winter power that pays

Carbon 0 pays

This came to the ideas of Dr Z, at Sheffield University 2000-.  Here abruptly ended my PH D studies as I've published my first document on nuclear fusion on earth.  But in the last 20 years my ideas have evolved.

Every 3 minutes around the world heavy rain or snow does nuclear fusion in the open air.

1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray named molecular nuclear fusion by professor Argent.  Who was for ever trying to tell other academics, that plants take in carbon dioxide to grow home.

Around the temperate earth in daylight hours photosynthesis on land and sea converts the extra carbon dioxide released at nights, building the carbohydrates of life, and leaving just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the daytime air from 10:20 AM.

So for last 11.2 thousand years around the temperate earth, there has been a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the daytime air, A static trace gas affects nothing!

In the arctic winter there is no photosynthesis on the snow covers land and ice covered seas.  And we have four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  And the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

Down to -80° C over the Antarctic ice cap.  Really we would like to melt the arctic ice, so the coal water flows back naturally to the equator at 3° C.  Rising as it warms in the equatorial sunlight, but calling down the hot lands.

They got intrigued 2005 as I learned there was a natural lightening bolt every 3 minutes in the air somewhere around the world.  Where nature is doing natural physical molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+3e⁻+O⁺+E²+X-ray

So nature is using the turbulent interaction of snow or rain particles, in the open air to do nuclear fusion.  Where the positive atomic nuclei the rise to above the clouds layer.  And the negative charge is carried to the ground by the electrons.

So heavy storms costly doing nuclear fusion around the earth.  Employing no radioactive substances, involving no 18 billion power plant, all for free.

I have evolved this stuff to Ed Milliband previously with no reaction.  I need to cover this message to Clark Matfarlane, he used to be chairman of Siemens UK.  And now I have eyes is the UK government on energy stuff and in particular nuclear fusion.

During my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000- Dr. Z got me interested in the idea of his uncle from Columbia University.  That the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion.  As goes on in a working steam engine.

3 H₂O+P+TU+O₂→He+O₃+E²+X-ray

So a working steam turbine he my practical experience 1984, pMacFarlaneroduces a miniscule volume of helium and ozone gases.  The production of helium and X rays is particularly troubling.

As this tells us a commercially fired steam turbine actually does nuclear fusion continuously.  To increase the energy output from a steam turbine we should have met the pressure of the steam cycle.

An aluminium a steam turbine is working pressure so close to the melting point of the nickel alloy.  Which you care the turbine blades in a thick Nickle plate, and can double the pressure of the steam cycle.  An increase of fire generation by a factor of four.

My supervisor was American, and also my head from an American contact that he had fired me up a 30x1.5cm steam turbine in a glass cylinder.  Which he did not pressurise!

I have already calculated that a 1mx2cm steam turbine should release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  Clarck he can get the engineers at Siemens to practically confirmed this results.

Where 25 such steam plasmas will run 100 MW power plant all year, off 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  Conventional power generation, with no fossil fuel burn.  So no carbon dioxide generation.

My friend validated by the 30 cm steam turbine release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Fed into a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator, will get out a constant 65 kW of carbon 03 phase AC current.

The UK National grid will happily pay us over 180,000 UK pounds every year.  From the plasma power plant in a garden shed or cellar/or attic.

This is a millionaire's income.  From two little water ever to measure in a lifetime.  Generating no life enhancing carbon dioxide: which stimulates plant growth locally.  No possible climate effect!  Times the present limit of just two PPM.

In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less evolved, are four PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  Sea levels were 19 metres lower.  There was 85% more biological life on earth.

And the three natural ice ages - cause five predictable solar emission variations.  One ice ages lasted 1000 years - the biggest glaciation on mineral record.  With eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

Today he every arctic winter we have double the carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth.  And the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

So has downs can employ the 15 cm steam plasma, an employee a 1500 UK pound thermoelectric generator to give us a 65 kW of three phase linked AC current.  Linked to the mains voltage and phase.

Your bank manager is going to be so happy, that the a massive income.  Which I would recommend getting fed directly into your bank account, as walking around in a check for 180,000 UK pounds is not very safe.

The UK only needs 45 GW of electrical power, which are then used 5000 plasma power units.  Which engineers can make and sell!  Siemens are probably the ideal choice.

Not least because Clarck was on my degree course at Sheffield University 1982.  A nice guy.  Who fortune he did not suffer a near fatal car accident like me.

So a plasma burn is twice as energetic has molecular nuclear fusion.  While the plasma burns the positively charged atomic nuclei, into yet more hydrogen ions and free electrons.

Which you end up as massive heat light and lower power X rays.  Lovely carbon zero heat production.  Which Sheffield University were very upset about.

As manmade global warming was the big cash cow funding science education.  Where the money active came from nuclear power.  Ironically enough uranium nuclear power uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone to produce cement.

For all its reinforced concrete why uranium nuclear fission power plant.  Making an active nuclear power plant building programme mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.

A plasma power plant generates vanish in the little carbon dioxide.  Then runs for ever there any carbon dioxide generation.  Hence 2018 the now professor Z was a way of trying to invent a reason for climate change of them carbon dioxide.

He five carbon dioxide was globally linked by a photosynthesis.  No climate effect.  So really manmade climate change is biologically impossible stupid paid science fiction from the paid phones two uranium nuclear power.

Any academic ever having written a paper on manmade global warming or climate change, obviously totally unsuited to a career in education at any level.  Even a primary school milk round every day, which were abolished by Margaret Thatcher.


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