas use involved.  Which is why the old price use internal free four!

Brett acemi the best way to turn light heat into electrical power.  We use a commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator.

We pass air over them are plasma cylinder.  And he rises and passes through the generator as massively hot air.  Somewhere between 800 and 2,000° C.  And allying the threat did not give me this date.

The generator produces 65 kW of ER three phase mains AC current.  Technically we convert the DC current into mains linked AC phase and voltage.  Producing the standard three phase is used, to perform the current carrying power of electrical cables.

The world utilises AC current, as the heat produced for electricity current is given by

2 E=IR² the power for the GMC is given by P=VI

AC current to those tall for its DC current, into a 250 volts AC current.  Where we reduce the current, I buys 2000.

So we reduce our power loss transmitting they lead to see through power cables, by 2000.  Then in the course so device, we rectify this AC current back into DC current.

Which is why cancers AC current was fantastic for transmitting power.  But he lost out to Bell he relied on DC current, but was oath so salesman.

Then the bell went over to AC current distribution.  Including the 10th 1000 volts main power grid units.  AC current so much better to transmit.  Setting of fuel in|years.

So our thermoelectic generator will give us three phase electrical current.  Turning a 1 MW our carbon zero heat, into only 65 kW of three phase AC current.  But the generator casts 1500 UK pounds.

A small half megawatts steam turbine will convert are 1 MW of heat into ½ MW of three phase electrical power.  But costing 12,000 UK pounds.  Engineering concerns will already have standby generators are also are interaction when the grid fails.

Were place the diesel burn and with a steam plasma cylinder.  And guess is as 6 to 5 kW of carbon zero electricity.  We utilised 20 kW during the day he to run the manufacturing company.

At night we sell all 65 kW to the National Power grid.  Who transforming into 10th 1000 volts AC current, and transmitted almost mass free around the country.

65 kW of electrical power walls give us an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds annually.  That's right the power people pay us for our excess carbon zero power.

So the plasma power plant can be set up for under 2000 UK pounds.  I generate an annual income of 15,000 UK pounds a month!  So after a month we buy a steam turbine another little steam plasma, and start earning or 45 million UK pounds a year.

And you are probably noticed, no carbon fuel burn!  So no carbon dioxide released.  The gas which stimulates local plant growth on land and temperate sea.  Above the polar ice In winter photosynthesis shuts down.

As snow covers the land and sea ice covers the seas.  Carbon dioxide levels double to four PPM: plant's limit carbon dioxide in the afternoon air around the temperate earth, to just two PPM today.

In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less efficient.  So left four PPM carbon dioxide in the Jurassic Air.  There was 85% more life on earth to a Jurassic.  Sea levels 60 metres lower.  The golden time of her us prehistory!

We had twice the carbon dioxide level in the air.  And you could four quite happily from France to England.  Which the animals did.  There were actually prehistoric Lions roaming England!

Though mankind evolved, and his group the Jurassic had three natural ice ages .

hunting using spheres decimated F Bio diversity.  Wiping out the prehistoric animals.

Within the ice age carbon dioxide double to eight PPM.  Four times today's levels!  Warm the ice ages lasted 1000 years - the long this glacier Asian on mineral record.  We are four times the carbon dioxide or we have in the temperate air today.

Plans converts extra carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life within 5 minutes.  Strictly capping free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth at just two PPM two a.

House owners can set up a little plasma power units in the cellar or attic.  And cancer the a 65 kW of carbon zero three phase electricity.  Giving an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.

Without any carbon fuel burn!  The plasma burns water molecules into just heat light and maybe lower power X rays.

Brett got my 30cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder, this a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat, 2020.  And presumably is away being year multi millionaire!  No gas or oil burning involved.

And deftly no dangerous coal mining required!  Carbon zero electricity is fantastically simple to produce.  And generates an massive tax free income.


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