Rain does nuclear fusion


Lightening is nature doing nuclear fusion

The turbulence within a heavy rain or snow storms, does physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Into helium and oxygen gases, there are massive heat and X rays.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+Lf+X-ray the source of the X rays, light flashes and massive heat we hear from storms.  So ironically enough snow storms warm the air!  Which is why it's no ten's not to stick, until we are below -10° C.  Lf is light flash illumination.

The turbulence is above 1 W, the fourth required to cause hydrogen ions to fuse into helium.  University geography departments have written academic papers that heavy storms creating helium and X rays!  Only possible with nuclear reactions.

And here we are refusing hydrogen into helium!  Which professor Argent named molecular nuclear fusion: brightest smile I ever did meat.

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, which acts as a great Laden charge collector.

The negative charge falls to ground!  Which is why heavy storms feel electric!  And we do a spooky light flash illumination!

So nature is continuously doing nuclear fusion in the air around the earth, and Io.  But heavy storms on earth are a lot easier to study.

When we have an electric charge of 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a lightening down strike.  The lightening bolt releases light flashes, they also or X rays and massive heat.  Geography has noted that every light flash use witha 1.5x2cm partial steam plasma.

That produces five tonnes of helium ions!  Our wishes no chemical source.  And in the open air no source of radioactive decay.

2 ⁱH₂O+P+Ef→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+X-ray+E² Ef= electric field

So lightening again does physical molecular nuclear fusion!  Continuously around the earth.  Every 3 minutes there is a lightening strike, set up by their heavy rain or snow showers.

So it goes off quite happily at -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap in winter.  Or -50° C above the north pole!  As opposed to all the warm sea currents, Carries heat towards the north pole.

All this physics I had to learn!  Over the Internet!  My master's degree is in engineering and metallurgy, specializing in radioactivity!

That ⁱH₂O is for six speak for life water.  But with lightning we get the interaction of the X rays were other water molecules.  Which are leased to the enrichment of the hydrogen!  Like with the turbulent flow and of high pressure reservoir water.

3 ⁱH₂O+P+TU→³H₂O T> 1 W

At this stage I got some help from an American friend.  Who fired me up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  And got out a constant carbon 01 megawatt of heat.

4 ⁱH₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray E²= 1 MW our carbon zero heat.

So we have a controllable constant heat source!  We feed that heat into a small steam turbine, they can be rented for under 1300 UK pounds a month.  It will generate ½ MW of mains linked AC current: we match the mains voltage and phase!

Compare and contrast with the row of oil and gas burners, the only produces 45 kW of heat from a one metre runner.  Producing massive amounts of carbon dioxide, that stimulates local plant growth on land and sea.  Sucking the carbon dioxide air to the air!

It never rises to the stratosphere where our weather is made.  Which has a constant 2.5 parts per million, free and the constant throughout all history!

5 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+P+TU+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+E+X-ray)

The plant does photosynthesis in the pressurise plant photo blast.  Where the regular water ⁱH₂O is in turbulent flow around the biological capitalist of chlorophyll.

So photosynthesis does biological molecular nuclear fusion!  Producing helium and free radical oxygen.

6 O+O₂→O₃ the ozone rises to the ozone layer, where he is protects multi cellular life on earth, most arising effect of naked cellar radiation.  Augmented by the earth's magnetic field!

Which inverts periodically, causing a mass extinction one their naked cellar radiation blasts the earth.

Your beating hearts also does physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Producing a lower power X rays, you can detect with a regular sensitive Geiger counter.

7 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+dP/dT→(CH₄+O₂-E)+r(He+O+X-ray)

So energy was sitting there you breathe out methane and helium gases, as though the oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules to form ozone.  Which are also breathe out!

And there is no chemical source of X rays!  So your heart is busy doing nuclear fusion.  As a nuclear fission is to toxic for life!  Your from being a high June ions from adjacent water molecules, to form helium ions!  U are a nuclear device!

Locally BX rays are decidedly low power!  As harmless as those produced by a pan coming to the boil.  Which does physical molecular nuclear fusion.  The bubbles rising collapsing interact at above 1 W where the liquid water molecules in the power.

Brett's 30cm steam plasma gives us a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Hiring the steam turbine, which use access to a monthly income of 50,000 UK pounds.

So month one we pay off the turbine!  And get an annual income a warm 0.5 million UK pounds.  The carbon zero electricity for beating 150 and 400 houses, depending on demand!

And that lovely annual check for 1.5 million!  Use it wisely.  Charities are plasma spits for donations.  To do useful stuff on earth!


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