Free winter heat and power

Free and Carbon 0

A 30 CM steam plasma set up by using a fluorescent light starter, will provide almost maintenance free heat and electricity all carbon zero.  With a truly massive income.

Nuclear Fusion By Waterfall

Nuclear Fusion By Waterfall

ByJonathan M Thomason

Published Mar 1, 2013


3.00 GBP
18 Feb 2024 — The forecast reads: "A generally unsettled pattern is most likely through to early March bringing spells of rain across all areas at times, ...


Every 3 minutes around the world every rain or snow storms set up the 5000 volts potential difference.  With 100 amps of current we term in the cloud tops and the ground.  As the turbulence, TU of the precipitation does physical molecular nuclear fusion/

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

So storms create helium ions, of which there is no chemical source.  And although a positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the electrons carry the negative charge to the ground.

Which is why rain or snow storms feel electric!  In rain or snow storms we also it get the chaotic interaction of water molecules.  Breaking them apart!

2 H₂O+P+TU→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

Physics gets very excited her and that the turbulent interaction of hydrogen ions and free electrons.  This is basic high school physics.

We set up a steam plasma, sets up for all that chaotic interaction of ions.  The steam plasma is a 1.5x2cm partial steam plasma.  Which stretches down from the cloud tops to the ground.

3 H₂O+P+TU→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻→He²+O+E+X-ray so carbon free Energy System producing inert helium and oxygen.

but we also seeing they chaotic interaction of high June ions and free electrons.

4 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

A natural neutron source

Physics World › a-natural-neutron-source

19 Oct 2017 — One is that neutrons are neutral and therefore do not affect the electric fields of the lightning leaders or the overall thunderstorm. Their ...

So a non nuclear source of neutrons!  Geography has noted that lightening strikes spits out neutrons.  An even produce helium ions!  Physics has never explained it.

At this stage Brett did me some experiments, he firm that a 13x1.5 steam plasma give her a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  The temperature would have been in the range 800 to 2000° C.  He didn't tell me!

So here is almost limitless free carbon zero heat.  Technically the plasma burning just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  Basically we never have to top up the steam pressure.  Not for 1000 years!

So the first of all, we pass air across the steam plasma cylinder.  And through the central heating system.  In place of burn and or oil or gas!

After the boiler the steam is still hot enough to drive a thermoelectric generator.  Which will produce 65 kW of carbon zero, three phase mains AC current.  We only need 8 kW on Christmas day.

We sell our excess current to national grid, who happily send us an annual check for 180,000 UK pounds.  So carbon zero heat electricity that pays big time!  And features no oil or gas burn.  And certainly no use of radioactive isotopes.  Present uranium nuclear power requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion, per 100 MW power plant.

They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million, appropriate before windscale in 1978.  Which resulted in the renaming of the cumbrian nuclear plant as Selotape - sorry Sellafield,

Which requires annual insurance cover of 50 billion for Chernobyl in 1976.  Rising to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010.  All 422 uranium nuclear power plants operating with criminal under insurance.  In contravention of their planning consent.

The national nuclear regulators have the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth.

Making utilise our steam plasma, 30cm giving us our 1 MW of heat.  The thermoelectric the generator giving us an ice 65 kW our carbon zero electricity.  And following a centrally to all the heat it needs.

Without any oil or gas burner and totally carbon zero.  So rather free power, it pays us a massive fortune of 180,000 UK pounds every year.

So of course we replace all gas burning with a little steam plasma cylinder.  When you burn no over priced oil either.

The user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light to fire up the plasma.  As Brett found in the U.S..  And the plasma is shine is basically for all time, until the earth is followed by the sun in are only four billion years time.

Or from a level physics and details from published physics on the Internet.  Which is basic A level physics.

Or worse than we have no desire to burn fossil fuels.  Which them cells two chemical molecular nuclear fusion.

5 CH₄+(2+r)O₂+flame→CO₂+2H₂O-E+r(He+O+L+E²+X-ray) hence the emission of X rays for that plants and burner.  Which is actually doing nuclear fusion!

So basically nuclear fusion is all around and even within us.  Which causes our heart to give out radiation as it beats.

6 H₂O+dP/dT+P→He+O+E²+X-ray animal biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Which actually makes biology the world's experts into nuclear fusion on earth.

So we fire up our 30cm steam plasma, and get a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  And generate 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  The end of over priced oil and gas.  Any reason or garage scientist can set up the steam plasma centre the into a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator.

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And get at free heat and electricity this winter.  Without any massive power bills!

Chill Factore is the ultimate destination for indoor skiing and snowboarding in the UK. Chill Factore is the UK's largest indoor snow centre, located in Mancheste


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