carbon the most static gas

Daddy, the air is xonstabt

The global weather has been cooling naturally since 1995, down to predictable 28 year periods of natural warming and cooling caused by predictable solar emission variations.  Mars has 98% carbon dioxide in the Martian Air, and has been cooling naturally since 1995.

Nuclear power has been trying to justify its continued existence, on its lack of production of carbon dioxide!  This is simplistic rubbish!

Building a uranium nuclear power plant uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to freeze the cement required from that roomfuls concrete.  The nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions, while actually building power plants.

Since Chernobyl in 1986 every uranium nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion.  Rising to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010: there being no source of insurance cover above one billion!

All for 122 uranium nuclear power plants operating criminally under insured.  There national nuclear regulators have the legal imperative to force to shut down all uranium nuclear power.

All 200 plants in the U.S. and France!  Sizewell B in the UK he has never has the required nuclear insurance cover!  For which reason there will never be a Sizewell C.

But every day around the temperate earth in the light, plant's eat carbon dioxide, to are the carbohydrates of plant biomass.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cā‚˜(H₂O)ā‚™+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X0ray)

So plant's filled carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.  Which have no weather effect!  I weather is made in the stratosphere where there is been a constant 2.5 parts per million/m³, says the gas was ejected there by explosive volcanic eruptions in the cretaceous.

As we entered the cretaceous we had 10 parts per million carbon dioxide in the global air.  We had three natural ice ages - so the first cretaceous ice age had 20 PPM carbon dioxide.  Easily determine the wall by a mineral analysis!  Using phosphorus dating of the rocks.  As carbon dates are only good for the first 5000 years.

Has four to the Jurassic and we have four PPM carbon dioxide in the Jurassic air.  We had three natural ice ages, the carbon dioxide rose to eight PPM.  One ice age and lasting 1000 years!  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas.

Today around the temperate earth plant's sinc carbon dioxide down to two PPM.  Extra carbon emissions being converted into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes, using 1.

For last 11.2 thousand years, the temperate afternoon carbon dioxide level has been fixed at just two PPM.  99.9998% of carbon dioxide from animal respiration.

Plants and animals are in a dynamic balance, at the end of cretaceous photosynthesis had evolved, and carbon dioxide levels fell to just one PPM around the temperate earth in the daytime.

Which resulted in 90% of biological life dying: the biggest mass extinction in prehistory!  Bigger than the death of the dinosaurs.  Which only killed 85% of biological life.

The Jurassic Air four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  85% more biological life and he is alive today.  Term percent more oxygen, and crucially sea levels were 60 metres lower in the one periods.

There being a again three natural ice ages!  The carbon dioxide to eight PPM.  The carbon dioxide reacts to the wax and wane of biological life, which reacts to predictable solar emission cycles.

Carbon dioxide does not make the weather!  It reacts to the natural weather changes.  Every arctic winter today we have four PPM carbon dioxide - twice the temperate limit.

And the grass are four ice We have the coldest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.  We've had twice the carbon dioxide level of the temperate earth!

Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas.  The solution is staggeringly simple.  My American friend validated that 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma freeze a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

If we hire a 1250 dollar steam turbine, this will generate a constant ½ MW of carbon zero AC current: three phase electrical supply, synchronise to the mains voltage and frequency, and obviously the AC phase!

Your all for the income from the national grid of 15,000 UK pounds.  We obviously apply he the steam turbine month one and are then on to the annual income of 145 million.

So all medium sized engineering firms can produce massive excess carbon zero electricity.  The home santis can use a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator.

That will provide an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  15,000 pounds to every month!  So obviously after a month one we buy a steam turbine.  And are on to the annual income of 1.5 million.  For that lovely carbon zero heat and electricity!

A 39cm steam plasma will provide us with an annual monthly income of 15 thousand UK pounds.  Nice!  180,000 UK pounds for saving life on earth!  We are producing carbon zero electricity.

2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) my friend did not even, if we produce any X rays of visible light.  We do produce the annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  For all that lovely zero carbon electricity!

Without any use of production of radioactive materials.  So we need no impossible insurance cover of 100 billion.  A quick tap with electric hammer collapses the plasma.  There is no runaway!  No triple core meltdown, as experience by uranium nuclear power plant every 25 years around the world.

Which use bank that lovely income of 15,000 UK pounds a month.  But totally non nuclear carbon zero electricity system.  Using 1930s published science!  An almost embarrassingly easy.

All the santis and the people are obsessed with the nuclear funded global warming!  Even though the world static cooling naturally in 1995.  Manmade climate change is actually nuclear speak for natural global cooling.

Nothing to do with a static trace of carbon dioxide in the air!  The remember above the arctic ice packs every winter, carbon dioxide doubles to four PPM as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.  The simplest way for man kind to tap into molecular nuclear fusion, is to fire winner my steam plasmas!

My American friend got 1 MW of carbon zero heat from a 30 CM steam plasma.  They shows no fossil fuel burn!  Utilising and producing no radioactive materials.  Which to why is this appointing, as term percent of my master's degree was concerned with radioactivity!

A steam plasma is a carbon zero non nuclear heat system.  The thermoelectric generator was device and 1930s.  To turn heat directly into electrical power were 13% efficiency.

So our 1500 UK pounds thermoelectric generator will freeze a 65 kW of carbon zero, non nuclear electricity.

Meanwhile you a nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions!  Which again boost plant growth!  Being turn into plant carbohydrates within 5 minutes.

Our steam plasma produces no solid radioactive waste!  Or matches burnt off into heat light, and maybe low power X rays.  The to produce from your beating animal hearts.

3 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O)+dp/dT→CH₄+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

Which is why biology are free use papers about you are breathing out methane and free radical oxygen gases.  Also are freezing helium and X rays.  Of which there is no chemical source!

I ever trained metallurgist and so chemist.  And not a biologist!  Though he biology is published academic papers about your hearts producing helium and oxygen gases.  And family and aware that there are no chemical sources of helium!  ExceptHe₂F - of which there is none in the human body.

So your heart does biological molecular nuclear fusion.  The simplest way for man to tap into this carbon zero Energy System is are the steam plasma.  A 15cm steam plasma freeze a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Which the thermoElectric generator turns into a constant 6 to 5 kW of mains three phase current.

An annual income of 180,000 UK pounds!  As the free use a carbon zero electricity for between 20 and eight houses: depending on daily electricity demand!

For showing a large carbon zero.

But still the sinc he will be obsessed about carbon dioxide!  As nuclear power pays them to be obsessed.  There was fourth largest source of carbon emissions!  He really should have shut up about carbon dioxide 1986.

A steam plasma produces no solid radioactive waste.  And has no nuclear core, to experience a triple core meltdown.  A totally non nuclear carbon zero source.

And let us not forget the home user gets our annual income of 180,000 UK pounds: spend the money wisely, charities are always looking for donations!


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